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Inside Job - The Financial Crisis Documentary

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posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 09:14 PM
I just watched now ..great documentary ..everyone should see it

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 10:16 PM
reply to post by xavi1000

I agree xavi1000, this is a must see for those interested in what the hell happened and who was involved, specifically.
Thank you for commenting.


posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 08:54 PM
reply to post by Aristophrenia
Well, since tptb own the politicians, I would say, yes, it is the governments fault. For nat having the guts to stand up to tptb and telling them no.

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 04:20 PM
reply to post by yrwehere1

Ah yes, the unifying powers of power and greed, able to bypass regulation and promote via lobbyists, a fine system to exploit! Yea, gov and corps get a little to comfortable when laying together in the same bed.


posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 04:27 PM
I watched this movie a couple weeks ago. It's pretty well made and seems to be quite informative. It may be slight propaganda since it pretty much blames Wall Street and the banks for the financial crisis and less so the politicians that allowed and even pushed them to do what they did.

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 01:37 PM
reply to post by grrrrt

I agree, but I think that pushing and pulling goes both ways between private and public officials. Between lobbyists, loopholes and special interests, the behind closed doors business always flourishes, especially when big money is involved.
Thanks for the comment.


posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 01:36 PM
Just finished watching it, WOW. But really, anything new? Every time it showed another big time financial criminal, it showed him getting his start with some president or other. Nixon, Bush, Clinton, Bush, and Obama. Well, Obama just reinstated the criminals the other presidents put in power.

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 01:40 PM

Originally posted by g146541
reply to post by speculativeoptimist

Is there a more reputable link for this movie?
Both of the sites you have are of questionable... character.
And SONY pictures made a conspiracy flick?

Let me get this straight, you want a more reputable link for this movie? My god man, it only won an academy award for best documentary....and add to boot they have allowed free viewing of it on the internet. Stop judging and start paying attention.


Inside Job: View for free on Zerohedge

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 12:25 PM
I just watched it after Professor Stiglitz recommended it during his guest lecture here in Europe. It makes your blood boil. The fact that these financial terrorists are not in jail for their acts is utterly disgusting. Even more disgusting are our politicians (not just in the US, but also here in EU). Yes, sure CEO's of banks have been questioned, but obviously no punishment followed. On the contrary, many politicians were part of the ponzi scheme.

The doc also shows that credit rating agencies are utter crap. Most of the financial institutions that went belly up did so with a triple or double A status. They themselves call their ratings 'opinions'. They are utterly useless and bribed by investment banks.

These monsters are utterly disgusting. Who pays the bill? The man on the street. They must be laughing our ass off at sheeple like us.

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 02:46 PM
reply to post by Mdv2

Laughing and maintaining their freedom instead of paying for their crimes via imprisonment!

Yes, this is a well done doc, and is a must see for anyone wondering what the hell went wrong.
Thanks for the reply...


posted on Aug, 4 2011 @ 09:17 AM
Sorry for necroing but I just recently watched the documentary and it was right on the money. Ferguson is right on the money and literally destroys some of the interviewers that try to play ring around the tongue posey. I look at the film as a indebt look into a particular flu strain. It would be nice if they talked about private banking practices in general and the role central banks have in helping this mess but other documentaries do that quite well. Overall it's a highly recommended documentary and very relevant now with all the budget, debt, and deficit problems that we are now facing.

posted on Aug, 4 2011 @ 10:18 AM
reply to post by Aristophrenia

Well said, Aristophrenia. How refreshing is it to read well crafted, thoughtful posts instead of the usual political baiting and finger pointing we usually get. The situation isn't complicated. What we are seeing is the migration (expansion?) of 'Chicago Politics' onto the Washington stage. Certain entities (with large sums of money) are able to 'buy' influence in order to favorably affect legislation that enables them to further consolidate their power and wealth. And so the effect expands and intensifies over time. At first it's subtle and usually not noticed (or passed-off as 'business as usual') but we have reached a critical mass. People won't take notice until their survival is threatened. Shame on us.

The MSM and PTB have attempted to paint the 'Arab Spring' as people rioting for democracy. What a pile of horsepatties. It's people wanting to be able to work and feed their familes. Plain and simple. They all realize that in their respective countries, the elite have consolidated the wealth to a point of personal pain. And so they take to the streets.

They're no different than us. Just a bit further ahead on the timeline. This WILL happen here, too. Give it time. There is no turning back the system these theives set in motion. And no, I don't believe they intended to crash the system. It's like kids playing with fire in a field. They set little fires for the thrill and stamp them out. They progressively set larger fires for a greater thrill until they go just a little too far and there is no stamping that last one out.

Government complicity and abandonment of their proscribed fiduciary repsonsibilities is at the root of all this. The private sector (meaning primarily the elite and corporations --- that 10% that own the USA) is always going to look for an angle to feed their greed. Just like a thief is always going to look for a way to circumvent the law. The government has the reponsibility to keep the private sector inline, much like the police. That is not to be construed as 'reulating personal freedoms', it's not. There are certain things that must be regulated for the common good: the banking system, environment, communications are examples. Without regulation these would be destroyed as the unscrupulous run roughshod over them.

What has happened --- in my view --- is that any accountability has been stripped from government. Politicians can do and say whatever they want and there is nothing that can be done to stop them. Enact a system that holds them legally accountable for theur actions, or inactions, and we are part of the way home. But I truly fear it is far past too late.

posted on May, 5 2018 @ 03:41 AM
Economists are now threatening president Trump with a Financial Crisis, or as they call it. Another great depression ... unless Trump does what they say ! hmmm where did we see this ?

The EU wants another deeeep depression ? Bring it on EUrobozos !
"A good crisis never goes to waste", neither does a civil war.

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