They have the Kinect disconnet and connect when a "ghost" appears?
No? That could be a problem.
Users, Groff etc., Please disconnect and connect the Kinect in the Windows software “Kinect Studio” if there is a skeleton.
That needs only one or two seconds, and two clicks in "Kinect Studio".
I also had a stickman in Windows "Kinect Studio" after minutes in a living room on the big (to the ground) terrace windows. Disonnect and connect, and
the stickman is “gone”.
Effort of a second and two clicks…
And Xbox users could do the same with the whole kinect. Or (crash?)?
Now we need a “ghost hunter” at known strongly haunting places, and if there appears a stickman, disconnect/connect.
And the redundancy of kinect in combination with thermal image, and over the area distributed EM meters with alert (for example “REM-Pods”).
And EVP recording at the same place. If it must be, also full-spectrum ...
If we could show that the Kinect can not be used for Ghost Huntung, this is also good. Busting this myth would not busting the existence of paranormal
phenomenons, "Ghosts"...
Btw., is it possible to flip the image horizontally?
It is mirrored.
@ gman2000
I think "full spectrum" is not "the" tool.
Because, this "mass selled" "full spectrum" cameras, manipulated compact cameras are note really "full spectrum".
If there is the usual optic, this glas filter many UV light.
Only special quartz glass objectives are usable for full spectrum.
I think a thermal image/video is better.
@ People they will use Raspberry PI, Ardiuno etc.:
Kinect needs 3,1Ghz Dual Core, 4GB RAM and USB3. And some USB3 are not working.
I think, using a PI is impossible...
edit on 16-8-2017 by TobiasClaren because: (no reason given)