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A Germans view of Islam

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posted on Jun, 25 2014 @ 08:05 PM

originally posted by: harrytuttle
I love "Peace" - but peaceful people are only effective if the powers that be respect their demands, assuming the peaceful people make demands.

So if they don't make demands, or the powerful don't respect the peaceful, then "peace" is no longer the solution, it's the failure of will.

Unfortunately, the powerful who disrespect the peaceful can only be removed by force. It's basic physics. There are simply some people and some movements that cannot and will not be swayed by discourse.

As I like to say, for those who are myopic, you most [MUST] open for them a new eye.

Excellent points deserving emphases, imho.


I just got the doc in email . . . I think it's one of the more astute and sobering analyses I've read on the topic.

IIRC, it was C.S. Lewis who concluded that pacifism, in a fallen world with true evil, just doesn't work. Sooner or later, good people, MUST stand up and be counted for themselves, for their families, for what's good and right, for God and righteousness . . . including the right to be left in peace; left alone by those who would do them ill, trash their person, property and/or beliefs.

posted on Jun, 25 2014 @ 08:28 PM
Again, a certain catalyst is left out of all those events. We keep going in a loop and the results never change. Find the one who cries peace the loudest among you and keep a keen eye and ear to his intentions.

posted on Jun, 25 2014 @ 10:13 PM
a reply to: beezzer

Unfortunately, many people have the attitude that it “can’t happen here” even though there is ample evidence that the seeds of Islamic terrorism has been planted all over the world. There are Muslims who, like us, would meet the same fate and those in the video if the Muslim jihadist were successful; another weak link is a government that holds a concept of “political correctness,” in the face of evidence smacking them right between the eyes......

Our current administration that has forbidden the use of terms that Muslim terrorist may find offensive comes to mind.......... like calling the murder of our soldiers at Ft. Hood a “work place violence.”

Radical Islam is without respect for other religious beliefs; they do not just disagree or not respect, but, kill those they can whom they find in disagreement with total disrespect and a misplaced sense of doing Allah's work..

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