posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 02:48 PM
This might sound a little odd, a little out there but I just wondered....
When oil companies are finished with a location, they usually plug it up to avoid potential disaster. Would it be possible for some unscrupulous
members of the companies to force a team to leave an area without plugging up the hole they drilled? Whether it be land or sea, could it/would it
happen? If so, what are the potential dangers in doing so, especially in certain areas?
What if they claimed to plug the Gulf of Mexico but actually showed an image of another location while slowly allowing that hole to spew its
I know I don't believe it was BP's fault for that particular disaster and I was pretty disgusted at American vitriol toward them while forgetting
their own US based disaster that was worse than the Gulf of Mexico's but lets imagine for a moment that location or others on land or sea were left
What then?