This thread to for other members to post short video clips that they made themselves. So if you are of the creative mind then dont be shy. My own
submitted video is an attempt to create a kind of trailer for a horror film called Mirror Mirror, which I bought on dvd for the bargain price of £2.
There are sequels 2 & 3 which I've seen and really are rubbish. The first is the best.
The music I used came from a free sample offered from a rock music software editor website. I will post its credit once I find which one it came from.
The only rules for submitting are they have to be five minutes long or under and that you created it yourself.
Well....this is something I put together during the height of the BP thing. The first part is sad, showing what they caused,the damage they did.....
and the second part I tried to show how things were BEFORE they fouled it up, and the way it SHOULD be. Nothing professional, just something I did one
day to express my feelings.
Very nice. That song will forever have a new meaning.
Makes me sad though, especially when I think many have 'moved on'. The permanent damage was swept under the media rug but the long term dangers
continue lurk. Sometimes I think we humans deserve our plight for what we've done to our beloved Mother Earth / Ocean.