Witness: Sun Wen (
Wiki: Sun Yatshen) well-known as the "Father of China"
Location/time: Mount Pu-Tuo, Hui-Chi Temple, Zhejiang Province / Aug. 25th 1916
Group picture taken on the trip
While surveying parts of China in 1916, Mr. Sun, with an entourage of officials and assistants, traveled to Mt. Pu-Tuo in Zhejiang province and stayed
at Hui-Chi Temple. On the trek up to the mountain temple, he witnessed something unexplainable. Upon reaching the temple, he asked others arrived
ahead of him if they saw the strange sight, but the others said they did not see it. After some animated discussion, he had his secretary writeup a
journal and stamped with his personal seal.
My rough translation of the section of the journal relating to UFO:
One the way to Hui-Chi temple, from afar, I saw in front of the temple a magnificent structure and tens of strange monks(strange as in looks? hairless
beings like monks?) as if welcoming(him)..I was awed by the grandness... Upon further approach, saw a large disk within (structure)? spinning
rapidly..I have no idea what it is made of...nor what is it's force...as I was pondering, all suddenly disappeared..I was very puzzled. I do not have
thoughts of extremes in my head (I don't believe in likes of fantastical, paranormal, things)...I have no idea what spiritual scene I was in.
I tried to translate as literally as possible. In summary:
He saw a magnificent structure in the air(with a large disk inside, or the large disk IS the structure, not clear from the text).
The disk spined rapidly.
Caused him to wonder what it's made of and how it was powered.
The structure disappeared suddenly.
The journal text was published in 1934 in a Bhuddist periodical with the interpretation that the incident was a religious manifestation. Mr. Sun's
bewilderment of the incident was mentioned by the a published memoir(1953) of one of the officials as well as another memoir(1981) of one of the
monk(master Zhu-Yun), who were present that day. A picture of the journal text engraved on a stone tablet accompanies the source article, but I can't
verify where or when it was made.
The UFO relevance of this text was first reported in 1999, by Taiwanese UFO researcher Dr. Lu-Ing-Zhong, but received little enthusiasm until earlier
this year, this incident was revived on the Chinese internet and have gone lukewarm viral.
This man's integrity and credibility is unquestionable (like George Washington of China). What's left to dissect is whether or not the document is
real. The fact that the document first appeared in 1934, in a Buddhist literature, in China, way before the flying disc frenzy in the West, makes the
document very unlikely to be hoax. Another possibility is that the Buddhist community embellished his visit to promote the religion, but the
description akin to modern day UFO sighting is truly puzzling and is very out of place in the context of Buddhism.
Dr. Lu's
Article (in Chinese)
Recent Viral
Link (in Chinese)
edit on 24-2-2011 by TinkererJim because: (no reason given)