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Prank call proves billionaire David Koch owns Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker and the GOP

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posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 12:49 PM
I have read a lot of liberals spouting off that Gov. Walker has been caught up in something; This couldn't be further from the truth. Walker didn't say anything that he hasn't said in public, interviews, and while campaigning. If this is all the left has against the Governor then the desperation is really showing. Actually I feel sad for you guys, that live in this delusional little world either snap out of it or move out of the way and let the adults make the hard decisions. This so called "gotcha" moment is one of the most pathetic attempts to discredit a conservative to date. You have nothing on Walker and this goon that called him has only reveled the left has no creditability. Liberals need to get over it, and remember the people won and elections have consequences. The majority have spoken, we do not want this radical leftist agenda. the party is over obama and his ilk credit cards have been revoked.

As far as a politician talking to the Koch brothers, what is the big deal with that. I read some posts that say the Koch brothers have some kind of gain from the Walkers actions, prove it; remember speculation does not count. How about we criticize obama for talking to trumpka or the numerous other union thugs that drive his agenda daily. Hell even trumpka admitted he talks with obama daily helping him direct policy. These union thugs are the people that have gains coming from this loon little agenda obama wants to put in place.

I know you leftist goons can't stand the fact the people are taking power back and away from the unions which means away from the democratic party. This little fringe communist crap (that even trumpka admits to) movement is destroyed in this nation.. So go ahead and call me a neo-con or what ever else dribble you progressives feel that will make you appear intelligent. Name calling has no effect, we won you lost deal with it.

posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 12:56 PM


posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 12:58 PM
reply to post by nonapologetic

Funny, you talk about name calling and saying speculation doesn't count but then you go ahead and call unions thugs.

Were some union leaders corrupt - yes. Were some corporation leaders corrupt - yes. I bet I could come up with more examples of corporations being corrupt.

Unions may give contributions but corporations give a lot more personal money.

Few people are going to push through laws so they can get a cushy union job. But lots of laws/purchasing will happen so someone can take a big dollar job (or their kids) with a large corp. (Look at those TSA scanners).

And when Unions try to change laws, they will almost never directly result in more money for Union leaders. Most have their salary approved by the general membership.

But when corps try to push laws through, it's usually not for the good of society. In fact most profits don't go to the workers. Those laws are directly for corp leaders.

edit on February 24th 2011 by Daughter2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 01:03 PM
reply to post by nonapologetic

Wow, you're really trying to win some friends with your first post (somehow I suspect you've been here before under a different name). Thugs? Goons? Name call much?

posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 01:21 PM
Well let me re-phrase that;

I find it more than curious this thread has attracted a number of spanking-new members, who skip the introduction forum, and immediately start posting a skewed-republicanesque brand of name-calling against unions. Especially when they keep repeating the same talking points.

posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 01:35 PM
I have said this before and I WILL say it again! There are global elites / ZIONISTS who purchase American Politicians and literally make them their puppets. This is why we NEVER get much change and the course to hell for America is unwaivering after EACH election!!!! OBAMA's largest Campaign contributor was GOLDMAN SACHS! Understand why he has fixed nothing??? SAME SCRIPT DIFFERENT ACTORS,,, Until we GET RID of LOBBYISTS WE ARE DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also 4 out of 5 major news networks are owned by ZIONISTS Why does no one understand why we always let Israel off the hook and fight wars for them??? Richest country in the world is getting ready to crash the dollar and we have bases all over the world instead of fixing homelessness and education issues!!! Ever feel like some foreign group has taken over the white house??? IT HAS!!! Notice how past few years people werent allowed to show baby jesus in the manger and other christian symbols around christmas??? They took the scene of nativity off the the white house lawn yet they have the MENORA there every year!!!!!!!!????

posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 01:41 PM
I'm not suprised he took his call. If you were a Governor of a broke state and a rich businessman called, are you telling me you wouldn't take the call
Maybe the rich guy was planning on bringing business to his state, etc. The prank doesn't prove anything. Maybe the governor had hope that something good was going to come out of the call. Someting good for his state. Because lord knows he needs something to say. To have a press conference saying that he just landed 10,000 new jobs would certainly help him. The guy is a politician afterall and he is going to need something to say that helps him get some votes. Because right now the guy is about as popular as a wet fart in church.

posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 02:15 PM
reply to post by Nitemare26

Exactly right! Add to that further proof;

Koch brothers quietly open lobbying office in downtown Madison (

The billionaire brothers whose political action committee gave Gov. Scott Walker $43,000 and helped fund a multi-million dollar attack ad campaign against his opponent during the 2010 gubernatorial election have quietly opened a lobbying office in Madison just off the Capitol Square.

Charles and David Koch, who co-own Koch Industries Inc. and whose combined worth is estimated at $43 billion, have been recently tied with Walker's push to eliminate collective bargaining rights for public workers. The two have long backed conservative causes and groups including Americans for Prosperity, which organized the Tea Party rally Saturday in support of Walker's plan to strip public workers of collective bargaining rights and recently launched the Stand with Scott Walker website.

Tim Phillips, president of Americans for Prosperity, acknowledged in a New York Times story Tuesday that he had encouraged Walker even before the election to mount a showdown with labor groups.

What? "Tim Phillips, president of Americans for Prosperity, acknowledged in a New York Times story Tuesday that he had encouraged Walker even before the election to mount a showdown with labor groups. According to Walker this was just about the budget. Guess that's another load of bs.

The lobbyists for Koch Companies Public Sector registered with the state on January 5, two days after Walker's inauguration.

The expanded lobbying effort by the Koch brothers in Wisconsin raises red flags in particular because of a little discussed provision in Walker's repair bill that would allow Koch Industries and other private companies to purchase state-owned power plants in no-bid contracts.

"It's curious that the Kochs have apparently expanded their lobbying presence just as Walker was sworn into office and immediately before a budget was unveiled that would allow the executive branch unilateral power to sell off public utilities in this state in no-bid contracts," says Lisa Graves, executive director of the Center for Media and Democracy.

Apparently the Koch bothers have a vested interest in Walker.

posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 02:24 PM

Originally posted by filosophia

Originally posted by inkyminds

Are you REALLY not concerned that such a wealthy man has such obvious access to an elected official?

What access? A private citizen got a hold of Walker, so it must not be very hard.

DUH! Hes a politician low on the totem pole hes not the pope for christ sakes

posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 02:38 PM
reply to post by filosophia

You should read the entire story as it was printed. Before being able to talk with Walker the caller had to go through a receptionist who transferred his call to Assistant Governor Dorothy Moore. She told him to call back at noon and when he did, Moore transferred his call to Walkers Chief Of Staff Keith Gilkes. Gilkes finally connected him with Governor Walker.

Of course it seems scripted, its not the real Koch. He's trying to pretend to be someone else in order to get his story.

posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 02:39 PM
I think Soros owning the White House and Democrat Policy around our country is much more news worthy! Koch is a conservative so who is surprised by what he said, even if it was him? Soros lies everyday about his intentions for us all.

posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 02:51 PM
Walker is jus the tip of the iceberg with what I call the;

The Fifth Columnists in America:

What was most interesting to me about this call -- is that these guys are so comfortable with their Standard Operating Procedure. There is not one bit of concern about the press, or the media, or the FBI getting wind to what they are doing.

I've known for some time, that these jerk-offs on the Right (the establishment and pro-business), have been putting provocateurs in protest groups. They are so convinced that everyone else is corrupt, that they are willing to PROVE IT, by selling the lie. At the end of the day; they don't really care if Saddam has Weapons of Mass Destruction or if Hippies actually did spit on troops. If Donald Rumsfeld smuggled in nerve gas, or a provocateur dressed as a hippy spit on troops -- it's all good, because it supports the CAUSE.

The mentality is that EVERYONE is lying. That the truth doesn't matter. That's from Walker on down.

Think about how EASY it was to get Walker talking … he has no concerns. That's because the Media and the FBI are not looking for his form of corruption.

>> I'm also guessing, that whoever conned Walker might have used a special number you can dial to make the "calling number" anything you want -- but with or without that; he's going to take Walkers call.

If the Media were actually investigating this type of corruption with Business influencing government -- then he'd never take an unverified call.

>> You can bet, in the future, that the Tea Baggers and Republicans will be more careful.

And speaking of the Tea Baggers; please note that one of their messages that gets sent out to their members was intercepted and shows that they wanted to plant phony protestors with signs like; "Give me my money" to make the Union members look like the "greedy bastards" they want to portray them as.

The Right wing, has consistently been looking in the mirror when seeing how corrupt the enemy is -- MOST of their belief system about economics and corruption, is based on what they've been feeding themselves. The problem with Walker wanting to manipulate the protests and the Democrats -- is fundamental to the psychology that has infested this nation; the idea that whatever you do to win, is OK because you are better than your enemy.

What makes Walker less greedy and more noble, than the Union organizers? Perhaps Union corruption is more of an anecdotal myth than what has been preached for 3 decades.

>> I am NOT upset about these revelations -- I'm extremely happy. I've been saying for years that a; "good microphone in the right place at the right time is worth a thousand guns." The best shot we have at getting rid of the Fascist Fifth Column in America is to shine the light of day on them.

Fox News and it's Wahabist supporting arab backers. Fox News and it's use of CIA trained agents and doctored footage to go after ACORN and Senators investigating the Christmas Bombing. The Koch Brothers. The funding of right-wing/Libertarian think tanks like the Heritage Foundation, the Lincoln Group, and others by the Moonies and the Koch Brothers (to name a few) and how $700,000 in consulting fees got paid to a Supreme Court Justices wife. The Tea Party, and its astro turf funding -- along the same lines as the Anti Global Warming groups. Richard Melon Scaithe and his funding to support false testimonies from convicted felons out of Arkansas when trying to extort President Clinton (who was not a white knight -- but it was just more evidence of their power play). Poindexter and his project for Total Information Awareness and its connection to the data pipe from AT&T backbones to the Office of Special Projects. Halliburton (Kellog Browne and Root) and contracting out much of what the military does to a non-aligned, corporate group of Mercenaries for 10 times the cost. The Family and the K-Street brothels for religious aligned politicians and it's cynical view of power and God's will. The huge penetration of fascist judges with the Federalist Society (estimated at 80% of US judges). Carlysle Group and it's making of weapons profits and then kicking back funds to former world leaders for it's subsidiary companies. Blackwater (Xe) and it's un-aligned private army for the elite. Dick Cheney and war profiteering and his Executive Hit Squad which is rumored to be still active and still assassinating targets of interest for the PNAC 5th column. The Bush Crime Family. Project for a New American Century. ENRON. UNOCAL. Big Oil. Big Banking; Goldman Sachs, and it's revolving door with the Fed. Robert Gates and the CIA/NSA internal spying and Washington prostitution ring. Dubai and it's BCCI bank with connections in banking to ALL of the groups listed above, and it's purchases of Weapons Manufacturing Plants in the US. If people think back -- they will remember that Bush approved Dubai's purchases of major docking facilities on America's coasts -- to just bust Unions or was that to ship weapons too? Remember BCCI from the S&L scandals and Iran/Contra funding and the connection with Bush's brother at Silverado Savings and Loan. Remember the connection with John McCAin and the Keating 5. Remember these same people all connected to Iran/Contra and ARMING THE IRANIAN extremists. Remember that John McCain said there were 4 "lab technicians" in Maryland who confirmed that Al Qaeda had sent the Anthrax attacks on politicians in this country -- yet the FBI says the ONLY suspect, is one lab scientist at the same facility.

That's just off the top of my head -- there is SO MUCH OVERLAP and connection, with both sides of our War on Terror and this effort to Bust Unions and weaken the Middle Class in this country. Why did Bush start two wars that drained money AND at the same time, give $750 Billion in Tax Breaks to the top .5%? Why did they borrow everything from China while outsourcing jobs?

This group has been practicing Disaster Capitalism. They have CREATED the financial mess and job problem so that they can solve it by "belt tightening" -- and they will cut everything that creates security, jobs, education that is not CORPORATE, and they will continue to TELL US, WHO THE BAD GUYS ARE. Until there is nothing left that stands in their way, from turning people in this country into debt-controlled wage slaves.

posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 03:14 PM

Originally posted by wlffmn27
reply to post by filosophia

You should read the entire story as it was printed. Before being able to talk with Walker the caller had to go through a receptionist who transferred his call to Assistant Governor Dorothy Moore. She told him to call back at noon and when he did, Moore transferred his call to Walkers Chief Of Staff Keith Gilkes. Gilkes finally connected him with Governor Walker.

Of course it seems scripted, its not the real Koch. He's trying to pretend to be someone else in order to get his story.

Look, the people who SUPPORT people like Walker, are NEVER going to admit that SOMEONE ELSE isn't more Corrupt. Walker is corrupt -- but it's OK, because Bill Clinton was MORE corrupt.

Or, of course, the person who scammed Walker, is EVIL -- must be EVIL. There is no revelation, that cannot be explained away.

>> Walker thought he was talking to Koch. Walker is directly in the man's pocket. The UNIONS have conceded all the demands on money -- the ONLY issue they are fighting over is; Collective Bargaining Rights.

The entire budget crisis, was engineered by Walker -- all the missing money was spent on a Tax Break for businesses. If they had the same Tax policies as 4 years ago they would be RUNNING A SURPLUS!

>> The really sad thing, is that this is not just about Walker -- Conservatives in this country who still support Republicans as if they were anything but a cabal -- do NOT CARE ABOUT THE MONEY! They didn't care about WMDs or "saving Iraq" from Saddam -- so they were OK when that became "Democracy", or "Stand up when they stand down" or "finishing the job" or just "creating a secure Iraq to reduce terrorism in America."

To the Christian Soldiers in America; Everything is justified, AS LONG AS WE WIN.
Sorry if I sound like I'm going on a rant or trying to connect too much -- but let's stop pretending that this is not part of a LONG CON GAME. This has been going on since Reagan -- who refused to help solve Air Traffic problems in this country without placing everything on the Unions and busting it up. Air Travel has never recovered in this country.

We got Cheaper Chinese goods in this country with lower Tariffs -- but YOU AND I, got lower paying jobs or no jobs at all. The CRISIS will end, when there is nothing to protect us from robber barons. Walker is just one soldier in the war against labor in this country. Some Union leaders are of course compromised and probably have money from or video tape in the possession of their corporate benefactors -- but that does NOT MEAN, that Unions cannot work in Good Faith and work to make secure, trained workers. Because SOME Politicians are corrupt -- it should NOT be giving a pass to the entire Republican party's invented economic crisis.

And this isn't to absolve Obama -- who put in the same crooks minding the store on Wall Street and the Justice Department as Bush had -- whether he is complicit or being extorted, I cannot say.

But what happens in Wisconsin, happens in America.

posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 03:43 PM
reply to post by Blackmarketeer

What? "Tim Phillips, president of Americans for Prosperity, acknowledged in a New York Times story Tuesday that he had encouraged Walker even before the election to mount a showdown with labor groups. According to Walker this was just about the budget. Guess that's another load of bs.

>> Not just BS -- it shows that Americans for Prosperity, is a full-on, phony Astro Turf organization to encourage Union Busting. How many more of these do we need to prove a conspiracy? Why is this NOT illegal? It's propaganda, or treason or -- I don't know -- but there SHOULD be a law about this.

I'm sick of these people. I'm sick of debating jerk-offs about "deficits" who don't care about deficits. Or about being in Iraq and Afghanistan -- when they don't believe the garbage they are debating about. These people don't care, or have an agenda -- but what they don't have is any shame about betraying their fellow man -- or any honor towards the truth.

This country is full of two-faced people who have learned from birth that people pretend one thing and say another. I don't think they are fully aware of it or not, they have lived so long with this self-deception.

>> What is going to happen when NeoCons and Tea Baggers are FINALLY are self-aware? Or will they? Will they blame George Soros some more or will the take Pitch Forks to Glen Beck and Rush Limbaugh -- as if they weren't willing participants?

Fox News, is both trying to keep the deception going, and covering their bases by directing outrage. To manage the "event" whenever it comes. Are people in America so self-deluded that they CAN NEVER turn on these lying bastards? Or will they just go numb and tune out and say; "everything is corrupt." I was hoping years ago, when I met so many Republicans who "never voted for Bush" -- that they were working their way out of it.

>> But to blame our problems on Socialism, when the "Socialist" in the White House was merely pushing an end to a 3% tax break on the wealthy -- is irresponsibly deluded. The Media, is either in their own bubble or complicit -- but around the world, people are starting to fight back against the Status Quo; The Tyrants in Libya, in North Korea, in Egypt, are running the same scam as the tyrants in China and the USA -- they are merely convenient opponents to keep their own people in check.

If the Middle East can throw off their Theocracies, or Dictators, and real Democracy breaks out -- then Fox News and their NeoCons are going to have to invent a new villain. Who will it be and will it be closer to home? How can people keep getting fooled by groups like Americans for Prosperity -- merely the latest "charlatan Preacher of the gospel" to be caught. You go from one crack-snorting Evangelical to the next boy-toying Evangelical Preacher or at some point to you figure; I think the scammers and the MESSAGE are inextricably linked.

posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 03:51 PM
This thread is just mindnumbingly retarded! The Union mythology is so thick its leaking out on my keyboard.
We even have a few Jew haters dropping in for good measure!

This prank call is not a gotcha moment its an epic fail
For those who believe in the anti-corporation mantra its more evidence that corporate boogy men are attempting to enslave poor defensless "workers". That does not change the landscape at all these nutjobs are already sold.
For those who follow the Republican party line its nothing but a contributer speaking to the Govenor. They dont see any problem there (and truthfully its not really a problem).

So it was a a lot of effort that did not move the ball at all.

For the record to the poster who pronounced the Koch name as "cock". You are wrong its not "Cock" it is "Coke" because its a German name and thats how its pronounced. Grow up a little please.

For the record also I am anti union. I hate them they are thugs and they are ALL corrupt. Settle down most politicians are as well its the nature of the system. That being said there is a distinct difference between public and private sector unions. If Ford wants to negotiate with the UAW and sign a contract with them for organized labor then fine thats okay they are a private company and its no skin off my back. They will pass the cost of doing business on to their customers because that WILL be the end result of doing business with a Union. Your product will increase in cost. I can happily choose to not purchase a car built by Ford. With a public sector Union the situation is differnt. The Union uses its millions to buy itself a Mayor or Gov. Once the politician is in office he "negotiates" with the Union for their new contract. The politician has no source of income other than to raise taxes. If I live in that location I have no option to avoid that arrangement other than to move to a new location. THATS the problem. So why are you surprised when those of us who pay lots of taxes get a little out of sorts when our money is simply being used to line the pockets of Union thugs. Not that its any better but at least if a Corporation is using the government to gain poistion I can recover some of that loss in paid taxes buy investing in their stock.

posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 03:54 PM
reply to post by nonapologetic

I have read a lot of liberals spouting off that Gov. Walker has been caught up in something; This couldn't be further from the truth. Walker didn't say anything that he hasn't said in public, interviews, and while campaigning.

>> Right, because EVERYBODY plants people in the other protest group to start trouble. EVERYBODY has some Corporation calling them up to tell them what to do.

Unions, should LOSE collective bargaining, because THEY COULD EXPLOIT IF, for the personal gain of tens of thousands of families - and that's WRONG -- it's much better that two Billionaires in New Jersey, get to make even more money.

Walker reviled his TRUE COLORS the same way Bloggovich did -- only, with Walker, it was some Liberals sick and tired of his backdoor deals and in the case of Chicago, it was the FBI that was sick of Bloggovich protecting unions.

It isn't that there aren't corrupt practices, or that MAYBE there aren't some Democrats who might do the same thing -- as a joke. It's that this is engineered by people in power, for THEIR BENEFIT -- and you aren't outraged about that. The problem is more about YOUR RESPONSE -- because every Liberal I know already figured that NONE of this Fiscal Responsibility issue the Republicans are pushing was honest.

>> NOBODY but people who support Republicans, believes that they care or understand about Economic Prosperity -- NOBODY but you and the "Media." So I don't understand what REVELATION you expect us to have about corruption -- I knew Koch had Walker on speed dial and I also KNEW what your response was going to be.

Surprise me Republicans -- for once in your lives, have a PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY moment and quite finding an excuse for people like Walker. >> Not to get personal but I ALREADY HAVE NO RESPECT FOR REPUBLICANS like yourself -- and don't bother claiming you are a Libertarian -- that is a distinction with ZERO real difference beyond bible thumping.

>> Admitting a shortcoming does NOT MAKE YOU WEAKER. Admitting that America has flaws is not treason. Not when everybody but you already knows it. Recant your ways -- and the EVIL LIBERALS will embrace you with open arms -- but our civility is there as soon as we are dealing with people with honest differences -- not people who keep lying to themselves.

posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 03:55 PM

Originally posted by filosophia
this seems fake to me, the Kock guy sounds extremely fake and scripted, and how can someone just call the governor's office without getting a secretary?
edit on 23-2-2011 by filosophia because: (no reason given)

Easy. My boss has several lines besides the one that gets answered by
the front desk
his secretary
us clerks
Plus, does your closest friends, relatives and the like dial the main office number to get you or do they call your 'desk phone'?
Is the desk phone a conspiracy now?

posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 04:01 PM
reply to post by Royal76


What is the RICH business person going to do? Is this a fundraiser? The Koch brothers got rich by TAKING from people and by exploiting connections with people like Walker -- not with BAILING THEM OUT!

You are not FOOLING anyone but yourself. But apparently, you are OK with that. Go talk to like-minded people and you can all agree, that there is nothing wrong with a the budget in Wisconsin, that getting rid of Unions will not solve.

>> Make sure you don't pay attention to the TAX GIVEAWAY of $139 Million by Walker to businesses in Wisconsin "as incentives" and that your EMERGENCY Budget shortfall is $140 Million. LINK

Gee, how many LAZY teachers do we need to FIRE to make that amount up?

posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 04:09 PM

Originally posted by DaWhiz

Originally posted by filosophia
this seems fake to me, the Kock guy sounds extremely fake and scripted, and how can someone just call the governor's office without getting a secretary?
edit on 23-2-2011 by filosophia because: (no reason given)

Easy. My boss has several lines besides the one that gets answered by
the front desk
his secretary
us clerks
Plus, does your closest friends, relatives and the like dial the main office number to get you or do they call your 'desk phone'?
Is the desk phone a conspiracy now?

they GOT a secretary -- in fact, they arranged a call-back.

>> Likely, they used a trick to make the PHONE NUMBER, look like one from Koch -- but regardless, all they had to do is convince some secretary in Walker's office -- once it's routed to him and the Secretary says; "Mr. Koch is on the line" -- all the Republicans bend over and say; "what do you want?"

Maybe the whole thing is a con-- maybe it's as manufactured as Fox New's 'expose' on ACORN where they doctored the tapes and DID NOT represent themselves as pimps in front of the councilors.

But it sure does fit really, really well. It won't stand up in a court of law -- but I think that MOST OF US KNOW, that Koch has been backing Tea-Baggers, Anti-Global Warming websites and shills, and of course, Union-busting efforts around the country. WE already know that Koch gives money to Walker's campaign through his Astro-Turf activist groups like "Americans for Prosperity" or whatever the latest "Liberty for All" puppet organization is called.

These tactics have been working for decades -- and nobody in the Media or our FBI has bothered to trap these bastards for a decade -- so WHY WOULD WALKER HAVE ANYTHING TO FEAR?

Wall Street and Governors can rip off Americans -- the ONLY people who need to be honest and watch what they say on a phone are activists protecting the environment, calling for justice, calling for peace, or calling for higher wages.

posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 04:16 PM

Originally posted by sasquatch5100
I think Soros owning the White House and Democrat Policy around our country is much more news worthy! Koch is a conservative so who is surprised by what he said, even if it was him? Soros lies everyday about his intentions for us all.

Dude -- this is the 5th grader; "He did it too!" argument.

Whether or NOT Soros is a crook -- if he gives money to the Democrats, Wall Street ALSO gives money to Obama.

What we are talking about is Governor Walker -- and you hand-waving about the latest Democrat is not a "get out of jail free" card.

If you EXCUSE corruption every time, by pointing to someone else -- then you never clean up your own back yard. If you want Democrats or actual Liberals to take you seriously, than debate Walker on the merits of Walker -- not on RELATIVISM.

What is the quote we always get; If you stand for nothing than you will never stand up to anything.? -- not sure if I got it exactly right, but I guess you probably have posted it before.

Throwing Soros in prison because you all SUSPECT him of being Liberal or partisan or whatever, is not reducing corruption or solving the "phony crisis" in Wisconsin.

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