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Meritocracy is the N.W.O.

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posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 01:31 AM
Democracy - supposedly government of the people, by the people, and for the people - is a disguised oligarchy. A small, elite group govern in their own interests and take active steps to dupe the people, to provide misinformation and disinformation, to exploit the power of their office to disguise their many abuses. It is advantageous to them to maintain the people in a state akin to that of a flock of sheep or a herd of cows - docile, unthinking, easily controlled, lacking initiative, incapable of resisting. Democracy has failed you.

You worship the celebrity culture. You fall prey to fear based media. Your governments are one at a time, taking away your freedoms. The rich have more money now than ever in the history of Earth. We the people, are being reduced to a shameful condition. However, you do have an option.

Meritocracy is that option. Meritocracy is the New Order of the World. The Old Order is collapsing. As evidenced by the recent uprisings of the incredibly valorous, and heroic Arab peoples in the Middle East, the rich DO have one massive weakness. They know this weakness all to well.

While they number in the tens of thousands, WE the people, number in the BILLIONS!

We are their most lucrative resource! We are their inheritance! We keep these scum alive! We allow few to enslave many!

This has got to end. We need a system that is effective. Democracy is not that system.

Democracy becomes viable only at the point at which the vast majority of citizens are highly capable, clever, and resourceful. At that point, democracy and meritocracy intersect and become synonymous. Until that point, the most meritorious people in society must be placed in charge. How does that happen? An example already exists from history - AMERICA!

So, will you make proud the uncounted millions who have died on this planet as martyrs, so that their children could be free?

Will you put former revolutions to shame? Will you show history that OURS is the greatest generation?

Stop being afraid. You are all superhumans. You are all united as individuals. FIGHT BACK!


posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 01:41 AM

If you have the priviledge of opportunity and equality in the first place. And that can only comes when you have freedom.

Is an african goat herder any different in intelligence to a son of a billionaire that gets to Harvard? There is no difference in intelligence, only difference in opportunities.

And when you get to the top of the heap, by 'meritocracy', will you willingly relinquish your position to another of higher 'meritocracy', assuming it can be validited based upon performance, experiences and IQ, or will you find ways to deny others the OPPORTUNITY within the use of your position's power?

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 01:48 AM
reply to post by SeekerofTruth101

The goat herders son will be given the same oppertunites as the former billionaires son. Everybody would be given the very best possibilites and in equal measure. Everybody.

If somebody comes along and proves that they are better than you at doing a particular job, then they will do that job and you will do a job where you show more talent.

If you are defending the way the world is right now, you either enjoy surplus in your needs and wants, or you are working for somebody that does. I have been seeing alot of your type lately.

Good Luck

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 02:20 AM

Originally posted by SunTzu22
reply to post by SeekerofTruth101

If you are defending the way the world is right now, you either enjoy surplus in your needs and wants, or you are working for somebody that does. I have been seeing alot of your type lately.

Good Luck

I like that above qoute. Nothing like a bit of reverse pyschology by those who are working on behalf of others and be the first to lay the claim to allay suspicions. Hock, line and sinker. You fell right in,

The thing is, when you make such claims with a new thread, the masses are not fools to see through what it is all about and where it came from. Meritocracy does not just simply fall from the sky. It is a byproduct of something else, which you chosed to deride, and is a trait that can be turn against the very mother that created it.

And you are right with your admittance. There are your half truth speaking kind here lately, not many, but a few to lend a hand of further confusion to those whom are still confused.


posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 02:31 AM
reply to post by SeekerofTruth101

Half truths are better than whole lies. Meritocracy is the by-product and final result of a healthy society. Are you brave enough to imagine a healthy society??

You claim to be a seeker of truth, but that is about as believable as me acutally being Sun Tzu. And if your seeing alot of my type lately, then we are winning. You still have time to hop on board, theres room on this ark for everybody.

Have fun seeking, seeker!

edit on 25-2-2011 by SunTzu22 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 02:32 AM
While I agree that we are invincible if we stand together and that it is only a matter of time until this era ends for good.

However, it is hard to imagine that everyone would have access to the same education. Surely between 6.8 billion people there are differences in their experience in life. I'm sure the differences can vary vastly.

Not that I'm rejecting the idea,

But how many leaders would their be in this new order? My first impression is that there could only be a few, but what do you think? That is only my initial impression

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 02:34 AM

Originally posted by SunTzu22
reply to post by SeekerofTruth101

Half truths are better than whole lies.

Thanks for you final admittance. Didnt take long to unmask you, did it?


posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 02:38 AM
I don't think the OP has explained clearly what he means when he says "Meritocracy".

I will try and make a few points regarding Meritocracy as a NWO.

Only meritocracy will be able to deliver a world where the master and slave relationship will be abolished, the Master in the master and slave relationship is a person who has general authority over others and they are able to control vastly more resources than others. Meritocracy advocates preventing anyone from acquiring excessive resources. For example when the richest man (those who have shown their merits to the society) is only ten or twenty times as rich as the poorest man in that society then the master and slave relationship would (in theory) cease to exist whereas in our current world today a capitalist democratic society the richest man is allowed to gather as much as he can, such system is devised by the Old World Order to keep people in their hands.

Of course the masters(in our current society) won't allow you to change their system because this has brought them vast amounts of wealth. They give you a sense of freedom, freedom to choose your President or someone who is supposed to stand up for you, sure you can change this person again and again but you won't eliminate the problem, the problem is in the system and they won't allow you to change it. That's how they control us, giving us a sense of freedom but in reality you don't change anything At all. The system is rigged, it has been like this since they have taken over. A good slave is someone who denies that he is one and yet acts like one i.e. doing their masters bidding. To me those who call themselves "awake" should know this, they would resist the system, they would be troublesome and do such things to show their resistance it would take a lot of time and effort to control them. It costs money to their masters. What is their (OWO) solution to this? They will force you to be their slaves (and they have already done it). Of course it would be obvious if they would still call you "slaves" so they choose a new name for us (how convenient) and it is student, consumer, employee, customer, voter, citizen.

Now let's talk about communism for a little bit, communism would supposedly replace democracy according to Karl Marx. Communism in short is a lazy man's paradise, those who are too lazy to work would achieve the same benefits as those who are meritorious, hard working, and competent people. In short this would create a sterile environment for everyone, no one would want to work because they can get away without doing nothing and they won't get more with doing more.

In meritocracy inequality that is present in a capitalist society would be abolished and so is the false equality that communism creates. In meritocracy those who are meritorious enough and capable enough would be allowed to go as high without damaging others (in short he will be limited by the resources available).

I'm sure that there are a lot more points that I haven't touched here or simply I have no capabilities of doing that. However my explanation I assume would be enough to give you guys an idea on how Meritocracy would work.
Remember one thing though in Meritocracy everything is not set in stone, we would apply the dialectical process where new and more effective ideas would be allowed to take over the old and withering ideas.

Check this site out if you want to know more about Meritocracy.

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 02:40 AM
reply to post by Marulo

I suppose there doesn't need to be leaders. Or does there?

At any rate for the good of mankind is good enough for me.

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 02:43 AM
reply to post by Lateralussicksicksick

I suppose there wouldn't be currency in this society would there?

Maybe the website will tell me, I am checking now. Although I would appreciate any more feedback

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 02:44 AM

Originally posted by SeekerofTruth101

Originally posted by SunTzu22
reply to post by SeekerofTruth101

Half truths are better than whole lies.

Thanks for you final admittance. Didnt take long to unmask you, did it?


Ahhh maaannn, you figured me out!! Now ill need another mask!

We are trying to give everybody an equal share on their planet, but I guess there will always be some, like you, that are gonna want more. You feel entitled. And deep down, you feel sick about the way you live.

There is good news, however. You may choose to join your people anytime you see fit. ( I know you can't pull away from those soap opera's) Humanity looks forward to your being part of it! ( and about time right?)

See you soon, Seeker!

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 02:46 AM
reply to post by Marulo

Yes if we are talking about Money as currency I am pretty sure there would be none.

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 02:51 AM

Originally posted by Marulo
While I agree that we are invincible if we stand together and that it is only a matter of time until this era ends for good.

However, it is hard to imagine that everyone would have access to the same education. Surely between 6.8 billion people there are differences in their experience in life. I'm sure the differences can vary vastly.

Not that I'm rejecting the idea,

But how many leaders would their be in this new order? My first impression is that there could only be a few, but what do you think? That is only my initial impression

Those individuals that prove that they have what it takes to become leaders of men in a free society will always come out of the woodwork.

Money will not have the influence it does now, not by a long shot. No more corruption.

The leaders that the people choose in a Meritocratic Democracy will understand that the people are not sheep that can be led to slaughter, but a collective of talented individuals that absolutley adore their freedom. People to be respected and feared, not despised and abhored.

Keep on questioning!

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 02:51 AM
reply to post by Lateralussicksicksick

Thanks for the clarification. I am all for it, but I am not sure about the rest of the planet. I mean I suppose there could be a lot for it, I am just unaware of that. But I just can't imagine getting rid of money would pan out that smoothly.

The lower and middle class of any country can easily overthrow their government. As demonstrated by Egypt and Tunisia and hopefully I can cite others soon as well. But are they, or the majority in any country, concerned with the implications of money? Perhaps they are, I am just seeking your opinion

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 02:54 AM
reply to post by SunTzu22

Alright I like the idea. Although it would require me to put a lot of faith in humanity. How could I not worry about corruption from third parties like religion? Is the majority ready for tranquility?

Maybe the world is more secular than I think?

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 02:57 AM

Originally posted by SunTzu22
Money will not have the influence it does now, not by a long shot. No more corruption.

The leaders that the people choose in a Meritocratic Democracy will understand that the people are not sheep that can be led to slaughter,

More like "guides" than "leaders". I hope when we reach the point where Meritocracy would prevail I think people would have no need for leaders anymore, they would lead themselves, they would be creators of their own destiny.

People to be respected and feared, not despised and abhored.

Respected yes but feared not. Fear would have no role in Meritocracy, we have no need for sheeps who fears everything.

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 03:02 AM

Originally posted by Marulo
As demonstrated by Egypt and Tunisia and hopefully I can cite others soon as well.

I really see no point in citing Egypt and Tunisia, what they have done is simply to overthrow the tyrants that are OBVIOUSLY controlling them, as I have said the system is rigged unless they change this then only then could they truly flourish as I see it they would fall back to the tyrannical grips of the OWO soon enough.

But are they, or the majority in any country, concerned with the implications of money? Perhaps they are, I am just seeking your opinion

Perhaps they are but I see no victory done in Egypt and Tunisia, they have rid themselves of their dictators but they are far from being a Meritocratic community.

Please understand that Meritocracy would come with a NWO meaning the state of people would be completely changed so the need for Money would be abolished.

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 03:05 AM
reply to post by Marulo

How would society react to a sudden elimination of money?

How would we address the 1.3 billion undernourished people? Correcting that is likely going to involve massive infrastructural projects or perhaps mass migrations. At any rate the distribution of necessities would be an immense effort. It would require many people who realize the payment of their work is the well being of mankind. Perhaps their payment would be room and board? In other words are people ready to drop the notion of money as motivation/payment?

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 03:07 AM
reply to post by Lateralussicksicksick

You are right. I am being hasty in suggesting they have secured their victory. They are far from it, but if their protests persist and their voice remains loud and clear I am sure they will succeed.

I think it was right to cite Egypt and Tunisia only because it is great example of the power of unification of mankind. And that is what you are going to need if you want your dreams realized. Mine as well.

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 03:09 AM
reply to post by Lateralussicksicksick

I am just having trouble imaging the transition between this era and the next.

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