posted on Feb, 28 2011 @ 04:43 PM
Does not keep its relation with reference objects (moon at first, then a near star toward the end). Notice how its distance from these references is
directly proportional too his zoom. I.e. at first, the object looks to be moving in a constant speed and direction. Then from 0:21 to 0:25, he zooms
in, then back out. Watch the objects relation to the moon as he zooms. I'm not convinced.
However, i saw something interesting the same night. I was in trouble with my counterpart, so i escaped to my front porch about 9pm, and sat there
about 20min. I noticed a VERY bright stationary object about 10 deg above the western horizon, in the direction of a military base (had a similar
encounter in the same area, looking in the same direction about 10 years ago). The light seemed to be cycling colors, red, blue,white and was
brilliant, much brighter than Venus. So i checked my Planets app on my phone to see what it might be. Sure enough, there seemed to be a bright star
in that general location at the time. So i passed it off, and went inside (keep in mind, i watched it hover motionless for about 20min). However, i
returned to the porch about an hour later to have a smoke, and it was GONE. Logically, i consulted my trusty planets app to see if the star i
initially associated it with should still be visible. Needless to say, I should have still been able to see the star.
The incident 10 years ago, the object looked and behaved similarly. The only difference was that i watched it the whole time. I watched this object
to the west over the military base as i lay in bed, looking out the window for about 10min. Then, it immediately accelerated. Of course, being
confused by what just happened, i jumped from my bed and stuck my head out the window for a better look. I watched it pass directly over my house at
about 5000ft at most, no less than 2000ft. It was completely silent. No explanation!