posted on Feb, 26 2011 @ 08:48 PM
The general public has to be the stupidest, most inept and incapable population of morons the civilized world has seen yet. This rant is dedicated to
all the imbeciles who's lives depend on computers, and yet know absolutely nothing about them.
Customer A: Idiot. Moron. Brings in a laptop he says he needs a power cord for. Mind you this whole conversation is in spanish. I try a power
cord, it doesn't power on. He swears that it works, just the tip broke off the end of his cord. I check the jack - it seems fine. During this, I
notice a burnt smell. I investigate further. I tell him is smells like burned electronics. He then asks if the part of the AC adapter that looks
like a brick is really necessary. I ask if he's talking about the part that takes his 120 volts and converts it down to 19 volts. He says yes, and
that he didn't think it was important so he cut the end off of the cord coming out of that and wired it straight to a lamp cord and plugged it in.
He didn't understand why that wouldn't charge the battery, either.
Customer B: Indian Muslim I guess. I'm swearing off Muslims from here on out - they can take their computer elsewhere. He had a loose power jack.
I looked at his jack, verified it was loose, looked to see if I had one. The one that I had (brand new) only had two anchor pins in the outer metal
cover - his had four. I told him I would replace the jack, but use his old cover on it since four anchors were better than two. I SHOWED him the new
jack, I SHOWED him a similar laptop with the same jack as his. He smiles, says ok...a few hours later he comes back to pick it up, and brings his
power cord this time. It works fine with MY power cord, but is still a little 'iffy' with his because the tip of his is loose. He wants me to GIVE
him my power cord, of course I refuse that but tell him he can have it for 15 bucks. He begs all the way to the door and even a little out of the
door, I'm still refusing....and he makes it halfway to his car before he comes back. He starts yelling at me demanding his money back that I didn't
fix his laptop. I told him that I DID, and the he SAW it working and that ALL of this is on video (I've got 14 security cameras) and the problem is
in his AC adapter. He kept demanding, then threatening to tell all his friends not to come here (think I dodged a bullet on that one) and finally I
just shut the door.
Customer C & D: They were both hours late in picking their computer up. I had to run my next-door-neighbor (handicapped) about 4 blocks down the
road to the drug store to get his prescription. Customer D parks right in the middle of my front yard for some reason. I tell customer D to give me
20 minutes that I'll brb. Customer C had only needed an AC cord and system optimization. I'd worked on C's computer the previous day, in my haste
to get out the door & get back, I picked up the wrong AC cord (which wouldn't even fit into the laptop) and sent her off with it. She calls back
today, and I explain what happened, no big deal. THEN the stupid SH*T started. They said they took their computer to the Geek Squad to get a cord
for it and THEY told her that her computer only had 218 HDD and it was supposed to have a 250 HDD and she just got in a big yelling argument with her
husband about that and she wanted to bring her computer back so I could put it back the way it was. WTF? The way it was? I didn't keep a backup
copy of the trojans and adware I removed from it! WTH does a HD have to do with a power cord? I tried to explain to her that when you format a hard
drive, it always formats out to less than what the capacity states - but it was like explaining calculus to a toddler. She started crying while she
was on the phone and I knew there was nothing I could say that she would understand. I still don't know what she's talking about. I didn't format
the drive. I didn't change the drive. I didn't resize partitions. I don't even think she understood what she had told me to do in the first
Work hours & days off:
I work from 7am till 7pm Mon-Thurs. Friday I leave at 5. I need family time, not "i cant burn a cd in itunes" time. Don't call me fifteen times
on a god-blessed saturday asking me when I'm going to be back so I can show you for the forth time how to connect to a wireless network. They sell
this things - they're for TAKING NOTES. You take a pencil, down words that form in your head to make
sentences...maybe to help you remember something.
OH, and the sign that says "PLEASE USE OTHER DOOR" that has the arrow pointing to the other door will not open for you. It is locked. It does not
mean to knock louder and/or harder - it means go to the other door. It does not mean wave at me in the camera to open the door - it means USE THE
After you have dropped your computer off to be fixed, the next proper thing you should do is LEAVE. It is not at all interesting to me anything you
have to say aside from what problem you want fixed. A few words about the weather, kids, gas prices - yes that's fine. Don't camp out here.
Please don't linger. I have work to do and your very presence reduces my effectiveness by 50% or better. And DO NOT sit your A** down on MY chair
in front of MY computer. But.....they do anyway.
Parking. There is sufficient parking outside for at least six cars. THIS DOES NOT MEAN DRIVE ALL UP IN MY BACKYARD ON THE GRASS, or the FRONT YARD
FOR THAT MATTER! Didn't you have to drive OVER a curb to get there? Didn't that seem, I dunno, maybe a little ODD or something??? So....I put up
some posts thinking THAT ought to do the trick. Metal fence posts with reflectors. They lasted for about a week. What some MORON didn't crack in
half by running over - some kids with bicycles stole and chased each other down the street with.
On my door it says "Smile, you're on camera" - I watch as they smile and wave at my security light.
Today was 1 of 2 days supposedly off. I got 37 business related phone calls. I'm getting tired of this sh**. I'm making a killing on this but
it's killing me. I can't relax at home - not until after 8pm anyway ANY DAY OF THE WEEK. This is the biggest drawback of working from home.
Always at work. Taking time away from the very thing that I started working at home for, family. It could be much worse though, it could be. I
COULD be wishing I had more work to do.