Originally posted by Doomzilla
To all .
Heres an interview with Zach Osler -Jareds "best" friend .
I think his reaction to seeing loughners mugshot seems real .
He gets very upset and says I cant look at it .
I don't know 100 % but it sounds like he says " it looks like an imposter " ?
Not Osler claims Loughner was neither left or right wing and didnt watch tv or listen to the radio .
This Osler kid sounds genuine but what do you guys think
Allow me to fill in for the departed Zoomzilla. He believed that this Zach Osler was the real deal. However, he couldn't have been more wrong. Watch
the Osler interview.
Its a little disheartening to read Zoomzilla write ' this guy is genuine' twice in a post when he is clearly an actor. First of all, lets evaluate
what Osler tells us about his relationship with Loughner. He knew him in high school. He went over to Loughner's house, presumably to hang out with
him, even though he says that he felt 'unwelcome' there and that Jared didn't watch TV, listen to radio. The only thing Osler tells us that
Loughner did was drugs, and Osler seems to have a prissy little 'drugs are bad, dude' attitude towards Salvia(which isn't exactly crack
coc aine in terms of hardness). So my question, Zach Osler, is: What did you and Loughner have in common? What did you do together? Because
you're so good at telling us all the things that Jared Loughner wasn't. Perhaps you could shed some light on why you were loughner's friend in the
first place.
He says he hasn't talked to Jared in 2 years, yet he says he 'can't look' at Loughner's mugshot(apparently it is that scary to him). But
seriously. Just watch his reaction. The interviewer holds the picture up, Osler is facing it, there's a pause where we must assume this dude is
looking straight at the picture, we see him looking at it from the front, THEN we get this late little, "Oh..." type of look, and his eyes dart
away. He puts his head down and then says, "I can't, I can't look at that'. His hand goes up to sort of cover his face, but there are obviously no
tears. C'mon guy, you haven't seen or heard from this kid in 2 years and you're making yourself emotional over it in an interview?
Does this strike anyone else as bad acting? Not as bad as suzi heilman but definitely flawed. Everything about this guy is melodramatic and from what
I can read from all the older Loughner pics, I'm not convinced this Osler character is the type that Loughner would hang with. I say that because
Osler's 'performance' didn't convince me of that. Also, I have some background in acting, and when I see Osler's dramatic, curved-in chin really
contort like he wants to cry, I see the mark of someone with some type of acting background. Not that his background has given him the weird chin, but
rather, his weird chin and angsty face serves him well in his trade. Everything about this dude strikes me as an actor.
Besides, Jared was completely apolitical, yet he was obsessed with Zeitgeist? If you are aware of such world-issues odds are you at least have some
kind of political opinion. I see this interview and I see all kinds of deception. They're saying: This wasn't a political shooting, it was a stoner
conspiracy theorist shooting. Every free-thinking citizen should be alarmed by this type of anti-truth propaganda. They're after the 'conspiracy
fringe' now and they're spreading disinfo. This shooting(what it is) is part of a much bigger plan to marginalize and eliminate all voices of
dissent and turn our country into the kind of place where truth-seekers are labeled as deviant. We just want to know what really happened. Its not our
fault that they used crappy actors.