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Remote Control (Part 1 : Hacked...)

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posted on Dec, 7 2021 @ 08:35 AM
Oh that light and those like them are in the bardos becoming becoming becoming... always becoming transmigrating through who knows internal from external when both other than when that light makes an appearance.

After awhile what is going on out there doesn't matter; try not to OBE and stay with body within body if you saw yourself as a corpse it might scare you.

Oh hey we are living in my toenail I just wasn't aware all you people were following me around for no good reason as my real form is in a meditative absorption who knows where or for how long it's been that way?

Maybe this sounds eerily familiar when Gautama Buddha realized it? Oh I could stay and continue to teach for like ever but no one was asking any more... so time to go back up to my eyebrows and leave that corpse at my feet alone.

Try not to get too spirited away by phenomenon

posted on Jan, 16 2022 @ 12:15 PM
sometimes you have a experience that seems out of this world

and you cant explain it with the scientific timeframe in place at the time you witnessed this "magic".

Imagine 1998 watching your favourite movie for the 5 th time,

but this time something is weird. Also you know exactly how the movie goes, every scene and every word spoken within,

this time you perceive some moments that you never have seen or heard bevor.

Yes, the voice of the actors are exactly the same and the source material is authentic but some sentences the actors

say just dont match the original script.

And not only that, but you also SEE stuff, like background objects or facial expressions of your favourite hollywood

actor, that you are certain of, just dont belong to the official movie.

Maybe you think, you watch a directors cut or a special edition...but soon enough you know, what you just watched

and listend to, was much more then a movie, it was a message, a message for YOU.

Imagine in 1998 telling someone (like friends, doctors, priests etc.) that the TV programm is talking to you.

I was lucky and got away with some psychiatric diagnoses and a lot of pills, that where all obsolete because

they just cant delete reality.

And now I tell you my thoughts, that came up, after I accepted the fact, that some very intelligent source

was communicating with me through channels, I didnt think where possible then.

I love movies and after my first private movie edition, I imagined a database, where all recorded words and

voice files of popular Hollywood Actors, aswell, as a 3-D Scan of their bodies are accessable to produce movies

in which they could come alive and act, even after their actual death...

Remember, that was 1998, 23 years ago...

I copy and paste my first post here in the forum from 2004, as it is a closed thread, so you can see my writing

and the answers from other posters at that time...



posted on Jul, 17 2004 @ 10:06 AM
Hello to all readers.
This is my first post.
I was (and still am) a little bit scared to write down,what I want to tell you.
The reason for this is,that some source has access to some of my internal
bodyparts and can at times do scary things like giving small electrical shocks,
that are annoying at times.
I am lucky to be still alive,because I think ,,if these things,that happened to me,,
would have occured to anothert unsuspecting person with a weak heart,
this person would have comitted suicide already or would have ended up in
the nuthouse.
There are several topics,that all have different subjects on this website to be
-mindreading (I am 100% sure,this source can read my mind)
-hacking my pc,controlling it,whithout needing to be online or having any
modem or hardware installed
-manipulating the tv programm in various ways at the speed of thought
(for example I could watch any movie with a totally new dialouge by the
original voices of the actors.A sort of interactive tv,where I was involved in
the movie,getting messages)
-wherever I went,the source could comunicate with me through the use of
lightbolbs or neonlights,that where blinking or flickering in a intelligent way
(think about the old seance game
ne time blink YES,two times NO)
-the source can use electric devices remotely ,even if they are switched off.
(TV sets,fridge,radio,yes even a toaster make loud noises,like a bang.By now
I understand,that the way to do this,could be by electromagnetic or static means,like when you switch on or off your tv or monitor,only in my case very extreme.)
-digital tv from a sat receiver could be distorted in a way,that gave me messages(very low level comunicaton,for example a small object in a movie
(like a suitcase) would be distorted to coloured pixels,what would tell me (at some stage) to leave the location.
-low level manipulation of any tv programm (for example a newsreader would
get "painted some black teeth)
-the source could even cut the whole electricity at willl(the best example was,
while watching SNEAKERS: when Robert Redford got cought in the tunnel by cia men and one said:Too many secrets...)
-and of couse a lot of unexplainable events,that happened to me
(just one example:while staying in a friends house,I was reading in a book from Richard Feynmann called:The pleasure of finding things out,I got all the
time feedback from the lightbollb,near me,sort of telling me:Yes,this sentence or part,you are reading right now,is important...
Now,my friend has an old cashbox with a turning numbercode switc,you know,these safe combination things.Just a few days before,we where trying to open it,because my friend forgot the number.
Now I was reading in the book the part Los Alamos,where Feynmann explained,that he exchanged all safecombinations in the office to the same code.I dont remember it riight now,but it was 3 or four double digits.
Then the light was blinking quite strong to give me a sign.Well,I thought,
just for fun,nobody is watching anyway,I wanted to try this safecombination from the book on my friends cashbox.Slowly turning the wheel to the given numbers,and voila, it sprang open.
-my story also involves the sources use of nature and anymals:
small example:I was reading a newspaper.A fly landed on the paper and sort
of John Nashish ,I emidiately looked at the word,on which the fly landed:
WORLD. Then the fly walked on and stopped on the word: WIDE.
Then it took off,did some rounds in the air and landed back ont the newspaper: POWER ....Ok,world wide power .The fly took off and came back to sit down on the word STRUGGLE. After that it didnt come back.
Coincedence ? Maybe...
Also a lot of electric devices get broken,when I touch them,or they dont work anymore propperly.
Just one more happening,before I close (for now):
I read a book called :The Journey of the soul by William H.Church
On a part about atlantis there where some religious numbers for jesus,
I think 22 and a 6 for something else,
So I just read the lines about the numbers,as my radioalarmclock goes on.
The exactly time was 22.06 .I never switched on the alarm for that time...
And just after that my VCD player paused the mp3 cd,that I was listening to,
while reading.Also dont know why,but guess,what was on the counter?
Song number 22 ,time 06 seconds.
Strange ??? Indeed.
If you dont mind,I would like to continue with this true story.
I have made a sort of diary together with this source,that covers some material for a book.
A little feedback from you would be nice...


here is the link :

So, and NOW ??? It seems like a self fullfilling prophecy came true...

Ok, this deepfake stuff explains a lot of "how do they do that.." video and audio "enhancements",

but of course not the speed of thought, used to broadcast the new content.

Also I am sure that a wireless direct to tv method was used, but thats a different topic.

Anyway, what I wanted to say is that , if I posted my posting from 2004 today,

everybody would laugh and say : You got pranked with deepfake !

Maybe in a year you can produce your own Hollywood Movie, dead or alive

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