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Boy, 8, Arrested for Tantrums

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posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 11:27 AM

Boy, 8, Arrested for Tantrums

ORLANDO, Fla. -- An 8-year-old boy was arrested earlier this week after being accused of running from teachers at school, throwing sticks and injuring one of them.
The public defender's office said deputies came to Riverside Elementary on Tuesday for the child's latest attack on teachers. The child now has a mug shot and a rap sheet.
Parents at the school wonder why.
"That's terrible," said Connie Dewitt. "I'd be distraught. Arrested? They're just kids. Somebody else should be doing something
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 11:27 AM
I think too many kids are becoming violent at an early age, and that is definitely connected to their situation at home. The story says the mother denies that he ever throws tantrums at home. I wonder about that. Something in his behavior shows that he has not yet been taught how to control his emotions and temper.

Still, this seems very extreme. The child is only 8 and he is a special ed student, which requires particularly trained teachers and administrators . They should be able to handle him within the school setting.

Arresting him and marking him as a criminal with a rap sheet could adversely affect him for the rest of his life. He will begin thinking he really is a "bad boy" and that self-image could follow him into adulthood.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 11:33 AM
Thank God

I feel safer already. This is not a strong enough step though.....they need manditory strip searches of all grade school children....I am sure the TSA would be happy to oversee it.....and a three day waiting period before picking up a stick and full registration of the afore mentioned sticks. We should create a government aggency in charge of making sure that the trees are only allowing their sticks to be picked up by LEOs and military personal and any trees found supplying muslim 8 year olds should be replanted at GITMO

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 11:34 AM
Behaviour problems in children are more than likely caused by all the aspartame, msg and various other crap that gets pumped into their bodies.

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 11:34 AM
Sure this isnt a hoax? i mean isnt thier a standard of law that says, when yuor a certain age, yuo can be handcuffed and paperworked into the system? usualy its like 17/18.
anything uder that, like 13-16 would be yuoth juvenile detention or cousneling.and under that, i dunno ..the kid is let go into parnets custody, becuase he/she is too young, and parents simply lectured get a grip on yuor girl/boy ?
this has gotta be a hoax! i find anything abuot florida not so interesting anyways. the police down thier are some 2 faced ones..freind lived near ft,luaderdale like 7/8 years ago..yuo can actually tell an officer someone yuo dont know, is drunk, and yuo can get payed money for snitching on them! how effed up is that! friends father like 30 years ago, was souther florida, veered off I 95, officer pulls him over, seeing he was form the north. aks officer why he was pulled over.//the classic, your tail lights out..cop used his flashlight and broke his taillight and isseud him a $250 ticket. simply because..he was a yankee.. lol
miami itself, over 80% of miami was buklt with drug money..coke and coc aine money.
enough said
the only good thing abuot florida, is NASA..the rest i hope gets submerged under bone crushing depths of water

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 11:36 AM
If its true..arresting an 8 year old boy over a tantrum..damn are they that insane, messed up and ibred in florida? geesh!

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 11:36 AM

Originally posted by KatieVA
Behaviour problems in children are more than likely caused by all the aspartame, msg and various other crap that gets pumped into their bodies.

Don't forget all the meds they get loaded up with when they're deemed "troublemakers" and suffering from ADD by our wonderful education system. All kids have ADD. It used to be called being a kid but now you don't load em up on drugs the state will take em from you and do it.

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 11:40 AM
What a joke. They withdraw funding for special classes and programs ,and "normalize" kids with learning disabilities which often involve acting out, episodes, or just difficulties depending on the child, and then they try to criminalize them for not being the average kid after all.

Looks like NWO to me.

Again, couldn't happen in Canada. Children aren't arrested and there are team approaches to behavior management and services in the school.

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 11:40 AM
Okay, I am in Canada, and I have one question....Why is America arresting it's youth? this a new thing or what?

I am being sincere. It seems that police are arresting more and more young people to ensure they will not be interrupted from doing so in the future. A test of power if you will.

It has been done before in America, and to me, it's looking like it's happening again.

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 11:43 AM

Originally posted by ziggy1706
If its true..arresting an 8 year old boy over a tantrum..damn are they that insane, messed up and ibred in florida? geesh!

Excuse me?

You think we are the only state with politicians receiving lucrative funds to create these asinine laws? How about up in New York or New Jersey in December when those kids had their lemonade stand confiscated for not having the right permits? Are the people of New York/New Jersey inbred too?

When you make statements like calling people from a Southern state "inbred" you sound incredibly ignorant, almost to the same level as those who created such laws.

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 11:44 AM
what we need is "Capital Punishment" in the grade schools...
Little buggers screw-up just once drag em out to the play ground and do a public hanging right there on the jungle gum!!! the rest will get the message and fall in line...

Seriously when did teachers lose control... back in my day I get slapped for talking back or acting up, spanked over a serious offence...

when it comes to kids we need less cops and more acting like an adult and not letting spoiled brats walk all over ya

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 11:46 AM
reply to post by gandhi

I think it less a test of power and more a lack of parenting at home coupled with the schools inability to manage the kids. Concerns over safety and lawsuits, rules and regulations, etc. have hampered the schools making it much easier (or in most cases, policy) to just "call the cops" when there is an issue. It's a way to cover themselves. Let us not forget though, these things typically always start at the home...

edit on 25-2-2011 by LadySkadi because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 11:48 AM
Anybody catch this:

School administrators on Tuesday called the Orange County Sheriff's Office, who arrested the special education student and charged him with battery. It's the fifth time since November that he has been arrested.

The boy is obviously mentally handicapped. I think he belongs in classes more suited to his needs, rather than being lumped in together with everyone else. The adults in this situation are the ones to blame, from the teachers/administrators at the school, to the cops and D.A. - they are ALL friggin MORONS who appear to need some special education themselves..

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 11:51 AM

Originally posted by DaddyBare
what we need is "Capital Punishment" in the grade schools...
Little buggers screw-up just once drag em out to the play ground and do a public hanging right there on the jungle gum!!! the rest will get the message and fall in line...

Seriously when did teachers lose control... back in my day I get slapped for talking back or acting up, spanked over a serious offence...

when it comes to kids we need less cops and more acting like an adult and not letting spoiled brats walk all over ya

Yep. I remember back in grade school the principal had a big old paddle and if you got sent there it wasn't gonna be to threaten you to call your parents cause you were acting up I'll tell you that much. Not that I would know.

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 11:55 AM
They didn't mention any medication the kid may have been on, but I would bet my paycheck the kid has been dosed with Ritalin or some Prozac-type drug.

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 12:02 PM
The kids just lucky that the cops Tazer batteries had been drained by Tazing that 80 year old woman just before he responded to the schools call.

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 12:09 PM
Something is very wrong with this story. According to the article, the kid has been arrested (now) 5 times for fighting and aggressive behavior at school, though Mum says he does not act that way at home? Um...

Either the student is in the wrong classes at the school, (mainstream as opposed to special education) and/or Mum is in denial about what is an appropriate place for his learning to take place, and/or there is some other accommodation not being met for his condition.

Sounds like a combo. of all.

While it's easy to blame the school administration it's not to be overlooked that parents are their children's advocates. Mum needs to take responsibility for ensuring this kid is in the learning environment that best fits his needs.

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 12:31 PM
reply to post by Sestias

Throwing sticks and injuring people sounds like more than a tantrum to me! Not to say I'm in favor of arresting this kid but he definitely sounds like a violent little guy! If such a kid were to injure one of my children during such a "tantrum"... well, my opinion on the arrest of this child might change a little.

I have a child that age myself and while I know that kids will be kids, being so violent isn't normal. I don't know what provokes the child in the OP, but really, what do you do when a child is completely out of control and doesn't care if he hurts people? This is a tough one for me. School aren't allowed to do much to stop the actions of such children, so what option does that leave really? I think this is one case where it was right to get the police involved.

I don't think this child belongs in a regular classroom. At least not until he shows that he can be trusted not to hurt people.

EDIT: I see this IS a special education student. This makes what I said previously null and void. Arresting such a person is useless. I don't think the child is in the correct school. He needs to be taught in a facility where they can better handle his "tantrums."
edit on 2/25/2011 by gemineye because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 10:43 PM
reply to post by gemineye

I believe one of the reasons the teacher and the principal called the police could be the fact that if they touched someone's child -- if even to restrain him -- the school could be sued for presumed use of unnecessary force or it could even be claimed to be a sexual assault. In addition, the principal or the teacher or both would most likely be fired by the school board if the parents made an objection to their behavior.

I think that lawsuits are a primary cause of the wariness of schools in using restraints, or having any physical contact with a child whatsoever. They feel they have to call the police and have them do it, as the police are slightly less likely to be sued for physical contact. They could also be witnesses of the child's violence.

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