posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 12:01 PM
Okay, I'm going to share another experience with you all here. Because this one I would LOVE to hear some input. I was stymied.
A few of years ago I was laying on a couch taking a nap at a friend of mines (my ex-husband) apartment. We are still very good friends, for we were
born in the same hospital togeter...over 47 years ago. Anyway, I've always had a key to his place, every since we divorced 25 years ago. He wasn't
at home at the time, he was with his girlfriend out at a local bar. It was Saturday evening about 8pm when I awoke. I sat up on the couch and looked
at the TV (that was off) that was about 12 feet in front of the couch. Directly to my right was another smaller couch that was more like a love seat
and was angled in a little towards the couch I was sitting on. While I was staring forward wondering if I should turn the TV on or maybe listen to
music...or and all the sudden I could see all these people sitting on the couch with me, except I could see through them! There were people also
sitting on the love seat next to the larger couch I was sitting on. There were also people standing behind the love seat. approximately 5 people on
and around the love seat. And to my left was a women who was taking up the entire cushion, she was very large. She had short dark hair. It really
freaked me out. But when I turned my head to look "directly" at the women to my left she disappeared. I then looked directly to my right......they
all disappeared. I looked forward again towards the television....and they were STILL THERE in my peripheral vision. I could also see their
reflections in the TV screen that wasn't on. So I looked again directly at the large women....GONE AGAIN. Looked forward and , NOPE THEY WERE STILL
THERE. Okay, I said to myself....I can't see them with the naked eye, but I can see them out of my peripheral vision. I took notice that they were
all staring at the same place I was...towards the TV. They weren't moving AT ALL. They were just staring forward like I was. Now when I turned to
look at them, they did not turn at all they continued to look forward until my eyes reached them directly, and again....they would then disappear.
It creeeped me out so ;bad....I thought I'm getting the hell out of here. So I left and went to the place where my ex-husband was and his
girlfriend. When I arrived I saw one of MY girlfriends sitting at the bar. I went to hug her and sit down and chit chat with her for a bit and
ordered a beer. We talked a minute and she said, I'm not in the mood to be in here tonight." Let's go get some beer and go to Daves, (my
ex-husbands place, she knew I had a key. I happened to live about 20 miles away in another town, which why his place instead of mine), and just us
two girls hang out."
I said, "Cool, lets go". Now I didn't mentioned what I had just experienced at Daves place, for fear of ridicule. So off we went. We got there
and I was putting the beer in the fridg while talking to my friend, Hally. I said something to here waiting for response...and she didn't respond.
I walked out of the kitchen and looked at her, and noticed she was sitting in the exact same place I was earlier when I saw all those people. I also
noticed she was staring forward just EXACTLY LIKE I was when I saw them. And who???? HALLY????? Did you hear what I said? And she
turned and looked at me and said, Yea! ME and all the rest of these people sitting around here! I said...NO WAY!!! YOU CAN SEE THEM TOO???? She
said..."Oh, crap they are gone now." I said, No they aren't you just can't see them when looking "directly" at them! Then she said....WOW,
that lady sitting on my left was HUGE. She was taking up the part of that portion of the couch, she had short dark wavy hair".
She then looked at me and said, "Your a Druid, aren't you?" I told her I didn't know what a druid was....but I know what I saw earlier in this
apartment. She then explained that a Druid was a "white witch" that had an intmate connection with nature. We proceeded to discuss what we had
both seen and try to figure it out.
The only thing I came up with, is maybe they were "place holders" grounding the energy in that apartment. Needless to say, I drove home that night
instead of sleeping on his couch! I later discussed it with Dave and he just laughed and said, coming from you....I'm not surprised but that he had
never seen anything like that in his apartment.
Any theories out there???