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been thinkin

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posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 07:56 PM
i go to the shower for 10 min and yall got me freakin out
edit on 24-2-2011 by zptramel because: to much info

posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 07:58 PM
reply to post by zptramel

Dude take this information about your brother off the internet.

He could lose his job or security clearence...

posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 07:58 PM
Well...if your brother says so....

So do you hate your brother and are trying to get him fired???

posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 07:59 PM
reply to post by zptramel

So, he asked you not to say anything, but you did anyway, You didn't put it in RATS, you gave enough information for people that know him to identify him, and you are worried about his safety in SK?

I think you should edit out your OP and reconsider where your brother's greatest risks lie. Seems like they lie with his family, not foreign troops.

posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 08:00 PM
I want to believe...

(but that would make me an idiot)

posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 08:00 PM
reply to post by 9Cib27

I dunno whether to believe it or not - but in a sense that's not the point. You're right, if his brother is what he says he is then he's just been dropped in a world of **it. Best removed.


posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 08:01 PM
link telling us you're not putting your brother in jeopardy? What part about not telling anyone did you forget?

posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 08:02 PM
Hmmm... so that subject-line "It's Official, acording to my brother, their here!" reminds me of an old George Carlin routine ...

Two men were driving down a city street,
as they approach a red stop light,
the man driving speeds up and drives through a red light.

Shocked, the passenger yells, "What are you doing!"

The driver just responds in a casual tone, "That's the way my brother drives."

As they continue down the street, they again came upon another red stop light and again the drive speeds through the intersection.

Again the passenger yells, "What are you doing!"

The driver says, "That's the way my brother drives".

Not too long after that, they came upon a green light. The driver quickly slams on his breaks and comes to a complete stop just before the intersection.

The angry passenger screams, "It's a green light!"

The driver says, "Yes, but my brother might be coming the other way!"

posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 08:04 PM
I smell something funny.....German sausage funny.

posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 08:05 PM
aye how yore brother kno about aleisn and stuff i mean like what he does in the governemtn that tells him secret informations about them you know what i mean? and why do u say about a nuclear holocost? who is going to get holocosted ? who is going to nuke?

very much interested in your brother

posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 08:07 PM
reply to post by zptramel

You should immediately edit your post,the official secrets act is exactly what it means,if you don`t then we can all humour ourselves that its not true.Your computer is not immune ,isolated,to the services,even I am not telling you how I know that !Assangegate comes to mind and that officer we all know is now behind bars,shame.
Its Official....sounds familiar

edit on 24-2-2011 by gringoboy because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 08:08 PM
In my own personal opinion, I believe the Government *MAY* know of extra-terrestrial life.

But that doesn't mean disclose it and list your brother as the informer.

posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 08:08 PM

Originally posted by zptramel
" Both of us were shocked by what he said,

Who were you with? You only speak of you and your brother, yet you say both of you were shocked by what he said?

posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 08:09 PM

Originally posted by FOXMULDER147
I want to believe...

(but that would make me an idiot)

Best post so far goes to you

posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 08:10 PM
you just got your brother killed. ANYONE WHO KNOWS FOR SURE (and the FBI and government agencies all know who KNOW) AND TALKS, WILL BE KILLED. its happened to EVERYONE whos come forward with hard proof.


he is right. since the germans have left our planet and have come into contact with ETs 400 some lightyears away, they have allowed other ETs to NOW be able to come and interfer with Earth like activities. they too have rules of space. and one is simply this; any planetary civilization that has not developed the technology to leave their planetary system, they(Aliens) are not allowed to interfer. it is non of any ETs business what is going on. they can surely visit us, but not intervene with anything going on. but now that the germans have contact, they are telling them what is going on here. and i can surely tell you any nuclear device launched from now on directly at another country in a form of attack will be shot down immediately. perhaps destroyed before even being launched. they are watching us because of what is about to happen...

but ya this should be deleted asap. or you could be dead as well as your brother adn the fbi could be sittin there at your house reading this right now. good luck man i wish the best to you and your family

posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 08:11 PM

Originally posted by zptramel
recently, my brother, who works for NSA and is VERY HIGH UP (in fact, when he was promoted to level 2 security clearance the FBI came to our house and interrogated us to make sure we were not terrorist) it didn't matter if he was a terrorist while on Level 1...?

posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 08:16 PM
if ur brother let slip that the aliens wont let that happen thats nothing new they've been looking out for the genral population for years the ARK of the covenant and jesus christ dieing for our sins
now if he said yea i know its dangerous but the goverment wont let that happen thats more scary
goverments and poloticians are cuffs on the human race

just wanted to add that these ancient civilization that built the pyramids in cairo
the sun pyramid in bosnia the ziggurats in south america machu pichu in peru the nazka "runways" in peru
easter island ancient sumeria stone hendge.

these buildings have lasted thousands of years with no upkeep now what have we built that will last this long ????

posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 08:16 PM
You know what's funny? I used to know this guy........let's call him Bernie, That used to confuse the word "are" and "our" I wonder what he is doing these days? Gosh I miss him!

posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 08:17 PM
Dude please edit your post.
You're going to cost your brother his clearance.
And maybe put him in jail.

posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 08:22 PM
okay...if what you say is true....then you should have asked him about all the other problems. Polar shifts, earthquakes, etc. There are a lot of other things that can wipe out all of Earth. Not just nuclear war. I would love to believe they are watching and protecting us from harm, but I doubt it. Don't get me wrong, I completely believe in aliens etc. but I just do not think they are going to save humanity especially from ourselves. I feel that would be interfering in our development and isn't that a no no?? Anyway like others have said do you think your brother would be happy that you posted this? Maybe he could come forward and answer some questions?? Let us know how it works out. Would like more info from the source if possible.

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