posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 06:50 AM
reply to post by TheAmused
Ok i completely agree that people should be able to do what they please 100% however lets look at this from a different prospective.
Firstly im from the UK so our health care works alot differently to yours in America......for now. But soon you will be faced with the same dilemma
the british tax payer has faced for years.
Lets take smoking. Now your are 100% correct, if i want to smoke i should be allowed to smoke and no one can tell me different. the problem here is
responsibility. if you choose to take the risk and start smoking then it should be you who faces the consequences of the effects. this goes for
eating, drinking, drugs and gambling. our taxes are sky high and billions are used every year to help people stop smoking or pay for medical treatment
brought on by smoking.the same for obisity and drinking. Now you cant have the best of both worlds. if its your choice to start eating yourself to
death then why should i have to pay for your recovery because you hit a point when the doctor says loose weight or you will die or your sick of people
calling you fatty.
Hear in the Uk there is a massive culture of people using there vices to leech of the goverment and cost the general public money.
Here is a prime example.
Now if im unemployed i can claim something called JSA (job seekers allowance) which works out at exactly £66 per week ( im not sure what that is in
dollars). For this i have to attend a meeting once a week and prove to the goverment im activley looking for employment. They can stop any benefit i
am entitled to if they have any sort of evidence im not looking for a job. Now the amount of time you are allowed on JSA depends on your tax
contribution made from the previous tax year. on average this will last 6 months tops before you have to appeal to continue receiving benefits.
Ok so this time im an alcoholic. Again im not working but i go on benefits but not JSA because im an alcoholic so im not looking for work. Now i get
paid £20 more per week to help cover my addiction because they believe i would use my normal £66 to fund my habbit. I also dont have to actively
look for work just attend a review every 3 months. Im offered counceling, and free health care paid by the taxes working people pay. Even tho i have
not worked in years i never have to worry about being cut off.
Next point is parenting. Now the post about smokers being bad parents is just stupid and not even worth considering but lets change smokers for herion
or crack addict. Now its there choice to use herion and the lifestyle that comes with it but i know 100% if you asked anyone on the street if a fully
blown herion addict should have a baby or would be a good parent there response would be HELL NO!. This is not opinion but FACT based on years of
studies done by groups like the NSPCC ( national society for protection from cruelty to children) and barnados.
We have just had a massive debate in the UK because they are now offering drug addicts money to have the snip so they cant have children. Some say its
wrong others right but again its there choice.
I will finish with this statement. Again i agree people should have 100% control on there own choices in life but they should also have 100% of the
effects there choices have on there life.
All the best