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Was the Christchurch Earthquake Human Induced by ELF?

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posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 08:24 PM
I ask this question because I've seen online footage of a Geologist claiming to have used an Geophysics ELF device to search for the underground basin of oil. As soon as this Geologist turned the device on an earthquake resulted. I can't find this vid (if you know of it please add), but I've compiled footage (all short videos so worth watching most) which proves resonance causing destruction / movement / grain formation (that can result in slipping of faultlines) in all kinds of objects.

Everything in life is made up of energy. This man does a good job of explaining this fact:

This man tunes resonance to cause destruction (More Wattage means more destruction, go to 2min 30 on video but entire video very interesting)

This is a demonstration of Geophysics equipment sending out waves

And yes there are many exploration permits in the region located near Christchurch.
Petroleum permits

Coal Permits

Minerals Permits

There are countless examples when at a certain frequency things are ripped / moved apart. Be sure to notice the different patterns of sand in below vids which would effectively cause cause a slip along a faultline!

View these following videos (I tend to turn off the audio as it is annoying) of:
- Salt Crystals
- Sand Vibrations
- Rice Vibrations
- Water vibrating (this is akin to a slip plane along a fault)
- Geophysical Compression Wave Movement
- Geophysics
- Glass Shattering
- Bridge Falling Down

Salt Crystals

Sand Vibrations

Rice vibrations due to Resonance

Water vibrating due to resonance

Glass Shattering due to Resonance

Bridge Collapse (Tacoma) due to Resonance

Finally I'll leave with these two links... many US congressman and business (40 in all) seem to have been present at a major US-NZ forum held in Christchurch on the day of the earthquake...
Faltering Start to US-NZ Forum

US-NZ forum article as well as footage of Christchurch
edit on Tue Feb 22 2011 by DontTreadOnMe because: fixed videos links

edit on Tue Feb 22 2011 by DontTreadOnMe because: missed one

posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 08:29 PM
says all links are malformed..Is it just mine?

posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 08:36 PM
reply to post by Caji316

Apologies... put whole youtube links in.

Will update shortly.

posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 08:38 PM
reply to post by superbuker

You can humbly do what my avatar asks you to do. This is ghoulish, and poorly timed!

posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 08:45 PM

Everything in life is made up of energy. This man does a good job of explaining this fact:

This man tunes resonance to cause destruction (More Wattage means more destruction, go to 2min 30 on video but entire video very interesting)

This is a demonstration of Geophysics equipment sending out waves

posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 08:51 PM
This is probably a legitimate thread/inquiry for ATS, but your timing is exceptionally bad. Could you please wait to post this for an extended period of time? It is extremely bad taste at the least. Could we not be considerate of each other?
edit on 22-2-2011 by Iamschist because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 09:21 PM
I've got no problem with the timing, but I'm going to go with "no" as an answer, unless this equipment is completely new and has never been used before - in which case i'll upgrade to "unlikely but I'd liek to see more info".

there's nothing new about harmonic frequencies destroying things - go look up Tacoma Narrows Bridge for a spectacular example.

However there are very few permits near Chch - asopposed to dozens near, say, New Plymouth, and thousands of the equivalent sorts of exploration/drilling permission-things all around the world.

My personal bias for the sudden "coming alive" of the faults under chch would be to look at water extraction from under the Canterbury plains and the changes that has made to the geology of those faults. But that's jsut pure speculation on my part - AFAIK the Canterbury aquifiers can actually be used in perpetuity (more or less) as long as the rivers are kept in good condition relative to the out-take, as they are replenished by seepage from those rivers (the Waimakariri particularly for Chch) - so if we take more out we "just" have to ensure there is adequate flow in the rivers to replenish what we use (yeah I know it's simplistic......I'm not a geologist....)

posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 09:23 PM
Why are people asking for this to be removed? This is an honest inquiry into the events that took place and in my opinion there is no time frame as to when an event should be analyzed.

I find it deplorable that you are suggesting that it will be ok to talk about this disaster in a "while" but not now?

So will the people who lost their lives and the destruction that took place mean nothing to you in a few weeks time making it all good to analyze and discuss?

posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 09:29 PM
We expect cars to be as safe as possible. If there is a car accident people do not use terms to attack people who ask for answers! The first thing you hear on the news after an accident is a comment that police are investigating the three possible causes. 1- Driver error factor. 2 - Environment factor. 3 - Car fault.

If someone has accidentally trigered geophysics sound waves that have inadvertently upset the faultlines near Christchurch then it needs to properly investigated just like a car crash would be. The two logical and reported things which cause earthquakes are 1 - Environment. 2 - Geophysics Sound waves

OTHER LINKS THAT show the effect of resonance that can create slip planes:

Salt Crystals

Sand Vibrations

Rice Vibrations

Water vibrating (this is akin to a slip plane along a fault)

Glass Shattering

Bridge Falling Down

posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 09:55 PM
It was only a matter of time before someone came forward and said this! It was sadly inevitable...
We've now got to the point where absolutely no disaster can happen on this planet without being caused by nefarious means by the shadowy elite, usually from America.
It was a natural disaster-nothing more.

posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 10:18 PM
reply to post by CholmondleyWarner

This website is based on conspiracy theories...

I don't get why time and time again people feel the need to point out your exact statement.

posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 10:26 PM

Originally posted by TV_Nation
reply to post by CholmondleyWarner

This website is based on conspiracy theories...

I don't get why time and time again people feel the need to point out your exact statement.

Usually even the worst conspiracies have a modicum of evidence!

This was just a disaster waiting to happen since Christchurch stands on major faults. We should be offering our condolences to the relatives of the bereaved not telling them that their loved ones have been murdered by some shadowy unknown group of people who weild a earthquake machine!
Come on people, have a heart.

posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 10:30 PM
Earthquakes can be induced by man-made power. They can be started by drilling and etc.

posted on Feb, 23 2011 @ 06:25 AM
reply to post by CholmondleyWarner

If you were in the rescue teams on top of the wreckages (or people beneath the wreckages) that could collapse with a sudden jolt, would you really want geophysics equipment continuing on the surface?

What prompted me to post this in the first place is to prevent anymore harm coming to Christchurch. DR ABC (Danger Response Airway Breathing Circulation). These are the steps that are taught in first aid when reviving an individual. The first step of a rescue operation be it a single person, or an wrecked buildings, is to always remove the danger first. (whether it be a live wire, a snake, a car that could explode etc).

This may mean suspension of geophysics and/or drilling activites until an investigation of exploration companies in the region is complete. (checking log times, resonance used etc). This same suspension of activites has recently been followed in Switzerland:

Drilling stopped for a week due to likelyhood of causing earthquakes

Christchurch is located very close to a fault line. This makes the potential for damage from geophysics testing all the more precarious. Play the first video again: if testing is done away from an object, the resonance signal still along the plank of wood to the second object. Even if exploration is done a distance away, the signal can carry along the planes of strata and into the fault zone.

And another example of human induced earthquakes for those who believe it is impossible:Oil well causes earthquake

posted on Feb, 23 2011 @ 06:40 AM

Originally posted by Noinden
reply to post by superbuker

You can humbly do what my avatar asks you to do. This is ghoulish, and poorly timed!

How is it poor timing? You people on here had no problem discussing Katrina, BP Oil Spill, the Tsunami and Haiti quake after it happened and coming up with other reasons other than a natural catastrophy.

I am sorry for what happened in NZ it is really sad and the pics make me want to cry. I feel for those people.

posted on Feb, 23 2011 @ 07:03 AM
reply to post by superbuker

As an ex-Pat I applaud your post, ok it was'nt good timing but our countrymen and CHCH population have a right to know all the facts surrounding these various permits and explorations if it is plausable these explorations could had played a part in the quake.

However, I'm personally keeping all these information to myself for a later date.

posted on Feb, 23 2011 @ 02:05 PM
I don't discuss any of those. I'm a skeptic, I also believe in letting people cope with disasters, and we have several Christchurch folks on here, or folks like myself with relatives up there.

Also implying it was man made, then would imply it was deliberate, and thus those already upset now have to worry "who is out to get them" (if they foolishly believe this tripe) and thus have more things to worry over.

So simply go the hells away!

Originally posted by mblahnikluver

Originally posted by Noinden
reply to post by superbuker

You can humbly do what my avatar asks you to do. This is ghoulish, and poorly timed!

How is it poor timing? You people on here had no problem discussing Katrina, BP Oil Spill, the Tsunami and Haiti quake after it happened and coming up with other reasons other than a natural catastrophy.

I am sorry for what happened in NZ it is really sad and the pics make me want to cry. I feel for those people.

posted on Feb, 23 2011 @ 02:16 PM
Then how would you explain the more than 5,000 earthquakes that have hit this area since September?

Almost 5,000 earthquakes (so-called aftershocks) have struck the Christchurch area since September - 193 in the past seven days alone.


Perhaps it could have been magnified by ELF, but there seems to be an awfully large amount of seismic activity in that region -- ELF or no elf.

posted on Feb, 23 2011 @ 02:36 PM
I personally (as a skeptic) would explain it on the fact that an unknown (but it was still there) fault moved on September 4th 2010 (I remember it waking me up in Dunedin) and it's "relief" has caused stress on other faults, which then have "relieved" themselves a little.New Zealand is of course on the Pacific Rim of fire, QED we get earthquakes

These speculations on HAARP, ELF's etc are all well and good, except unproven.

I know you did not ask me (the OP I am guessing) but I'm going to answer

Originally posted by lpowell0627
Then how would you explain the more than 5,000 earthquakes that have hit this area since September?

Almost 5,000 earthquakes (so-called aftershocks) have struck the Christchurch area since September - 193 in the past seven days alone.


Perhaps it could have been magnified by ELF, but there seems to be an awfully large amount of seismic activity in that region -- ELF or no elf.

posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 01:31 AM
reply to post by Noinden

The more I find out whats planned for the Middle East, the more I believe ELF is happening and for good reason. John Key has no intentions of rebuilding CHCH, at least not on the scale that CHCH once was. CHCH is going to become another "Greymouth" for mining of as much resources as it can get...and under foreign ownership...NZ aint gonna look so pretty 25 years from now.

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