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Arizona immigration bills aim for bigger crackdown

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posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 11:33 PM
Arizona Senate approves 'birther' bill

PHOENIX - The Arizona Senate has approved a revised bill requiring presidential candidates to prove they are U.S. citizens eligible to run for the office. The bill approved Wednesday gives candidates additional ways to prove they meet the constitutional requirements to be president.

Democrats argued the bill exceeds the state's authority and say state officials are not fully qualified to determine the validity of a candidate's documents. Republicans argue the U.S. Constitution gives state legislatures the right to determine how federal elections are conducted. The bill now goes to the House for a final vote.

I'm Shamelessly Bumping My Own Thread, This info came out today and i thought it was important for many of you to know.
I'm thinking of adding the text from the Democrat here in Arizona, she stated something about the Founding Fathers wanted us to give all babies born on our soil birth certificates,,,,, She Really Knows Her History,,,Yes, The Way Democrats Teach It,, So They Can Keep Them Voting For Them,,,, The Democrats want to control you from Cradle to Grave.

Of-Course if your interested, you can also read the story here too:
AZ passes bill requiring proof of US birth for prez candidates...

I guess that sense I didn't use Fox News, I wouldn't get the Fox News Haters,,, But instead I'll get the Drudge Report Haters.
My Founding Fathers Did Not Want Law Breakers To Gain Favor or Benefits from an illegal act!
edit on 13-4-2011 by guohua because: Spell Check

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 11:56 PM
I'm Sorry, I just couldn't leave with out posting what that Arizona Democrat Thinks Or Founding Fathers Wanted

This woman is needs to be re-educated and most of all, moved out of Scottsdale ( Snottsdale ) and her maids and gated community, but she needs to live here in Phoenix, like 83rd and Indianschool south,,,, hell,,, they can't even read signs here in English, their posted in Mexican.

Arizona Senate approves 'birther' bill

State Senator Kyrsten Sinema (D) of District 15 said our government codified its long-standing practice of granting citizenship to all born on our soil when the Fourteenth Amendment passed. Sinema said this bill violates the Fourteenth Amendment, and it violates the spirit of our founding fathers’ vision of what makes America the great nation that it is.Text

I think our founding fathers wanted us to speak and read English too

This is from her Republican counter part,,, for the ones of you that can't read, it's from the same article.

State Senator Ron Gould (R) of District 3 said hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants are crossing U.S. border to give birth, using their children as “anchors” to help pull themselves into permanent residency. Gould said we needed to remove the incentive for illegal aliens to cross our borders to have children, simply so they could receive financial benefits in the form of Americans’ hard-earned tax dollars.Text

YES, The Key Word There, As Anchors! Who's Paying For These Anchors,,,, We Are,, and I don't think our founding fathers wanted my tax dollars going to educate and feed and cloth illegals.

posted on Apr, 14 2011 @ 09:31 PM
We do indeed need to stop the anchor babies. We are just overwhelmed with illegals and for their kids to be legal citizens just because a parent decided to cross the border or whatever is ridiculous.

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