posted on Sep, 10 2004 @ 02:50 PM
First the British National Party is an elected legal political party.
Whether you agree with them or not they are right away given the lable of extreme right wing, this is no so.
They should be given exactly the same rights as any other political party, but they are not, (i dont know if i have got this wrong, so pls dont quote
me on it) as far as iam aware i have never seen a party political broadcast on t.v for BNP?
As for redwatch im not 100% it is owned or operated by the BNP, as it could by one of the other very far right organisations.
Although barclays closed their bank accounts down for their own reasons after the programme was broadcast are we led to believe that for yrs the BNP
have held accnts at barclays without the staff knowing who or what they are about?....political correctness gone mad!!!!
Why is it that when a'white' person says' im proud to be english and white' then they are automatically dismissed as a rascist?
When a 'non-white' says the same thing its called loyal or proud?
TOO many do-gooders with too much time on their hands trying to think up what part of our national identity can be taken away next!!
The people of this country are sick and tired of crime /immigration/ their rights etc that more and more people who are NOT rascist are turning to
parties like the BNP, and you cannot stop them , these people who fought for our counrty , their husbands, sons, mothers, daughters, who died for this
country, why have their relatives got to be called rascist if they beleive they should vote for the BNP.
Rascist crimes do not only affect non white people..white people do suffer rascist attacks!!