posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 11:37 AM
reply to post by MessOnTheFED!
I alomst lost it when someone started the thread.
I'm ashamed to be an american.
Oh really how about we back your ass up and send you over to yemen or kabul or better yet moscow.
See how you like that.
Some people are very ignorant.
Like the people who spew oh lets ban guns because they are evil.
No how about when one of these young kids goes out and takes an innocent life we throw them in the can for life.
By the way regarding the poke, the brig.
First off.
No TV.
No lifting and working out all day to build super killers.
No outside to see the sun.
Food oh well you have to pay for that too.
Video games ya they go out the windows with the tv.
Total isolation for all.
We need to redisign the jails as they a a big time FU.
Police chief Joe has a good Idea down there in Arizona..
God bless you Joe and stay alert and stay alive. Becasue I'm am most sure they are trying to take out you the most outstanding american out
Godf bless you and be safe Joe.