posted on Feb, 28 2011 @ 06:13 PM
While I realize that I have contributed little to this site, I have been a long term lurker, and thus, witnessed the departure of several major
contributors for which, in my opinion, made ATS was it was. They do pop in every now and again, yet, the whole site has changed with the recognition
that it has received over the past couple of years. This, is indeed a good thing, that being that those of us are now being heard in a forum that
started out small. However, in the same token of that which grows must need that to feed that which grows, and hopefully , continues to grow until we
no longer need such forums. I think we should all be thankful that we have people who have taken the time to start such an idea, where you and I can
come together and release, express, and for the most part DEBATE that which is on our minds, COLLECTIVELY.....I don't think the newer members realize
or respect that.
If the site owners realized a viable gold mine in the early days of this coming to fruition....I absolutely applaud them as it does indeed show what
it is that debate quite a bit about........FREEDOM and THE ABILITY to do so on ones accord.
Please take a moment to reflect as to why and how it is that you have been able to come to this site and express that which you feel, without scrutiny
in most forms of the term........
Also, take into accord the fact that if you had this opportunity to make such a site and / or profit from it...would you not?