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9/11 Experiments: Eliminate the Impossible

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posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 05:15 PM

This piece covers the facts of 9-11 in under 15 minutes. It could well be the most compelling introduction of 9/11 to the uninitiated person and/or those who accept the Government-NIST fairy tale.

Just thought I would share this with all of you, as it was a video that I had never seen, or found on here. If it had been on here before my apologies. I thought it was a good video and shows the holes that the O/S has.

It approaches it as a scientific thought process rather than a pissing match, and shows many impossibilities that have been misreported in the media and NIST.

Again, if this has been shown before, my apologies, but if not be sure to watch as it is a good one.

I don't understand how anyone doesn't have any questions for the O/S anymore, to me it is just blind faith to believe the people who do nothing but lie to all of us.

Any thoughts?


posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 05:30 PM
Good vid but this has been posted 1-2 times before.. But the search function (for me usually) does not work. I have searched for "aliens" and "ufo" and turned up 0 results.


posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 05:34 PM
reply to post by Deebo

I have searched for "aliens" and "ufo" and turned up 0 results.

Yeah, I've searched for ufo's and aliens and never found any either.

posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 05:36 PM

Originally posted by hooper
reply to post by Deebo

I have searched for "aliens" and "ufo" and turned up 0 results.

Yeah, I've searched for ufo's and aliens and never found any either.

Ha Ha. lol


posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 05:37 PM
reply to post by predator0187

Yep, same old same old. Bin Laden nots wanted, the hijackers are alive, "office fires" have a standard temperarture, steel melted, etc., etc.

Nothing here.

posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 05:39 PM
reply to post by predator0187

Great vid, it may have been posted before but as I am rather new here I have not seen it before. It would be impossible for me to trawl through ATS and watch every vid ever posted. I think good vids should maybe be repeated every 2 years or so then other new members would not miss out on what has been previously shown or discussed that never came up in the search engine.
I love to be intrigued with peoples different theories whether I agree or not with them.

posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 06:09 PM

Originally posted by hooper
reply to post by Deebo

I have searched for "aliens" and "ufo" and turned up 0 results.

Yeah, I've searched for ufo's and aliens and never found any either.

Things are hiding everywhere, including on this site.

posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 06:24 PM

Originally posted by hooper
reply to post by predator0187

Yep, same old same old. Bin Laden nots wanted, the hijackers are alive, "office fires" have a standard temperarture, steel melted, etc., etc.

Nothing here.

Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose.

Around and around and around it goes.

posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 06:25 PM
reply to post by hooper

geez why does everything have to be the smoking gun to others? I was just simply sharing a video that I though put forward a valid argument.

Just same old thought process that the government does nothing but lie to us hey? Nothing to see here go back to work...


posted on Feb, 23 2011 @ 08:34 PM

Originally posted by predator0187

It approaches it as a scientific thought process rather than a pissing match, and shows many impossibilities that have been misreported in the media and NIST.

Any thoughts?

But what if it IS IMPOSSIBLE?

How many TENS OF THOUSANDS of people who claim they know physics should have figured it out long before now? How can they change their minds without making themselves look STUPID for the last NINE YEARS?

9/11 has become a GLOBAL Educational and Psychological problem. How many children under the age of 12 have BELIEVED airliners could destroy skyscrapers all of their conscious lives? All of our engineering schools will look REALLY STUPID if they now come out and say airliners could not possibly have done it.

But what engineering school can build a self supporting model that can completely collapse?

What does it say about them if none of them can do it?

Physics is whatever some dummy with a physics degree can talk most people into believing.


posted on Feb, 23 2011 @ 10:02 PM
reply to post by psikeyhackr

I do agree, but I think it is more like whoever can talk and repeat the most is the one people will listen to.

I think A&E for 9/11 truth are the best, there are a fraction now but as more people feel less and less stupid about denying the OS more will come forward. Just look at the facts and you can see that the pieces of the puzzles do not fit.

That one video of the professional demolition expert where he had no idea about WTC7 and watched the demolition and instantly called controlled demolition is what did it to me. He's a professional, he looks at these kind of things non stop, and he could not believe that this had happened on 9/11.

I almost feel sorry for the people that believe in the OS now, there are too many discrepancies.


ETA: and I'm not even saying I know what the story was, no one does, I'm just saying that the crap that their feeding us is just that, crap. I want a real investigation by an independent firm. I don't believe anything the government says...ever.
edit on 23-2-2011 by predator0187 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 02:07 PM
reply to post by predator0187

Thinking man's video. I'm glad I watched it. Is there a link to the folks who made it?

I think thermite is an incomplete explaination. The towers were 500,000 tons each and to turn them into dust and ash would take tons of thermite, if thermoite were the sole cause.

Dr Judy Wood has determined that the full mass of the towers didn't hit the ground on 911. If you can open your mind to the thought of a new weapon, designed to use a phenomenon you haven't heard of, then Dr. Judy Wood PhD has a likely explaination.

Facts about 911

The seismic impact was 10 times too small. The same as the Seattle King Dome demolition which weighed 1/5 as much as one tower and stood 1/10 as high. Or, each tower was 10 times taller than the King Dome and 5 times heavier than the King Dome but fell with the same force as the King Dome.

The rubble pile was 10 times too small. 110 floors would have alot of air space for normal office activity, say ten feet per floor. So each floor was 10 feet above the next. 110 X 10ft = 1100ft The towers were 1300 ft tall so the material of the towers could have been 1300 - 1100 = 200 feet high at the top of the rubble cone with no air inside. The rubble pile was only about 20 ft, two stories, tall.

Hurricane Erin was headed towards NYC but wasn't on the weather map that morning.

The Magnetic field of the Earth fluctuated simultaneously with each event at the WTC.

Fine dust wafted up from the ground that couldn't have settled out in less that a day.

Metal parts were corroded, evaporated, missing from cars within the dust cloud.

Facts about technology

Supersonic aircraft were flying less than 50 years after the first airplane in the history of man was flown.

The atom bomb was detonated less than 50 years after E=MC^2 was accepted as true.

The first microwave oven was used in the 1940's, more that 50 years ago.

New phenomena are still being discovered. See Hutchison Effect

The only new technology we've available to us since the 1970's involes
putting ideas into our heads; cable TV, DVD, MP3, World Wide Web,
telling everyone what we think; e-mail, cell phones, search engines
tracking our location; GPS

Facts about secrecy

The Manhattan project / Trinity was not known to 99.9999 % of the population until it was used.

Jet powered flight was not known to 99.9999 % of the population untill after WW2. Ten years after the first jet flight.

A fact about perception. If something is too complicated (boring) or alien (disgusting) to explain to an uninterested person, then it is essentially a secret in plain sight.

posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 05:20 PM
reply to post by psikeyhackr

And yet, the THOUSANDS of engineers at ASCE, NIST, AEI, etc have no real problem with the conclusions of the investigations into the destruction of the WTCs. Nor do the people at Explosion World, and other well known demolition companies believe any sort of CD was done at the WTC on 9/11.

Unfortunately the "scholars", "engineers", "physicists", "theologians", and "architects" at AE9/11T are below average in understanding the complex physics involved, as they are in the simple facts. Just have to peruse through their "facts" page. Unfortunately, they pretend like they do know, and then pass along that warped, false, perverted version of physics, and then it poisons the minds of so many of the faithful truthers that stick to every word they say, print, or write as if it were God's truth. And now, because of them, you are here, spewing the same perverted, twisted, grossly misinterpreted physics they implanted into you. That is such a shame, and I do not blaim you, heavens no! I blaim the THEOLOGIAN "Dr." Griffin. The one who helped create this new religion, with its warped views. I blaim the false prophets like Dr. Jones, Dylan and Avery, Richard Gage, and their ilk, that need to be in the spotlight and have people flock to them, being the center of the universe. I blaim those that wanted to PROFIT from this by selling T-shirts, DVDs, books, etc, going on tour spending big bucks giving speaches and filling more minds with poison.

And now, here you are thinking that somehow, all the real experts are false, faked, in on it, paid off, scared to death, etc, while thinking the true Messiahs are the idiots at AE9/11T, Scholars9/11T, etc. So sad you were brainwashed into this mess.

But hey, if you want, write a letter to ASCE or AEI, and ask them what they think about the WTC collapses. Ask them nicely, and maybe they will respond to you. I'm serious, it might work and help reverse the damage done by those dammed fool conspiracy sites.

posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 05:49 PM

Originally posted by GenRadek
reply to post by psikeyhackr

And yet, the THOUSANDS of engineers at ASCE, NIST, AEI, etc have no real problem with the conclusions of the investigations into the destruction of the WTCs. Nor do the people at Explosion World, and other well known demolition companies believe any sort of CD was done at the WTC on 9/11.

Unfortunately the "scholars", "engineers", "physicists", "theologians", and "architects" at AE9/11T are below average in understanding the complex physics involved, as they are in the simple facts.

And now, here you are thinking that somehow, all the real experts are false, faked, in on it, paid off, scared to death, etc, while thinking the true Messiahs are the idiots at AE9/11T, Scholars9/11T, etc. So sad you were brainwashed into this mess.

Yes, after NINE YEARS the problem is more psychological than physical.

How is it that all of these EXPERTS don't talk about how the steel and concrete had to be distributed in the buildings when they had to be designed to hold themselves up? IT IS TOO LATE. Plenty of experts have already advertised that they are STUPID! We have been indoctrinated to believe these experts are so intelligent and this subject is so complicated. BUT IT ISN'T.

The Empire State Building will be 80 years old this year and they didn't have electronic computers in 1931. The whole idea of airliners TOTALLY OBLITERATING 400,000+ ton skyscrapers is less than TWO HOURS is ridiculous.

The problem is all of the average people that believe this problem is complicated.

9/11 is the Piltdown Man incident of the 21st century.

Why hasn't any engineering school built a physical model that can completely collapse.

What kind of confusion would be caused if 50% of the engineers say yes and 50% say no? The only solution is to explain how simple the problem really is so most people can understand it. But if they do that then people won't be very impressed by structural engineers anymore. Get real! Transistors didn't exist when the ESB was completed. We are supposed to believe structural engineering is complicated compared to electrical engineering.

Like everybody is supposed to be impressed by the word ENGINEER. LOL


posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 05:53 PM
reply to post by predator0187

This video, in my opinion, proves beyond a doubt that 911 was an Inside Job. You cant debate science and facts.

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 10:54 AM

Originally posted by Semicollegiate
The towers were 500,000 tons each and to turn them into dust and ash would take tons of thermite, if thermoite were the sole cause.

Nice strawman, but the entire towers were not turned to dust.

and here

So, very very wrong.

Originally posted by Semicollegiate
The seismic impact was 10 times too small. The same as the Seattle King Dome demolition which weighed 1/5 as much as one tower and stood 1/10 as high. Or, each tower was 10 times taller than the King Dome and 5 times heavier than the King Dome but fell with the same force as the King Dome.

Velocity seems lost on you, and Judy Wood.

Do you have the math for this? Or is this all Judy Woods' Woo?

Originally posted by Semicollegiate
The rubble pile was 10 times too small. 110 floors would have alot of air space for normal office activity, say ten feet per floor. So each floor was 10 feet above the next. 110 X 10ft = 1100ft The towers were 1300 ft tall so the material of the towers could have been 1300 - 1100 = 200 feet high at the top of the rubble cone with no air inside. The rubble pile was only about 20 ft, two stories, tall.

Now, spread that over 16 acres, and you have a much shorter pile.

20' you say? I disagree.

So does the photographic evidence.

OOPS!! Almost to the top of the "Candlestick".

Here is a photo for reference.


Here's another.

OOPS!! Wrong again. WAY more than 20' high.

Did you also forget about the basement levels?

Originally posted by Semicollegiate
Hurricane Erin was headed towards NYC but wasn't on the weather map that morning.


Not to mention that it was forcasted to turn before Tuesday. Guess what? It did.

Originally posted by Semicollegiate
Fine dust wafted up from the ground that couldn't have settled out in less that a day.


Originally posted by Semicollegiate
Metal parts were corroded, evaporated, missing from cars within the dust cloud.

Caustic environments tend to do that to lightweight, poor-quality, steel.

So does fire.

Originally posted by Semicollegiate

Facts about secrecy

The Manhattan project / Trinity was not known to 99.9999 % of the population until it was used.

And yet, the Russians had spies within the MP since almost the beginning.

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 11:08 AM

Originally posted by FDNY343

Originally posted by Semicollegiate
The towers were 500,000 tons each and to turn them into dust and ash would take tons of thermite, if thermoite were the sole cause.

Nice strawman, but the entire towers were not turned to dust.

That is the trouble with debating on the basis of hyperbole. It turns into nothing but rhetorical bullsh!t.

The pictures are great though. BELIEVING that a 200 ton airliner could do all of that in less than TWO HOURS is laughable and then Official Sources can't supply the TONS of STEEL and TONS of CONCRETE that were on every level in NINE YEARS is Hysterical.

And then millions of people BELIEVE the nonsense.

And then our engineering schools can't build a physical model that can be collapsed by its top 15%.

So we get this endless rhetorical drivel, "strawman", "Chewbacca defense", "god of the gaps", "ad hominem", blah, blah, blah.

So build a self supporting model that can completely collapse. Let's SEE that!

Here is one that arrests with a explanation of modeling by the Great Ryan Mackey. But notice he did not actually build a model. He just talked. Physics is incapable of giving a damn about TALK.


posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 02:57 PM

Originally posted by psikeyhackr
The pictures are great though. BELIEVING that a 200 ton airliner could do all of that in less than TWO HOURS is laughable

You're correct, it is laughable, because that is not what happened.

Originally posted by psikeyhackr

And then our engineering schools can't build a physical model that can be collapsed by its top 15%.


Do you understand the problem with modeling? Obviously you do not.

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 09:57 PM

Originally posted by FDNY343

Originally posted by psikeyhackr
The pictures are great though. BELIEVING that a 200 ton airliner could do all of that in less than TWO HOURS is laughable

You're correct, it is laughable, because that is not what happened.

Originally posted by psikeyhackr

And then our engineering schools can't build a physical model that can be collapsed by its top 15%.


Do you understand the problem with modeling? Obviously you do not.

And obviously you can TALK! You don't say much though.

There are lots of problems with modeling. The square cube law is one of the biggest.

As models get smaller they get stronger in relation to their weight. But modeling the destruction of the WTC which was supposedly destroyed by a gravitational collapse means the weight to strength ratio is of particular importance. That is why I have to use paper so my 1.7 oz washers can crush it. I could not get steel thin enough to be weak enough.

That is why I deliberately made the model AS WEAK as I could. It does not even attempt to be proportional to the WTC. Since we don't have the data on the WTC it can't be done anyway. But my model can't even hold itself straight up without the dowel. It certainly cannot take high winds. So if my WEAK model doesn't come near complete collapse how could the WTC do it.

But that is also why it is so ridiculous that lots of experts have not been demanding accurate information on the distributions of steel and concrete in the towers. How can the strength be known without knowing the amount of steel? How can the weight be known without knowing the amount of concrete? 9/11 is scientifically absurd.

The engineering schools need to keep people from understanding physics and BELIEVING the problem is complicated and trusting experts.


posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 10:38 PM
I feel better knowing that working people still take time to read about 911. We're on the same page about something or other.

Originally posted by FDNY343

Originally posted by Semicollegiate
The seismic impact was 10 times too small. The same as the Seattle King Dome demolition which weighed 1/5 as much as one tower and stood 1/10 as high. Or, each tower was 10 times taller than the King Dome and 5 times heavier than the King Dome but fell with the same force as the King Dome.

Velocity seems lost on you, and Judy Wood.

Do you have the math for this? Or is this all Judy Woods' Woo?

Velocity is the speed and direction of a mass. What do you mean by velocity?

In addition to the towers being heavier than the King Dome, they were also taller. If you drop two identical (say the same weight in ounces, same density and shape) weights from different heights, the higher one will hit the ground harder. The top fifth of each tower had the same mass as the King Dome and fell for 800' (rounded down) before it hit the ground, if the tower's fall was a controlled demolition.

g = 32ft/sec/sec. or, gravity speeds up a falling body 21.8 mph for every second it falls.

1sec 21.8 mph 16 feet
2sec 43.6 mph 64 feet
3sec 66.4 mph 144 feet
4sec 87.2 mph 256 feet
5sec 109.0 mph 400 feet
6sec 127.8 mph 576 feet
7sec 152.6 mph 784 feet

lets say impact at seven seconds. Air resistance would be decreased due to the suction of the lower parts of the building falling first (in a controlled demolition). anyway this entire post is an estimate.

The seismic waves caused by the falling of the King Dome were due to its height falling to zero, ground level.

It was 250 feet tall. Using the table above, the mass of the King Dome fell on average at a speed of 50 mph (rounded up)

The top quarter alone of either tower had enough energy to hit the ground 2 times harder than the King Dome.

Energy = 1/2 x m x velocity^2

= 1/2 x KDmass X 50mph^2 = 1250 King Dome

= 1/2 x KDmass x 120mph^2 = 7200 Top fraction of tower

7200 / 1250 = 5.76 times harder

More later

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