posted on Jul, 17 2004 @ 04:21 PM
Many people have asked this question, but I have never seen a whole thread on it (please correct me if I am wrong).
Why are there so many UFO and Alien hoaxes out there???
Why would somebody put all that effort (some of them take a lot of effort) into pulling off a fake? It's not like they are going to become rich in
doing so is it?
Ok, so the many people who have written books about their 'encounters' may be the exceptions here, they do make money from what they say (whether
it's true or not).
I see many many photos and videos on this forum, and many people just come out and say easily "It's a fake" - lets say it was a fake - why do
What do you people think?
I have come up with a couple of suggestions of my own:
* People trying to discredit UFOlogy.
* Disinformation.
* People taking the mick out of beleivers.
The first 2 suggestions are kind of the same, except disinformation could be used to throw researchers completely off course (a theory many people
here have put foreward).
Any ideas? I just simply cannot accept the idea that the people doing the fakes, are doing it to take the mick.
[edit on 17-7-2004 by MetalHead]