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More dead birds - eyewitness report from Scottsboro, AL

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posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 06:59 AM
I've gotta be honest, I've never been so sad over animals meeting their end, but those pictures are just so sad. I'm getting really tired of people accepting animal deaths

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 07:00 AM
seriously wtf is the deal with all these dead birds showing up? This is bizare at a totally new level.

Flashforward anyone?

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 07:12 AM
I really don't care what the "officials" say. If it is more than a handfull of birds it is not natural.
The only possible exceptions to this rule is very extreme weather. I mean tornado, blizzard, etc.
I am way to old and experience to listen to their hiped up BS.

Hopefully more will wake up before we find ourselves to far over the edge with this locked into one of many quotes from Thomas Jefferson.

Quite simply, these bastards need to be stopped. The power we allowed them to have over the decades is infecting them to the core with pure evil.

Oh, by the way, nice catch and post OP!

edit on 25-2-2011 by j2000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 07:22 AM
Dead birds in Sweden, crabs in England, fish in Brazil and New Zealand
Two Million Fish Found Dead In Maryland
Tiger Shark Bellies Found Full of Migrating Bird
Dead Birds Fall From Sky In Sweden, Millions Of Dead Fish Found In Maryland, Brazil, New Zealand
Louisiana Latest Place to Rain Dead Birds
Presenting the perfect ice storm "and Dead Birds"?
Eagle and Birds fall from the sky in CHINA
Hundreds of snapper washed up on the Coromandel Peninsula.
Hundred's of Dead Birds Mysteriously Appear in Kentucky
40,000 'devil' crabs wash up on Kent coast
Thousands of Fish Dead In Spruce Creek Florida, Two Million Die In Chesapeake Bay
KENTUCKY, Woman Reports Dozens of Dead Birds in Her Yard
500 Birds Found Dead in Southern Louisiana in Separate Incident
Bizarre Bird and Fish Kill in Arkansas "IN SEPTEMBER" ALL KINDS of sea birds PARALYZED and DEAD around SARASOTA (VIDEO)
"IN NOVEMBER" Hundreds more vultures found floating in South Florida (PHOTOS-VIDEO)
Thousands Of Birds Fall Dead ( South America ) (video)
10,000s of Birds found dead in Manitoba
Over 1,000 Dead Birds Fall On Small Arkansas Town On New Years Eve
"100's of 1,000s" of Fish Washing Up in Arkansas
1,000s of Fish Washing Up in Arkansas Florida manatee deaths reach record high
Dead Fish Appear In Lincoln Park Mich. (PIC)
Dead Birds Reported by Residents in Southern Illinois
Viet Nam - 150 Tonnes of Farm Fish Found Dead
UK. Dead Fish Discovered in Canal Marina near Abergavenny
New Zealand -- Hundreds of Snapper Dead on Beaches (PIC)
Haiti - Mysterious Fish Kill Prompts Ban
Dead Birds Found in Bonnie Doon Area
Dead Birds Discovered Near Huntsville, Alabama
Hundreds of Dead Blackbirds Found Along I-65 In Athens, Alabama
Dozens of Romanian birds found dead...
Millions of crickets die in North America
CHP Finds Dozens of Dead Birds off Highway 101 near Geyserville
More Than 100 Dead Birds Found Off Calif. Highway
Dead Birds US (AR,LA,KY),Sweden,Italy
8,000 doves fall dead in Italy, strange blue stain on beaks suggests lack of oxygen
Dead Birds, Bees & Fish Explained By EPA Document?
Canary in the Coal Mine? Mass Animal Deaths and Prophesy
8000 More Birds Fall From Sky
Researchers discover a shocking 96 percent decline in four major bumble bee
Strange Blue Stain On Italy Doves Beaks
LEBANON, Tenn.- Flock Of Birds Found Dead In Wilson County
Hundreds Of Dead Birds Found In Texas
Dead Fish Wash Ashore on Folly Beach S.C.
Similar unexplained fish deaths, mass-produced worldwide in Brazil and New Zealand.
2 Million Dead Fish Appear in Chesapeake Bay (PICS)
More Dead Birds In Kentucky? KFWR Official: Hundreds of Dead Birds Found in Murray
N.C. - 150 brown pelicans have been found with various injuries since Nov.
Thousands Of Fish Dead In Spruce Creek, Port Orange Fl.
Flock of dead birds in TN
Italy Thousands Of doves Are dying at this moment

why dont u add it to this list

ps thhis list is the work of jazz so all credit to him

edit on 25-2-2011 by icecold7 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 07:24 AM
I live in Huntsville, and now this is happening close to home im a little worried. btw nice to know there's some members nearby lol.

this is the first time I've heard about the blood on the beaks, can anyone confirms this as a link with the other incidents?

first glance at the beak photos i was thinking maybe these birds ate something that was poisonous/poisoned. but since you can clearly see the blood on the pavement near the beak, i doubt that's what it is.

an earlier comment mentioned that maybe these birds got spooked and flew into the path of some semi's, but from the pictures, where they ended up on the ground looks too uniform to be that, birds tend to bounce in random directions when hit but a vehicle..and being run over wouldn't drag them along the ground imo.

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 07:27 AM
To see those birds is heartbreaking.

Between the birds and water creatures dying off we all need to pay attention and I am proud that members here work together and go out and get information or pictures, thank you.

The team work on ATS..... I give a AAA rating.

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 08:00 AM
Guess we will find out in a few weeks if it is a water bound poison,when families start getting back on the water.

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 08:03 AM
I have to agree this is not a natural occurrence.

Something is definitely a miss, not sure what it is yet but my extra sense is on high alert.

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 08:15 AM
I don't live near there, but looking at the national radar yesterday and last night it is a possibility that the coots(mudhens) might have been caught in an updraft and flash frozen or possibility an encounter with hail. You can have hail at altitude but thawing before it hits the ground. Freezing or trauma would rupture the internal organs accounting for the bleeding.

Just my thoughts on a inexplicable situation.

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 09:37 AM
reply to post by j2000

would that be "A little revolution now and then is a good thing" ?

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 09:47 AM
reply to post by theson

In a sense, they weren't on land... that roadway is just a level bridge, a mile or so long, that crosses the backwater from the Tennessee River. It makes perfect sense that they would be some sort of waterfowl. Look at GUY's pics and you will see there are no trees directly to the side of the road... that's because there's water there, a lot of water.


posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 09:52 AM

Originally posted by elfrog
I don't live near there, but looking at the national radar yesterday and last night it is a possibility that the coots(mudhens) might have been caught in an updraft and flash frozen or possibility an encounter with hail. You can have hail at altitude but thawing before it hits the ground. Freezing or trauma would rupture the internal organs accounting for the bleeding.

Just my thoughts on a inexplicable situation.

Well if we look at the weather during the morning hours, which was when the passer by saw the birds....we had beautiful weather on the night of the 23rd and morning of the 24th. The 'bad weather' did not come in till last night way after this 'event' took place. We did have very bad weather last night, power went off here for an hour and had 50 mile per hour winds. But this was all hours and hours after the OP spotted the birds.

Edit to add to Rednecks last posts.....yes, the only thing that is around this road water...tons of water. A little too close for comfort. Friend just went out fishing in this area on the 23rd as a matter of fact...but did not notice anything out of ordinary on the water. Caught a load of fish.

edit on 25-2-2011 by LeoVirgo because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 09:57 AM
Ok,that being said,the ones found on the interstate,were they near the water? the ones in athens
edit on 25-2-2011 by theson because: clarify statement

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 10:01 AM

Originally posted by theson
Ok,that being said,the ones found on the interstate,were they near the water?

I have not personally drove out there yet...but from the looks of the pics it looks like this is before the bridge which is swamp lands before the river/bridge area. OP can confirm that more. But there is a long stretch of road before the bridge that is nothing but swamp area on both sides of that interstate.

It may be even past the swamp area and may be the outskirts of the river bay before the main bridge, because do see road side bridge in the pic.
edit on 25-2-2011 by LeoVirgo because: (no reason given)

Looking at the google pic the OP does seem to be over a 'water/swamp' area. And another poster that took the pics commented that he noted the lily pads so defiantly we are talking about the 'water' area.
edit on 25-2-2011 by LeoVirgo because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 10:03 AM
reply to post by elfrog

Except that this happened yesterday morning, before the winds really picked up. It was clear, sunny, warm, and breezy; a perfect day weatherwise.

Yesterday evening was windy, and last night we had severe storms. If a perfect day was responsible, then high winds would surely have caused many more such deaths; I have not heard of any more.

So I discount weather.


posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 10:19 AM
I wonder,how many of the mammal and bird deaths occured in close proximity to the water? my investigative tools are limited,doing all this from my phone.

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 10:30 AM
Thanks for the info..
Something is going within our biosphere..whales, dolphins, birds. .are dying in mass of no reason. .
And most amazingly people killing people in libya. .

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 10:42 AM
Hey i live in jacksonville fl and yesterday a massive flock of birds while on the highway.
similar to the birds you saw, medium sized black birds.
I mean probably atleast a couple thousand of them in a very large kind of spaced out flock. (i watched them for about a minute or two looking out the passanger window on the highway going about 60mph.)
They seemed to be moving erratically(individually) flying in small circles and it didnt look like the normal flock of birds migrating.
It just seemed weird to me as soon as i saw it.
i dont know this could be nothing it just seemed a little off to me.

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 11:05 AM
I figured I'd post this here since there is no need to add yet another thread about this:

Starving eagles fall from sky in Canada

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 11:26 AM
Its the new madrid fault line I'm predicting. Watch, within the next month there will be a massive earthquake in that area and or arkansas.

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