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50 State Solidarity Rallies Planned... High Noon 02/26/11

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posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 09:48 AM
Now that the Wisconsin public sector employee unions have agreed to the wage and pension concessions demanded by governor Walker to little or no avail, it has become apparent that the primary function of this bill is to permanently remove the basic right of working people to organize and participate in collective bargaining.

Furthermore, with the new development regarding the phone conversation between governor Walker and the Buffalo Beast blogger, who Walker thought was David Koch, new ethics allegations have arisen on top of everything else. It is now apparent that Walker is nothing more than a puppet for the Koch brother's corrupt corporate agenda and that they would even consider promoting violence against the citizens in order to accomplish their goals.

Well it looks like the blockbusting phenomena of global protest is finally coming to a theatre near you. According to this article at; solidarity rallies are now being planned for 12:00 noon tomorrow in front of every state capitol building across this nation. Looks like the people of Wisconsin are fixing to find out that they do not stand alone in their fight to protect worker's rights.

Apparently, these rallies are also being supported by numerous other progressive organizations and I would expect a pretty big turnout for this one. I know where I'll be tomorrow, standing in front of my states capitol building supporting the rights of working people across this nation. I knew this day was coming but I didn't expect it to come so soon.

Just like what happened in Egypt, working people in America will not stand idly by and be stripped of their rights while corporate thugs rob us blind. Corporate profits and their liquid assets are at all time highs as many of them pay no taxes and create no jobs while they continually complain that they are being driven overseas by high overhead here in America when in reality, the only driving force they even recognize is Greed.

Anyway, here's a few other links regarding the 50 State Rally;

Tomorrow, I will be standing for "Solidarity" among working people, hope you will to.

edit on 25-2-2011 by Flatfish because: (no reason given)

edit on 25-2-2011 by Flatfish because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 09:53 AM
Good job America! I find it interesting that they are having a 12:00 National Stand up for Solidarity Rally nation-wide and Canada is having a 1:00 National Day of Action Rallies nation-wide tomorrow as well. 2 different reasons, gathering the masses of North America on 1 day. I hope the world is heading to the peoples revolution and that these are just small steps in the beginning of something greater.

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 10:04 AM
Send the Link to Al-Jazeera
Because i doubt your Media will cover this without any Bias,if they cover it at all...Hope its get big...and bigger,and bigger....

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 10:17 AM
WOW...I see you have been reading your leftist propaganda...Its not trying to take away the workers right to collective bargaining. I love how it goes from public sector to private sector in the matter of about 6 seconds. THE DEBT IS UNSUSTAINABLE. THIS IS TAX PAYERS MONEY NOT COMING FROM A PRIVATE COMPANY. Oh no they are going to have to pay 12% instead of 6% towards health care, oh no they have to start putting money into their OWN pensions, oh no the gov saved 6,000 jobs...Public employees should no be able to be in a union.. They are arguing over TAX PAYER money, wheres the tax payers representation, oh right its the GOV. Hooray for him man, hooray for him
...Oh and really, your a puppet of Soros now too...This site is going to #....
edit on 25-2-2011 by logicalthinking because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 10:18 AM
reply to post by logicalthinking

Again, quit your crap and get a new name. They're taxpayers too, and they provide a service for your precious tax dollar. If you think the amount of your taxes is going down because of this, think again. There is no tax base and this will further erode it. If you're so worried about your tax dollar why aren't you out there screaming about the real waste going on in this country in billions and billions to fund illegal wars and as flat out give-aways to other countries.

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 10:20 AM
And may the streets fill with protesters as they milk the rest of us for unemployment checks and food stamps. They wont protest for long though because its called and they have TV to watch and Internet to surf, they will be up late because its not like they want to get a job anyway.

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 10:32 AM
reply to post by logicalthinking

Yeah there ya go, Hooray for the governor. The very same governor that gave away 117 million in tax breaks to corporations just in the last two months. You want to know where your state's tax dollars are going? They're being ushered right out the door and into the hands of corporate America, thats where. Afterwards, corporate America uses those savings to reward the usher, get it?

Maybe you can explain to me why Texas, a state where public sector employees have no collective bargaining rights whatsoever, has a deficit of 27 billion dollars. This budget deficit is not being caused by unions because there are none, go figure.

One only needs to realize that the working taxpayer still exist right where he's always been, working and paying taxes. It's the tax paying corporation that has gone into oblivion leaving our state and national budgets in red ink. Why is there no outcry against the tax breaks being given to corporate America while simultaneously breaking the back of working people.

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 11:10 AM
Reply to post by Flatfish

Yes, there a plethora of unions in Texas.

Get your facts straight.

Second of all, you need to understand how the Texas government works.

The myth of the $27 billion shortfall State budget writers have a challenging session in front of them, but it may not be as bad as you’ve heard. First, the facts. According to the newly released 2012-13 Biennial Revenue Estimate, the state is expecte to collect $76.5 billion over the next two years for general purpose spending. Of this total, $4.3 billion is needed to cover expenses leftover from the last budget, leaving lawmakers with roughly $72.2 billion to cover general expenses for the next two years. Since the announcement, several media reports are citing the estimate from Comptroller Susan Combs as the basis for a $27 billion budget shortfall. However, Combs specifically stated that she could not giv a shortfall estimate –she is responsible only for the revenue side of the budget equation, and that spending levels are the prerogative of the Legislature.

The $27 billion figure in certain media accounts is premised on the belief that the state should carry forward all current spending and assumptions regarding program growth. But in difficult times, taxpayers cannot continue to spend money for programs and agencies in the same fashion as previous times when more resources were available. Additionally, policy advocates touting the $27 billion figure are simply tallying the state agencies’ Legislative Appropriations Requests. But these requests are almost never fully funded –even at the start of the budget process –because they include many unnecessary spending items that appropriators recognize and quickly weed out. Beyond that, Combs said that her estimate of a $4.3 billion deficit in the current budget cycle did not account for the implementation of agency budget cuts requested last year by Gov. Rick Perry, Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst, and Speaker Joe Straus. Once these agreed-to cuts are implemented, that will reduce the deficit by approximately $2 billion in this budget and increase available revenue by $2 billion in 2012-13. The most important point tracks back to Combs’ statement that spending levels are the prerogative of the Legislature. Officially, there is no shortfall until there is an introduced budget that provides a preliminary expression of the Legislature’s desired spending level. If the House leadership follows through on its stated intention to introduce a budget that fits within available revenues, there will be no shortfall. This is not to say that the process of developing a 2012-13 state budget will be a walk in the park. But claims that Texas is $27 billion in the red are flat-out false.

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edit on 25-2-2011 by GAOTU789 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 11:23 AM
reply to post by ~Lucidity

Ohh quit my crap and get a new name..Maybe a nice pretty little avatar as well. Im not sticking up for him with any other decisions that he has made in the past. Im saying that their should be no unionized gov jobs, its a crock of #. Everyone wants a "revolution" over this and its ridiculous. In my opinion, which seems to dig at the core of your soul, which i do have to say gives me enjoyment, they (the employees of the gov) should not be able to control tax payers money. This is what they are trying to do in a way. Heres the shocker, I myself am in a union, a very well known union, we recently had to give up company paid pensions as well as change our health care to a less liked and more expensive plan, why you may ask? Because the company that I work for has money problems and they were UNABLE TO SUSTAIN THE DEBT that this was putting them in. And never once did i say that Im not pissed about illegal wars, but thats off topic, so i wont go there. This is first on a loooong list of things that need to be done. And they provide services for my tax dollar, great go to work, I will pay, but im not going to give extra benefits for pushing papers and giving more of my tax dollars away to welfare recipients. If they dont like the pay and benefits or lack there of, get a different job.

edit on 25-2-2011 by logicalthinking because: (no reason given)
Oh and I forgot, !! Really?? Rally to Save the American Dream, i thought the american dream was earning things by working hard, not by bargaining rights. I cant believe ppl are falling for this #. Everyone say "Yes Mr. Soros, we will start an uprising for you, create social disorder over people having to pay 6% more on there health benefits, and to have to contribute to their OWN pensions, and because the gov saved 6,000 jobs, we will ignore illegal wars, this thing called 9/11, poison in our water, food and air, but over a 6% increase and pensions, we will die for you." You have ALL been duped...have a great day of bs protests, i will be on the other side, standing with Americans who still believe in the REAL american dream, one that should be earned and not handed to you!
edit on 25-2-2011 by logicalthinking because: (no reason given)

Also these same ppl who created our debt, our monetary problems, the pro NWO puppets that are destroying our country from the inside out are the same groups of ppl who are organizing these rallies. They want chaos. Ppl need to wake up.
edit on 25-2-2011 by logicalthinking because: cuz i had ta

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 11:26 AM
reply to post by Lemon.Fresh

Now theres someone that knows their stuff.

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 11:28 AM

Originally posted by Lemon.Fresh
Reply to post by Flatfish

Yes, there a plethora of unions in Texas.

For now. Do you not believe Wisconsin (and the other states this is happening in) is a red flag?
edit on 2/25/2011 by ~Lucidity because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 12:17 PM
reply to post by Lemon.Fresh

Then you might want to explain why, as this article explains, Texas lawmakers moved to "slash 31 billion in spending to close the state's massive budget deficit" if the deficit didn't exist?

Or you might want to explain how these articles are nothing but lies as well;’-budget-deficit.ece

And there are plenty more where those came from.

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 12:33 PM
If you want to protest to support the unions, fine.

But I should hope not one person is supporting the actions of the senators from Wisconsin & Indiana. Democracy does not mean that one gets to run away like a coward and hide out until his demands are met! This is America....come out and vote like a man!

We can not support senators - any senators - from blocking votes on legislation merely because they do not like the outcome. First it's the Democrats, then Republican senate members will walk out since they don't have the majority -- c'mon people.

To support the runaway senators is to support the right of any minority party to abandon their Constitutional duties whenever they get upset, angry, or otherwise displeased by the majority party's initiatives.

Given the fact that we swing right to left and vice-versa every few years, this would create quite a precedent that would wreak havoc on our entire democratic process moving forward.

Don't like the legislation? Think the vote won't go your way? Then, welcome to Illinois! The state where Constitutional duties are null and void!

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 12:51 PM
reply to post by lpowell0627

A walkout is a form of protest in a situation being played out.

Why should they play a game that is rigged from the start by outsiders?

Humans of conscience, will act in accordance with their conscience. A job is but a means to earn a living. At times, money isn't everything. Dignity is, and more so for representatives or legislators elevated to their status as leaders of the community.

Their walkout is a protest to the travesty of the bill that is totally against the very sacred Constitution that they had sworn to uphold, unlike those who play the game effetively manipulating the media with other minions and the weak minded
edit on 25-2-2011 by SeekerofTruth101 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 01:12 PM
reply to post by Flatfish

"Just like what happened in Egypt, working people in America will not stand idly by and be stripped of their rights while corporate thugs rob us blind. Corporate profits and their liquid assets are at all time highs as many of them pay no taxes and create no jobs while they continually complain that they are being driven overseas by high overhead here in America when in reality, the only driving force they even recognize is Greed."

The corporate profits you speak of in this case is the govt! I for one, as a tax payer, do not want my tax dollars financing Democrats and their election campaigns. Which is exactly what happens when public sector employees unionize. Tax payers pay their salary, the state takes union dues out of their salary and give it straight to the union bosses, those union bosses then give it to democrats to finance their re-election. Wake up already, there is no example in history of a socialist, progressive country or program not going broke! Name just one, please! Every single time either the country goes broke or the program goes broke and needs taxes from capitalists to extend it's life. Socialism is a dream, Marx is a con man to get you to believe all this crap is for you, the worker. They put their hands in your pocket, spend it how they see fit and tell you it's all for you. It's really all for them. Make your own way in life and stop depending on some politician that doesn't even know who you are to make your life better. Make it better yourself and stop the boo hoo ing when other men make your life harder, they can only do that because you let them have that power! I used to be a union man, got elected as a committee man and successfully negotiated contracts. Unions foster laziness and I couldn't handle baby sitting adults older than me. People have the right to assemble but it's not for me. If unions are the answer to everything then why does every "so called" pro worker country go broke and move toward a free market system?

You don't see riots and workers organizing in Eastern Europe today because they lived through that crap for 70yrs. No one is going to tell them "it's all for you" anymore because they lived that lie already, while they were eating shoe leather for food because someone told them Marx had the answers. Yeah Right!!!

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 01:14 PM
The tension in the world right now is palpable. People on the opposite ends of the political spectrum are ready to come to blows in the streets, and Pima County in Arizona is talking about separating from the state because it has "gone too far to the right." Civil War might be at hand.

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 06:58 PM
reply to post by SeekerofTruth101

I couldn't agree with you more. What the democratic senators of Wisconsin, who are currently using their absence to thwart an unjust bill by eliminating the ability of the senate to establish the needed quorum are doing, is not any more sinister than what the republican minority in congress did for the last two years by insuring that nothing got passed without a minimum of 60 votes. On top of that, at least these democratic senators actually have the testicular fortitude to carry out their threat to leave the state despite the ensuing public ridicule. The republican minority in the U.S. congress never had to do anything but threaten a filibuster and then all of a sudden, the "majority" no longer ruled and it took 60 votes to pass anything. Funny how that same party gets so frustrated when the roles are reversed and rules are used against their wishes.

After what governor Walker said in the hoax (David Koch) telephone conversation, with respect to his plan to trick the senators back into session so that the republicans could then move to pass the legislation without them once the session was started, is evidence of the dishonest scheming be done behind the scenes by the governor and his cronies. The man is a bald faced liar and if I were one of the absentee senators, I wouldn't return until the bill was taken completely off the table.

I for one, will be present tomorrow at my state capitol to show my support for the working people of Wisconsin as well as for the rest of organized labor. On the other hand, I could be about two weeks late to cast my vote in the next presidential election come November 2012, but I'm sure that Obama will understand seeing how he doesn't seem to be able to find the time to stand up with the working people of this nation that got him elected in the first place.

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 07:32 PM
reply to post by logicalthinking

Collective barganing was something that was implement in support of worker's safety and general work conditions, such has mandated hours/work/day days/week and the classic example is mine safety requirements for coal miners.

In today's collective barganing, you have items such as the average distance to a copier in an office, mandated committees for the purposes of designing work space, including colors and placement of lighting. Its comical.

Essentially what today's collective barganing system today is a model where the unions place so many nonsensical clauses in them that they can negotiate around them to get at the larger items that they want. They'll go for fewer copiers/floor if they can get a 2 year extension on their health care subsidies.

I worked in a union run building in NYC. Through collective barganing, the electricians union actually owned all of the freight elevators in the building. You want to bring something in thats large? Have to have a union dude open and operate the freight elevator or bring it through the main lobby that was filled with clients. Pretty big problem when you've got a mainframe in the basement to replace the existing one that is failing and the union would not allow the use of the freight elevator for 4 days. I forget what concessions my firm gave them, but it was something.

I wonder what all of these pro union folks inherited a large labor intensive business in a right to work state and the union came in and tried to unionize 100% of the workers if they would be happy about it. Once they did the math, I'm guessing they'd stick with the right to work model

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 07:46 PM
reply to post by dolphinfan

So you're saying that if you "owned" the freight elevators, they would be available for free to anyone that needed them. What would be the reason for owning them then, if it were not to make either a profit or some other tangible payment for their use?

Corporations charge through the nose for every aspect of the businesses they control and you should not expect any different treatment when utilizing facilities owned by others.

Why didn't you just buy your own building or your own service elevator with all that job creating capitol you claim to be in control of? You know, that same money that must be left untaxed in order to allow for the creation of jobs.

If they owned the elevators, they have the right to charge whatever they want to for their use and if you don't like it, just find another way to get it done. I remember a day when, believe it or not, it was quite hard to find an elevator anywhere in the country that wasn't manned by a full time elevator operator, usually union too. The same was true for doormen at the entrances to most all of the nicer hotels throughout this nation.

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 07:56 PM
reply to post by Flatfish

We did own the building. The building was a financial services firm that had trading floors that needed constant support from the Local 3 electricians union. The issue that the union demanded was that we "sell them the sole rights" to the elevators or essentially they would perform work slow-downs when those slowdowns could literally cost 10s of millions of dollars. When a bank of trading workstations go down and you're sitting on a couple of $billions of positions and the market is volatile, its fairly important that they get fixed quickly.

The union had the firm by the short hairs and there was absolutely nothing that could be done about it. Need to paint and painters need to use the freight elevator? Show your union card, Mr. Painter or you're not going up. Need to install some equipment in the data center? OK, those folks need to be union too - but wait a minute, the union folks are not trained to install the gear and the engineers from IBM are not union. No problem, we would have to pay for a full complement of electricians to sit on folding chairs while the engineers did their work.

Did not want to play ball? Better hope you did not have an issue on the trading floor.

It was extortion, plain and simple extortion. Now you may ask, why did you use union electricians in the first place. Because the only electricians in NYC are union. Try to be an independant, non-union electrician in NYC and you'll find yourself in the Hudson River.

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