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Free Energy: Philippine DOE Verifies Self-Charging Electric Car

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posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 07:53 AM
There is more info here. As more sources get referenced they will put links on the topic.
I suggest all the skeptics go to this site. It's not a quack site and they have lots of egineers and scientists who debunk bogus claims. They also reassure real claims. As I have been going to this site for years I came to realize all the solutions for at least tripling efficiency are and have been here for years. I don't have have a strong opinion on over unity but that doesn't really matter. There are so many efficiency upgrades, stand alone energy sources, etc that would make our energy clean and cheap. Over unity would mean free and it may be possible.

The law of thermo dynamics does not need to be destroyed to have "temporary" over unity. It is just that the cycle of energy production is so long it appears that way. Like the sun giving us free energy, eventually the sun will burn out but right now it appears like an endless source of energy. Or perpetual motion machines that go on for years. It may not be truly perpetual but it sure could teach us about efiiciency and ballance in design Cold fusion is also getting close. Even the Navy labs have said so.
edit on 25-2-2011 by Movescamp because: Add link

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 08:24 AM

Originally posted by Movescamp
There is more info here. As more sources get referenced they will put links on the topic.
I suggest all the skeptics go to this site. It's not a quack site and they have lots of egineers and scientists who debunk bogus claims. They also reassure real claims. As I have been going to this site for years I came to realize all the solutions for at least tripling efficiency are and have been here for years. I don't have have a strong opinion on over unity but that doesn't really matter. There are so many efficiency upgrades, stand alone energy sources, etc that would make our energy clean and cheap. Over unity would mean free and it may be possible.

The law of thermo dynamics does not need to be destroyed to have "temporary" over unity. It is just that the cycle of energy production is so long it appears that way. Like the sun giving us free energy, eventually the sun will burn out but right now it appears like an endless source of energy. Or perpetual motion machines that go on for years. It may not be truly perpetual but it sure could teach us about efiiciency and ballance in design Cold fusion is also getting close. Even the Navy labs have said so.
edit on 25-2-2011 by Movescamp because: Add link

Some people, no matter what evidence you give them will never open their eyes. They prefer not to be disturbed in their sleeping. Let them be.

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 08:28 AM
reply to post by wavemaker

It's sad really. But without these so called "nut cases" like tesla, the write brothers, Einstein, etc. We would still prob be apes. I am sure the first man to create fire was told it's not possible and denies the known laws of the time.

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 08:43 AM

Originally posted by Movescamp
reply to post by James1982

Over unity believers? Wait let me guess you are a closed minded engineer who will site the laws of thermo dynamics? They apply to mechanical energy. Not ambient energy or electricity. What he is most likely doing is just converting resonant waves into a workable form of electricity. Tesla showed how you can tune devices to change and transmit waves. I suggest you look at There are a lot of inventors and scientists information there. Obviously we don't need to have over unity. All we need to do is triple our efficiency. Pretty easy to do if you just step away from combustion. If you honestly can not believe that the energy sector controls the innovation (since they were the investors when it was invented) you have absolutely no idea what has gone on through history.

I suggest reading more about the atmosphere around world war one. J d rockefellor, j p Morgan, Westinghouse, etc. It's pretty obvious there was a plan to control energy to control the economy. Rockefellor himself describes his plans.

Everybody is closed minded to a degree, or else anything anybody tells you ever, you will believe. Which is not a great idea. If some guy walked up to you on the street with a bridge for sale, would you believe him? Probably not, because you think logically.

I like your assumption that I have no idea what has gone on through history, as if you do. Reading websites does not mean you were there, experiencing the past 100 years.

That being said, I am well aware of the backroom dealings that have gone on in the past to control/exploit the energy market. It's no big secret, it's companies wanting to turn a profit.

I am skeptical for a few reasons.

First of all, you speak of and the scientists and inventors there that know about this technology. Why has nothing been done about it? We hear over and over again how hundreds of people have plans for free energy machines, have made them, they work, etc etc. Not a single one ever has been authenticated, or gone into the mainstream. Yes I know, that's because they are murdering everyone who invents these things.

Second of all, these people who claim to have discovered these technologies never share them in a workable form, ever. This is not just some new invention, this is something that would quite literally change the world as we know it, do you agree? If someone has a model that functions at over 100% efficiency, why aren't they showing it off? And I don't mean on the internet, I mean in the real world.

They could go to every news station in their area, and demonstrate this. It would not be difficult to prove that it works, at all. Again, I know the corporations are controlling the media so none of them will do anything but call TPTB for a murdering to take place to cover it up. Why not publish this in a science journal? This would spread the technology everywhere. Why not secure venture capitol and build some to sell? It's a guaranteed market, there is not an investor out there, that once proven your device works, would not invest in such a business. Why not call up Popular Mechanics and tell the tech geeks there you can demonstrate an over-unity device? I can almost assure you any of them would jump at the chance to write an article about such a thing. It would be history, and they would be a small part of it.

Why don't they release the plans on the internet, too? Free for all the world to see, it would be impossible to stop. Oh I know, they want to make money on it. So arguably one of the greatest discoveries in the history of mankind, something that could bring a better life to millions, if not billions, and they don't do it because they want a paycheck? A Nobel prize would probably come around for someone that did something so incredible, which usually comes along with a few million bucks.

There are far too many ways, and far too many people that would want in on this, that if it ever happened you couldn't suppress it. You cannot kill, silence, or stop an idea, especially an idea such as free energy. Especially with the internet.

So I remain a skeptic, call me closed minded, or whatever you will. I hope it's true, in which case, as I said, the Philippines should become incredibly wealthy over the next few years with such an incredible and rare technology. They aren't an oil giant, their output is what? A little over 20 thousand barrels a day? That's nothing, they sure aren't getting rich off oil, so you can't say their oil companies and suppressing it.

edit on 25-2-2011 by James1982 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 08:49 AM

Originally posted by wavemaker

Originally posted by Movescamp

Some people, no matter what evidence you give them will never open their eyes. They prefer not to be disturbed in their sleeping. Let them be.

What evidence? You mean there are scientists all over the globe making these things, with documented proof, peer review, etc?

You people are so incredibly clever with your holier than thou attitude because you take something as fact without anything to back it up. I'm sorry I can't do the same. As if you know anything about me, or my beliefs. Prefer not to be disturbed in my sleep, give me a break. Such a cop-out when people disagree with you. I'd gladly have my "sleep" disturbed for something as groundbreaking as you are all advocating. I guess its time for bed, since I'm just too dumb to hang around and insult others for not buying into an illogical argument.

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 09:01 AM
hey all, looks interesting as hell. I say the inventor might be real, might not be real, time will tell. Let's give it a few days and see what comes out. In the meantime though it is an interesting find by the OP and the others who have found the TV report. Proof is in the pudding, if and when the government of the Phillipines release info on the DOE website we will know for sure.

Looks interesting and could be earth shattering if true... Wait and see for me

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 09:03 AM

Originally posted by Movescamp
reply to post by wavemaker

It's sad really. But without these so called "nut cases" like tesla, the write brothers, Einstein, etc. We would still prob be apes. I am sure the first man to create fire was told it's not possible and denies the known laws of the time.

Yeah, the difference is this:

Einstein's theories resulted in the creation of the atomic bomb, which is very real. Einstein discovered the photoelectric effect, which makes solar panels possible. Not only possible, but they are in widespread use, they too are very real. Which brings up another point, solar panels are basically free energy, why aren't they being suppressed? What sense does that make? He also created the Einstein Refrigerator which cools without electricity. Why wasn't this suppressed?

The Wright brothers were the first with heavier than air flight. Which is why we have airplanes flying all over the place. Again, very real.

Tesla definitely has his contributions too, I'm in no way trying to take away from that fact. But if these theorized devices are one of his contributions, they should also be used in the world today, like solar panels. Not once have I heard that issue addressed. Anybody care to say why solar panels exist, if the government or whoever else covers up energy sources they cannot tax? A bit of a fly in the ointment don't you think?

As far as the first man to create fire, well that just doesn't make any sense at all. Fire was around before we could "make" it, via forest fires and other naturally forming fires. Only an idiot would say something's not possible when it was all around them.

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 09:18 AM
reply to post by James1982

Basically you are just arguing. You have no first hand expierance. I went to the marines to get college paid for. Ended up specializing in cultural identifications. Which is basically anthropology. I then went to school for anthropology and minored in history. I have a business that sets up home automation now in a completely unrelated field of training.

So you really answered your own question. When these few companies atthe turn ofthe century got their fingers into government they also bought the media. So that's why you never hear of these things. If you went to trade shows on a regular basis, do your own research, and go to industry events you will find the answer to your argument.

Most of these inventors are well aware of what happens to their inventions once the wrong investors are in place. They are also weary of contract details and owner ship clauses for pattents.

Short story is they are out there you just have to look. Go to peswiki it's a good start. Than go to the events where these people bring their products. I have.

Production and in invention are a long way from each other and require money. As does marketing.

Why doesn't the public know about theoretical physics? Does that mean it doesn't exsist? Or is it the media a doesn't educate and b people just don't care.

The only energy crisis we have is perception. Once people come around to care more their will be more information available. It's already their you just aren't willing to look and the boy who cried wolf left a bad taste in your mouth.

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 09:28 AM
reply to post by James1982

Right because solar panels are so heavily used. The ones the mainstream uses are about 20 percent efficient and require very expensive grid tie systems or very expensive batteries.

Bucky fuller invented a better way to build houses why don't we all live in domes? He also layed out a system of hydroelectric, tidal, geothermal, wind, and solar across the us and Canada that would more than get us off oil it would have provided a switch over for oil workers. Just lime his Dymaxion
Car in the 40's would have used all the aircraft machinist who were layed off after the war. The car a real invention went 100 miles an hour, got 35 miles per gallon and seated 11 people. With a model t engine. Later he designed the car to have independent motors on every wheel to expell the loss of energy from the drive train.

So why didn't people invest in his car? They preferred their cart and buggy looking automobiles? Some people are ahead of their time and it takes years for the public to catch up.

As far as your quote As far as the first man to create fire, well that just doesn't make any sense at all. Fire was around before we could "make" it, via forest fires and other naturally forming fires. Only an idiot would say something's not possible when it was all around them.

I couldn't agree more. It applies to the energy sector too. I also said create fire. Meaning purposely making one. I suppose making lightning even though it was "all around us" took about 200,000 years to figure out it's usefulness. Your comment is ridiculous. Atoms are all around us, gamma rays, radio waves, but that doesn't mean it is obvious to provide and manipulate it's use. People thought tesla was a black magician. I am sure the first one to figure out how to make, control, and use fire seemed like a magician too.
edit on 25-2-2011 by Movescamp because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 09:29 AM

edit on 25-2-2011 by Movescamp because: Double

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 09:48 AM
reply to post by wavemaker

If being openminded is taking an unsubstantiated news boradcast as de facto then I'd rather be asleep, thanks.

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 09:51 AM

Originally posted by Movescamp
reply to post by James1982

Short story is they are out there you just have to look. Go to peswiki it's a good start. Than go to the events where these people bring their products. I have.

Production and in invention are a long way from each other and require money. As does marketing.

I don't think you would need all that much marketing to sell a free energy device. I could very well be wrong though!

And I ask again, so your saying that you have been to trade shows where free energy machines were featured? If so, then the technology isn't being suppressed is it?

And anyone care to answer my other question about why solar panels weren't suppressed?

Originally posted by Movescamp
reply to post by James1982

If you went to trade shows on a regular basis, do your own research, and go to industry events you will find the answer to your argument.

Really? Tesla's free energy machine is featured at trade shows an industry events? Is that what you are saying? Because that's my argument, that this technology should be out there, and it's not. Unless, like it seemed you implied, trade shows feature Tesla's free energy machine.

Originally posted by Movescamp
reply to post by James1982

Most of these inventors are well aware of what happens to their inventions once the wrong investors are in place. They are also weary of contract details and owner ship clauses for pattents.

Once again, I bring up how selfish it seems that they would deprive the world of such a game-changer just because of money. When millions have given their lives in defense of their country over the years, loosing a patent to help millions doesn't seem like a huge deal, to me at least.

Originally posted by Movescamp
reply to post by James1982

The only energy crisis we have is perception. Once people come around to care more their will be more information available. It's already their you just aren't willing to look and the boy who cried wolf left a bad taste in your mouth.

I think we found something we can agree on!
I just get very tired of the repeated claims of such devices, and nothing ever comes of it. It's nothing new, it's been going on for decades, yet it vanishes.

I'm not trying to give the impression I don't want something like this to come out, I most certainly do. It just seems most unlikely, at this point, which is why I remain a skeptic. I just get irritated when people make it seem as if being skeptical about something without proof is somehow a bad thing. I'll admit I can't say for sure this isn't the real deal, but like you said there are so many out there making actual false claims that the reputation as a whole for those who go onto make future claims is tarnished.

edit on 25-2-2011 by James1982 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 09:54 AM
reply to post by john_bmth

You guys are hilarious I gave you the link. Go ahead and try reading it. Here is another one

It has letters from doe and let me tell you. Sterling debunks a lot of the snake oil men out there.
It's obvious you have a decision already without reading anything.

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 09:58 AM
This is nonetheless the real thing, the real tech, actually caveman tech by now. And its interesting reading who is who on this.

Time to get this out and going I'd say, world wide.

We're going to be working on things like this this year, good projects. They should come up with mods and kits for cars, grass routes and spread them everywhere.
edit on 25-2-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 10:02 AM

Originally posted by James1982
And anyone care to answer my other question about why solar panels weren't suppressed?

Because solar panels are very expensive and very ineffecient. The don't really produce "free" energy due to the periphials you need to purchase to keep the system going, and the repeat expenditures for replacement batteries.

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 10:10 AM

Originally posted by Movescamp
reply to post by James1982

Right because solar panels are so heavily used. The ones the mainstream uses are about 20 percent efficient and require very expensive grid tie systems or very expensive batteries.

My point was that I can go to harbor freight and buy a solar panel system for under $200. Nowhere is one of Tesla's free energy machines on sale. That, doesn't mean it doesn't exist though, I know.

Originally posted by Movescamp
reply to post by James1982

Bucky fuller invented a better way to build houses why don't we all live in domes? He also layed out a system of hydroelectric, tidal, geothermal, wind, and solar across the us and Canada that would more than get us off oil it would have provided a switch over for oil workers. Just lime his Dymaxion
Car in the 40's would have used all the aircraft machinist who were layed off after the war. The car a real invention went 100 miles an hour, got 35 miles per gallon and seated 11 people. With a model t engine. Later he designed the car to have independent motors on every wheel to expell the loss of energy from the drive train.

So why didn't people invest in his car? They preferred their cart and buggy looking automobiles? Some people are ahead of their time and it takes years for the public to catch up.

I totally get what your saying, and honestly it did make me re-think the issue. I will admit just because something is superior in function does not mean it will come to a wide market.

I think the difference is that energy production is different than a better house or car. Energy production is arguably the biggest issue in the world today, I don't think better cars or houses are, or were back then. The need just wasn't that great, oil was cheap and a fuel efficient car didn't spark that much interest. But in an energy starved world it would make more sense for something like this to come out.

As far as Hydroelectric, Geothermal, and tidal power production not being taken advantage of as much as it should, doesn't change the fact that there are Hydroelectric plants (I get my power from Bonneville damn) There are also geothermal and tidal power production plants that work. There is plenty of mainstream articles on all of the above, in addition to them actually being used in society.

Originally posted by Movescamp
reply to post by James1982

I couldn't agree more. It applies to the energy sector too. I also said create fire. Meaning purposely making one. I suppose making lightning even though it was "all around us" took about 200,000 years to figure out it's usefulness. Your comment is ridiculous. Atoms are all around us, gamma rays, radio waves, but that doesn't mean it is obvious to provide and manipulate it's use. People thought tesla was a black magician. I am sure the first one to figure out how to make, control, and use fire seemed like a magician too.
edit on 25-2-2011 by Movescamp because: (no reason given)

You got me there. Just because something is all around us doesn't mean we intrinsically know how to manipulate it. I must have misunderstood the comment, as I took it to mean that some cave man said "hey discovered this thing called fire" to which his buddy replied "no way that's impossible" which is why I said it doesn't make any sense because it's something I'm sure most experienced. But, if the conversation went "you know that fire we see? I can make it on my own now" "no way that's impossible" then I see the point you are making. Even so, fire is a much more tangible thing than atoms and lightning. Anybody can sit around and observe fire, poke a stick into it and "steal" that fire.
edit on 25-2-2011 by James1982 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 10:11 AM
reply to post by Movescamp

We don't live in domes for the same reason we don't have free (from a monetary perspective) energy.

The costs outway the benefits.

I can assure you that it is still currently cheaper to stick build a square home vs precast (or preassemble, depending on building material) a dome construction...not to mention that stick homes are in fact superior in areas with seismic issues (west coast, east Asia, etc.).

Energy will change when it becomes cheaper to be better, until then, do what you can and hope for the best.

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 10:12 AM

Originally posted by foreshadower99
control = corruption

Welcome to the Philippines...and have a nice day Joe.

PS if anyone want me to investigate this i would love to. All expenses paid amigo....10000p and i will get you story with vid.
edit on 25-2-2011 by The Great Day because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 10:17 AM

Originally posted by craig732

Originally posted by James1982
And anyone care to answer my other question about why solar panels weren't suppressed?

Because solar panels are very expensive and very ineffecient. The don't really produce "free" energy due to the periphials you need to purchase to keep the system going, and the repeat expenditures for replacement batteries.

So solar panels were allowed into the market place because of those reason, How do you know those same problems aren't also present with tesla's supposed free energy machine?

It would still need batteries to store energy for use, just like solar panels. You can't just have a straight hookup to your house.

Any regulators would also have to be used with tesla's device to make it useful for a home, wouldn't it?

So if a solar panel that just sits there and cranks out energy (however limited) isn't considered free energy, then why is tesla's machine touted as such?

As far as cost, how do you know how much it would cost to build and maintain tesla's free energy device compared to the output it has?
edit on 25-2-2011 by James1982 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 10:25 AM
reply to post by James1982

I understand your points as well. Now you are getting to the point. Which is the
Market dictates prices and which artifacts are used. The only way to change consumers minds is psychological warfare meaning media and commercials or real education through discovery. Now you get into schools an manipulation. Have you eer heard of Bucky Fuller? Prob not in school. Or tesla. If you don't grow up dreaming these things are possible and you have people telling you it's not 99 percent of people just believe it.

When fuller invented the geodesic dome and dymaxion house the great depression was in full effect. So was a huge housing shortage. So oil was not cheap and homes needed to be built for the masses of gi s returning home. His house used half the materials was structurally more sound and took less than a 1/4 time to make. They also have huge energy efficiency just based on the dome design and convection.

If these inventors don't get funding they are tinkering in their garages and basements. Both fuller and tesla had investors buying them labs and equipment. Then were hosed over by them once they weren't maximizing profits. So it's amazing these new inventors can do this stuff with minimal equipment. And that's why you only see the principle explanations. These demo devices can be rather unimpressive but they don't have million dollar labs. If you understand the math so to speak you get what they are doing. But most don't and looking at a video of a device with wires hanging out and home made machine work isn't impressive to most.

These folks are not always worried about the money part but the ownership. Why? Because if the investor owns the patten he can stop production and control the way it's used. So a good sumaritan would be nervous about such things. Because some bigtime Corp will steal the idea patent it and stop anyone from making it benefit humanity

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