I am reminded of an episode of Seinfeld, where Jerry met a woman at a party. He was very attracted to her when he met her, in the room of this house
where the party was going on (the bright room). He asked her out. She said yes. When she came into the restaraunt, with one dim light above her, she
did not even look like the same woman. Jerry was actually a bit disgusted by this image of her in this perspective.
Same thing here. All of the points which have been made claiming these to be 2 different people, can all be explained by lighting and angle.
reply to post by bluemirage5
Originally posted by bluemirage5
reply to post by BrokenCircles
Come on come on......
New pic:
1. Rounder face
2. top lip thinner
3. crokked nose
4. ear lobes
5. no moles (or freckles)
6. shape of eyes differ including inside eye lid near top of bridge of nose
7. bottom lip thicker
8. shorter neck
9. different chin
I could go on and on but this is not the same guy as previous pic......PERIOD
To simplify things- original pic = Photo A. (the pic on left in my other comment.)
newer pic = photo B
I pointed out the similarities that I see. You did not, but I will still try to see the points which you are making.
1. rounder face - I am not seeing that, but what i think you are referring to is his head leaned back slightly in photo A (or camera at a lower
position). Also, bigger smile in photo A. Loss of weight in cheeks in photo B.
2. top lip thinner - we cannot see an exact thickness of someones lip in a photo. It is easy to suck your lip in or stick your lip out. However I will
play along. There can be several explanations for this. As i pointed out on #1^^, head leaned back/camera at a lower angle in photo A could give more
of a view of the upper lip. This guy had been tackled and attacked by several people not long before photo A.
3. crooked nose - I agree. He has a crooked nose in both pics. The differences in lighting may be making them not appear the same, but I see a nose
that is crooked to 'HIS' right, in both pics.
4. Ear lobes - same angle. different lighting. shadows
5. no moles or freckles - I cannot say for sure that those are moles or freckles in the 1st pic. Could be dirt on his face; dirt on the camera; dirt
on the pic. Regardless, lighting and angle can explain that also. There is obviously a much brighter light in photo A, that is located above him.
6. 7. 8. 9. . The same answer can explain every single point that you are trying to make.
lighting, angles, and shadows.