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Originally posted by simone50m
reply to post by karl 12
Does anyone in Ufology know what became of Charles Hickson? I hung out with him for a time, at the Eureka Springs Ozarks annual Ufo Conference back in (I can't remember what year exactly) late 1980's-to-abouts-1991 maybe it was 1990. I have some pics of him from there. Nice little old guy. Very meek and nice...
You do mean the pilots ere never heard from again?
Originally posted by karl 12
Pretty infamous unexplained UFO incident from Puerto Rico in 1980 - the pilots report witnessing a 'weird' object which made them change course three times and were never heard from again.
Originally posted by Pimander
You do mean the pilots ere never heard from again?
Originally posted by Pimander
I find Puerto Rico a fascinating place regarding the UFO phenomenon. If I had the resources I'd fly us both out there to do some on site investigations.
Originally posted by karl 12
The Colares Incident - witness drawings from classified files of Brazilian Air Force's official investigation:
Hostile UFO Encounters: Colares, 1977
On November 1st, 1977, the military set up an UFO observation post on the Colares water-tower, when a strange event caught their attention: at midnight, a blue light, already saw in previous sightings, was moving from south to north and stopped above the sand bank called Coroa Vermelha. Another bright object, yellow to red, came closer and became dark when it touched the light. Half an hour later, another object did the same, disappearing after “landing” on the blue light. Captain Hollanda said that a huge bright object, which seemed to be the 'mothership', has been a 100 meters from them. “I was terrified. At that moment I didn't know what could happen. They could have taken us. They could have done anything they want to us. Another time, they were at Baía do Sol and it was around 7:00 in the morning, Hollanda says, soon after the sun rising. “We didn't see anything when, suddenly, a huge disc-shaped object, with more or less 30 meters of diameter and 50 meters in height, hovered above us”.
Colares, Brazil UFO Invasion 1977 "Operation Prato - Saucer"
One of the best authenticated cases and one which received nationwide publicity in the newspapers of the United States is the sighting witnessed and confirmed by six different airline crews some nine hundred miles northeast of Honolulu in the early hours of July 11, 1959...
The objects were observed in a clear sky. "A large and very bright object"--"flanked by three or four smaller lower magnitude lights in a line below" were observed to be travelling at terrific speed, estimated by Captain George Wilson at "thousands of miles per hour." Captain Wilson stated that the formation hurtled across the sky toward the airliner he was piloting, when suddenly it "made an abrupt right turn and disappeared to the south." Captain George Wilson with co-pilot Richard Lorenzen and crew member Bob Scott were flying a Boeing strato-cruiser of the Pan American Airways. In his report to NICAP Captain Wilson said that the object was so bright it was "like looking at a piece of the sun." He told Honolulu newsmen: "It was faster than anything I've ever seen. It may have been one very large object with brilliant center lights and surrounding lights of lesser magnitude, or separate objects. The smaller lights were either part of the mysterious object or this was an example of darn good formation flying.
Police Officer witnesses UFO
A drawing of a dome-shaped UFO with flashing coloured lights that was drawn by a police officer called to a house in Stanmore, North London, one night in August 1984. The sketch was attached to a report by the Metropolitan Police to the Ministry of Defence.
ITN news broadcast:
Two local policemen in the West Country of England describe the unidentified flying object they witnessed.
Another file contains a comic-book sketch of a dome-shaped flying saucer sighted in Stanmore, north London, in April 1984. Seven Police Officers and a number of residents watched for more than an hour as the UFO appeared to hover, flashing red, pink and white lights. Their report, filed with Scotland Yard, provides a classic description of the illusion known as auto-kinesis, caused by staring at a celestial object for an extended period of time
Shortly thereafter every effort of the government went into debunking UFOs even if it would mean embarrassing its own people. It soon became known the best way to destroy your military career was to report a UFO.
Captain Edward J. Ruppelt, Chief of the Aerial Phenomena Branch at the Air Technical Intelligence Center, said that the CIA ordered the Air Force to debunk sightings and debunk witnesses. "We're ordered to hide sightings when possible," he told Major Keyhole, but if a strong report does get out we have to publish a fast explanation--make up something to kill the report in a hurry, and also ridicule the witness, especially if we can't figure out a plausible answer. even have to discredit our own pilots."
National Policy Of Debunking UFOs Began With The Robertson Panel
Originally posted by karl 12
Close range police UFO reports taken from the PRUFOS thread - many, many other reports here.
Police encounter UFO -England 1978.
Close range sketch:
Washtenaw County sheriffs and police in neighboring jurisdictions reported disc-shaped objects moving at fantastic speeds and making sharp turns, diving and climbing, and hovering. At one point, four UFOs in straight-line formation were observed. Selfridge AFB confirmed tracking UFOs over Lake Erie at 4:56 a.m. Their stories were backed up by more than 100 witnesses
The Michigan 1966 UFO Flap - Was it Swamp gas?
Blakeslee UFO Incident - Nr. Misawa, Japan 1952
40 degrees 57' 15" North Lat. - 141 degrees 23' 15" East Long. Near Misawa Air Base, Japan
Colonel Donald J. M. Blakeslee, 27th Fighter Escort Wing, while flying in an F-84G at 27,000 feet in altitude observed an object described as a rotating cluster of lights colored white, green and red. Colonel Blakeslee climbed to 35,000 feet - at which point he was level with the unknown object.
Interception Undertaken. An interception of the object was undertaken with negative results. The object appeared to increase its speed and vanished in 30 seconds. The object was observed for approximately seven minutes.
Lawson Air Force Base, Georgia - Pilot UFO encounter 1951
1951 USAF Intelligence Report
This report describes a rather up-close and personal UFO encounter on July 9, 1951, by the pilot of an F-51 fighter plane from Lawson Air Force Base in Georgia. The pilot, a combat veteran from World War Two, provided quite a bit of detail, which was recorded in the report.
“Object described as flat on top and bottom and appearing from a front view to have rounded edges and slightly beveled. From view as object dived from top of plane was completely round and spinning in clockwise direction.... Object did not appear to be aluminum. Only 1 object observed. Solar white. No vapor trails or exhaust or visible system of propulsion. Described as traveling [at] tremendous speed....Pilot states object was 300 to 400 feet from plane and appeared to be 10 to 15 feet in diameter....Pilot states he felt disturbance in the air described as ‘bump’ when object passed under plane....Pilot is considered by associates to be highly reliable, of mature judgement and a creditable observer.”
USAF C-54, Pilot & Crew observe UFO - Sea of Japan 1952
March 4, 1952, Sea of Japan, (BBU)
Douglas C-54 Skymaster
The pilot and crew of a USAF C-54 aircraft of the 53rd Troop Carrier Squadron observed an bright orange oval-shaped object approximately 50 to 100 feet in length and 50 foot thick flying at a terrific speed at an estimated altitude of 10,000 feet. The object was observed for 1 1/2 to 2 minutes.
RAAF pilot UFO Incident - Tasman Peninsula, Brass Strait, Australia 1942
UFO-USO with "Fins" paces Aircraft then Dives into Ocean - google map location - Bass Strait, Australia
The air patrol was flying a few miles east of the Tasman Peninsula about 5:50 P.M. on a sunny evening when a strange aircraft of a glistening bronze color suddenly emerged from a cloud bank near them. The object was about 150 feet long and approximately 50 feet in diameter. Lt. Brennan saw that the peculiar craft had a dome or cupola on its upper surface and he thought that he might have seen someone inside wearing a helmet.
The unidentified aerial craft flew parallel to the RAAF patrol for several minutes, then it abruptly turned away and dived straight down into the Pacific. Lt. Brennan emphasized that the USO made a dive, not a crash, into the ocean; and he added that before the craft left them, he noticed what appeared to be four finlike appendages on its underside.
Disc-shaped UFO evades pursuit by Pilot - Salt Lake City, Utah 1961
.."I turned out of the pattern and proceeded toward the spot to get a better look. As I drew nearer I could see that the object had no wings nor tail nor any other exterior control surfaces protruding from what appeared to be the fuselage. It seemed to be hovering with a little rocking motion. As it rocked up away from me, I could see that it was a disc shaped object. I would guess the diameter at about 50 to 55 feet, the thickness in the middle at about 8 to 10 feet. It had the appearance of sand- blasted aluminum. I could see no windows or doors or any other openings, nor could I see any landing gear doors, etc., protruding, nor showing.
Pilot and Passenger sight disc-shaped UFO with dome on top - Willow Grove, Pennsylvania 1966
During a panel discussion on UFOs before an annual meeting of the American Society of Newspaper Editors in Washington, D.C. (April 22, 1967), Powell described the experience..
At about 3:15 p.m., after seeing a flight of Navy jets climbing up from Willow Grove Naval Air Station, Powell spotted an object closing in behind the jets. Noting that the object had no protrusions like an aircraft, he watched more closely and saw it make an abrupt 150-160 degree turn and head for his aircraft. As the UFO passed under his starboard wing, Powell saw that it was a structured object. It seemed to be about 100 yards distant, and 30-40 feet in diameter. The overall configuration was discoidal; the base was bright red, and the dome was glistening white.
America West Flight 564 - UFO Incident over Texas-New Mexico 1995
Captan Tollefson's drawing of the UFO:
Captain Tollefson left his seat to look, and he saw the left to right sequencing lights also. As the lightning flashed behind the lights, it silhouetted something that to the observers appeared to be a large, dark, cigar shaped object between 300 and 500 feet in length, depending on how far away it was.
RB-36H Military Aircraft - Pilot UFO Encounter over South Dakota 1956
The length-to-height ratio of the UFO was about 8:1, and a low dome, about one-third the length of the object, was located at the center of the top surface, which was only slightly curved. The dome had three round openings or light sources approximately as shown in Figure 4. Its surface was perfectly smooth and was without seams, markings, any visible means of propulsion or other aerodynamic details..