posted on Feb, 27 2011 @ 03:45 PM
When Columbus came to the New World he started a mass Genocide of Native Americans, and their culture. Through this, much of the history of the world
lying within the Native American culture may have been destroyed. My 9th grade history teacher taught me many values but the most important, is that
there is a vessel of truth in everything. Columbus didn't care about the history of the Native Americans, nor the culture, but himself. We lost
information with the loss of these mysterious Natives, who lived in true harmony with our body's creator, Mother Earth. I want to know their truth,
their history, their ideals, and take on everything. We have lost the Native Americans harmonious ideals and have made themselves forget there history
and ideals. This is not our country, it was not theirs, but they were the only ones who knew that. That land could not be owned, but only used.
To anyone with information on the native ideals, and medicinal remedies, and basically any lost info or ignored info on Native American, Post your
info and remember the Natives, whom we stole their lives and culture, and replaced it with our own.