posted on Feb, 28 2011 @ 11:36 AM
reply to post by Xcathdra
Yeah, if this contagion continues, we are in trouble. Big monopolistic oil and their suppression of
of new innovations in energy technology are a threat to national security at this point. Remember
that electric car in California some years back? The Chevy EV 1 I think it was. Tell me big oil didn't
close the casket on that.
Link to short Youtube clip of documentary:
At any rate, it appears the Saudis are recognizing that intelligent people living on a pittance, the lack
of jobs, and a repressed society are the ingredients for revolt. Especially when the "elite" are sitting
on hundreds of billions in the chest. I hope they move quickly on this, otherwise we'll be walking.
It sure would be nice to have a horse wouldn't it?