posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 06:07 PM
Let's put this to a vote. Is freedom defined by the ability to elect ones government officials?
I vote no! Resoundingly no!
Out of democracy rises tyranny.
There is the rule of law, and there is the rule by law. Democracies may claim to adhere to the rule of law, but more often than not they succumb to
rule by law.
What is the difference?
The rule of law is actual law. Law is simple, true, universal, and absolute. When it comes to the laws of justice, this rule of law is founded on
the individuals right to self defense. All people have the right to defend themselves. This is true, simple, universal, and absolute. It is the
law. Based upon this law, it follows that people have the right to collectively form a government to defend the rights of the individual.
This defense of the rights of individual can be instituted democratically, assuming the election process is rooted in electing officials that will
indeed do what they've been mandated to do, and assuming that people will actually vote for the rule of law, instead of the rule by law.
The rule by law is the arbitrary and whimsical nature of legislation granted the respect of law. Legislation is not law, merely evidence of law. If
it is law, and it has been legislated then this legislation is law. If it is not law, and merely some hypothesis, or some whimsical decree, then it
is only a matter of time before freedom is lost. Rule by law grants legislatures to legislate as stupidly as they please, and they can, if they so
decide, legislate Pi as being an even 3.0. This will not be law, but under rule by law, it will be enforced, and architects, engineers, and
construction workers can be fined and/or imprisoned for having the audacity of using the equation 3.14159265 as Pi. Never mind the bridges. Never
mind the sky scrapers. PI is 3.0 as a matter of rule by law, and this makes it easier on the children...after all, what about the children?
Elect your government officials if this makes you feel better about government, but for God's sake, don't tell me that your vote is the only thing
you can do in the name of freedom. I will not be so polite to such an assertion.
If we must have government, then let's elect them, but if we, each and everyone of us do not have profound respect for the law...actual
matters not how government came to power, we're screwed.
So, what is your vote?