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Originally posted by Mr_skepticc
You would first have to know the object even existed to began with before you could even ponder on who or where it might be. Many objects were written about in the bible, but not one of those objects have ever been discovered such as The Ark, The Commandments, The Holy Grail, to name a few. I highly doubt that the so called "ark of the covenant" even existed, or if it did was long stripped of its value.
Originally posted by exroyalnavy
While we are heere and there are many Americans present on this thread: Have you ever wondered why America is called that? The "official" story is that the continent was named after Amerigo Vespucci, an Italian explorer/mapmaker. But don`t you think it strange that someone decided to call what he had discovered by his first name rather than his last name? I mean no other Country or area has been called after someones`s first name, has it? You have Pennsylvania called after William Penn - he didn`t call it Williamsylvania, did he? Pittsburg is similar. Washington: No-one suggested they call it "George" now did they? I can`t see anyone saying I name this Country after me "Fred". Amerigo Vespucci would have said lets call it "Vespucciland" or something surely.
I would love to hear what Americans have to say on the subject.
Originally posted by bepreparedd
all roads lead to soloman's temple.
but no, seriously,
Originally posted by venusstarlite
reply to post by Skyfloating
,I,Read everything I,can on Israel,or watch,grant Jeffrey,says,he believes, Israel has it now,also Hal, Lindsey,most of the prophesies(pastors,say this,I,have a biblical package on my cable,and the internet,I,study a lot,read a lot...,like the bible says,all Jews and people scales will fall from alls eyes,I, do believe we are in the end times.Yes,the third temple will be built, I believe,but the Antichrist will claim he is god there. Jesus,will bring the new temple,from heaven,not of right now our bodies are the temple of the Jesus said his body will be torn down and in 3 days it will be rebuild it.all people will bow down to Jesus,he is king of kings and lord of lords....he is the only way to for my upcoming articles here, I,also have my own forum,we are working on. universal poster......mine will be with news going on now and show you in the bible about it......all will be welcome.........
Originally posted by VI0811
Good information. I beleive the Nazi's obtained the ark. When the war was over. The Americans ended up with it. The Knights T, probably have all the gold and artifact as their job was to preserve history. They didn't want to keep it secret, it just ended up that way because of other trying steal and obtain the riches that the artifacts provide.
Originally posted by Skyfloating
Originally posted by silent thunder
Another interesting thing (perhaps familiar to you, given your avatar...): The relationship of the demons, pentacles and grimoires associated with Solomon and the building of the Temple. One wonders at the mix of divine (the Temple and Holy of Holies) with the demonic (Solomon allegedly summoning, binding, and compelling demons to build the Temple).
Thats an interesting thought. Just yesterday I learned that the Quran says Solomon commanded "Jinn" to perform several works.
John Michell in The Temple at Jerusalem: A Revelation, gives us an insight into what may be the real meaning.:
“Legends of the Temple describe it as the instrument of a mystical, priestly science, a form of alchemy by which oppositely charged elements in the earth and atmosphere were brought together and ritually married. The product of their union was a spirit that blessed and sanctified the people of Israel.”
Michell’s observation rings true. The Temple is an instrument of mystical and priestly science or even magic. The secret unravels before our eyes the more we learn. You see the true Gnostic, the true disciple or perfect one, must be a man or woman of balance. He or she must unite the two sides of the mind, the male and female principles as they are called. We are all both male and female and the alchemists used this concept of balance and revealed it in their images of the Hermaphrodite, half man and half woman. I conclude that Solomon was not an actual historical man, and Sheba was not a real woman. They were, instead, symbols of this internal and often external process. Like other allegories, the whole story of Solomon, Sheba and the Temple, which is the perfectly formed body, both physical and spiritual, is the story of our own psyche. The truth is esoteric, misunderstood in its exoteric form.
Hiram Hiram was the son of a Jewish mother and a Phoenician father and is credited with the decoration of the Temple of Solomon. He was said to have been the “son of a widow of the tribe of Naphtali… He cast two bronze pillars” 1 Kings 7:13-15. We must also note something of interest mentioned in 1 Kings 16:
“Then he made two capitals of cast bronze, to set on top of the pillars. The height of one capital was 5 cubits; and the height of the other capital was five cubits. He made a lattice network, with wreaths of chainwork, for the capitals which were on top of the pillars: seven chains for one capital and seven for the other capital.” These pillars became known as Jachin, meaning “he establishes” and Boaz, which means “in him is strength” and these are now familiar to most modern Freemasons as central to their own Lodge or Temple. Copies of these can be clearly seen at the infamous Rosslyn Chapel. But, what is interesting here is the original text about these pillars. Firstly bronze is used for the capitals, just as bronze is used for the “Brazen Serpent” of Moses and is indicative of the fiery aspect of the serpent as one of the channels in the Kundalini process. Their “heights” were 5 cubits, matching the five hooded cobras seen across India and atop many pillars, although the Bible calls them Lilies, which are symbols of balance anyway.
Originally posted by Lateralussicksicksick
reply to post by Lemon.Fresh
Look at this passage Exodus 3:13-14 (King James Version):
13And Moses said unto God, Behold, when I come unto the children of Israel, and shall say unto them, The God of your fathers hath sent me unto you; and they shall say to me, What is his name? what shall I say unto them?
You see how Moses referred to them as the children of Israel?
Also take note of how he talks to "god" he says "God of YOUR fathers" you see how he said Your and not ours?
Now look take a look at (Exodus 4:1):
They will not believe me, nor hear my voice, but they will say: The Lord hath not appeared to thee.
Moses said that when talking to God, he doubts that he will convince the Hebrews to follow him because of his Egyptian heritage.
Just take a time and read through the Exodus in the bible and maybe you would see how the Hebrews treated Moses and his brother Aaron.
Also read through the site that I have given you and you would *maybe* understand.
That's the reason I believe that America is named Freemasons came together to create the United States of America – the Templars’ fabled Merica, the new Atlantis.