posted on Feb, 23 2011 @ 03:27 PM
I have read a few of these stories before on ATS, like the California group that gave away the positive and negative charged wings nose and exhaust of
the Stealth. I believe this one to be true. Aurora seems plausible just because we have had nothing new come out for awhile and a lot of money going
into something that has been reported many times on MSM. Mother Jones believes in it and so I can accept that one as well. To go as far to say these
things are operated by humans is crazy unless the gravity effect is true of this magical engine and you do not feel G’s in flight.
To say though we have this technology that could change the world overnight is a fantasy. It will be wonderful the day humans reach this level of
knowledge though we are still having a hard time with it. Do you think any one person with that knowledge could keep it a secret? Really, the doc is
saying that groups of people in Lockheed/Boeing/General Dynamics and Northrop/McDonnell-Douglas have all these exotic weapons, engines, underground
alien bases and have all successfully kept this secret for 50-70 years.
With a few E-CAT Rossi reactors you can do basically the same thing as UFOs maneuvers witnessed by humans, zero sound, instant speed, small package.
This is a proven technique not back engineered by UFO but by a process not completely understood and design is in infancy. I can wrap my head around
if it becomes fact the military has had this capability for awhile or some other form but to keep it secret is the human fallacy, humans do not keep
secrets…for this long….
Although I can grasp the concepts of reflecting, negating or generating a gravity field for flight, the power to produce that is what is hard to
comprehend. The super secret military moon bases making metals in zero gravity for super secret spaceships blasting each other’s satellites’ out
of the sky from deep underground bunkers no one knows about is rather farfetched, and to go as far as to say the Soviets won but declared bankruptcy
is even comical.
I thoroughly enjoyed the document and believe it would be a great adaptation to a movie, Iron Sky comes to mind with the Nazi connection, someone
should send it to a Hollywood producer.