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I knew the evidence must be out there that meier made this prediction(WWIII)
You still have not addressed the heads of state prediction. Will yoh admit you were wrong, and in fact, Meier was wrong?
Jay, your not understanding the intent of my post. I know nothing about the Billy case. I could care less. That's not the point. The point is you cannot use the ability to recreate something as proof that it was hoaxed that way.
The only thing that does is show how it 'could' have been done. That's not proof.
True evidence would be to have found the actually items used for the hoax hidden away.. camera, string, cake whatever or eye witness accounts of people actually seeing Billy do the hoax. This may have been done in Billy's case i dont know
I'll I'm saying is just because you have the ability ro recreate something does not constitute proof in and of itself
Ok, even if it was a prophecy and not a prediction, it was wrong..prophecy said heads of state, and not heads of state and former heads of state
on the they fly website he still has the "never been replicated" words on his site, which is a complete load of rubbish
Again, lets move on, as the predictions, or prophecies are pretty much usless!
many are alreay stuck to their opinions, so my post is specially addressed at those who wants to find out the truth or to those who are interested to know whether they made any errors or logical fallcies in their inquiry on this case....Let us rip the case apart and investigate every claim & evidence from both sides..and most of all let us not personally attack any persons for having oppsosing beliefs,views or opinions..let us respect each other and point out the mistakes the other makes & rectify them and move on...which is the only way we can know the truth...
Here we are discussing on whether MH sent out a newsletter claiming that the World WarIII was fulfilled in 2006 or not. To that, we can surely say "no" as his newsletter clearly supports that. What may be wrong here is that of MH's speculation in listing the heads of state(neither in the prophecy did Meier mention "the death of 4 present heads of state who will die within 7 days from each other)...his newsletter is his opinion/speculation as is clearly expressed in it, but we could not find any statement by MH claiming otherwise...
Billy Meier Predicted That Four Heads Of State Would Die Within Seven Days Of> Each Other And This Would Signal The Coming Of World War III
This is not a prediction but a prophecy by Billy Meier. It can be changed ifthe people in power do the right things to make the changes.
To my knowledge, this "never been replicated" arguments actually originated in 2001 as Vaughn Rees, lead case investigator at the time for CFI-West/IIG declared that Meier's photographic evidence was an "easily duplicated hoax"....but after 3 years produced not so convincing photos of UFO models. He was later replaced by Dereckbart...So initially the topic circled around "replication/duplication".
[1] Did they replicate the visual effect of the Billy Meier's UFO pictures/videos superficially ?
[2] Did they replicate the visual effect of the Billy Meier's UFO pictures/videos with accuracy and precision ?
[3] Did they replicate the Billy Meier's UFO pictures/videos that matches with the original results from Photogrammetry method ?
[4] Did they replicate the complex interactions of the environment with the alleged UFO object in their pictures ?
[5] Did they use the same photographic equipment as Billy Meier ?
[6] Did they replicate the Billy Meier's UFO pictures/videos/audio results that have gone through rigorous scientific testing ?
I think the debunkers have replicated Billy Meier's UFO pictures/videos which doesnot satisfy points [2], [3], [4] & [6]...
We have to be careful here, as there are some photos of IIG & other persons that are good and can be perceived as a big object in the photo. At the same time there are also photos which can be easily spotted as small objects close to the camera...So if we want to really "replicate" & "debunk" Billy Meier's UFO pictures/videos, they should satisfy the points [2], [3], [4], [5] & [6]...If we are not serious and just want to claim the other is a fraud or a hoaxster, point [1] is enough...which as JohnPhoenix said, doesnot count as an evidence at all...
We have to choose, whether we just settle for point [1] or satisfy [2] - [6] and thus proving Meier's UFO pictures/videos/audio are easily duplicated hoaxes...
What do you mean by "useless" you dont have any problem with a person predicting & publishing things about past, future, science, medicine, inventions, discoveries naming of objects/things, ...& being right all the time with very good accuracy....Are you OK with the argument that Meier has paranormal abilities ? If you want to discuss on this, i would post some of the corroborated info which i have researched myself and available here.
[1] In this scene wind is blowing the top of a small tree,more than strong enough to sway any model suspended on a line.( I couldnot find what tree's top Wendell is talking about, as the footage available on internet is many generations away from the original. May be he is referring to the supposed thin branch swaying in the wind?)
[3] The moment of dissappearance was carefully analysed on the videotape copy taken back to japan.They were unable to detect any SPLICE in the footage and there was no change in the scene the time during which the ship was absent,but the branch stopped shaking in the wind and there was one lighter frame at the time of blink out and another at the time of return. There was no visible evidence of splice
One of the still slide transparencies showed a slightly out of focus top of a movie camera on a tripod in the foreground of the picture with the ET ship above and well beyond the camera.This was one of the four selected still photos put to vigorous testing blown to 22" * 28" professional high quality photographic prints without finding any evidence of a line,or any model or any other kind of faking.
[5] On the far side of the OAT FIELD ,a perimeter access road of lighter SANDY MATERIAL ran around the edge of the field & then turned towards the camera position & came uphill.IN one of the pictures the angles are such that the perimeter access of lighter color is REFLECTED in the shiny under surface of the near rim flange of the ship.
This reflections would have been IMPOSSIBLE to achieve with a model because of height angle necessary to acquire that reflection of the road.The reflective surface would also have to large to reflect the image seen in that picture.
In this series of still pictures,the object is seen doubled and even triples in size in the original slide transparency from the first frame to the frame of ships surface reflecting the road,in an unbroken sequence,with no change in focus definition,thus demonstrating that the object was well beyond the infinity setting of the camera.
Again a very large model and impossible setting for rigging the scene and to carry such a huge model on a moped by one man with one arm.
Note: Meier gave his original film reel(8 reels stitched together) to Austrian TV station. When it came back he was unaware of any switch until the Japanese team wanted to see the splices where he joined the 8 seperate rolls together, and he could not find the actual splices on what he thought was his master copy.
So it can be assumed that when the film roll was given to Austrian TV Station, they must have manipulated with the rolls and copied again onto the original filmroll, which in the end seems to us the film -roll has been spliced and joined, which by the way was not found when investigated by Nippon TV experts.
So why didn't FIFU deny this when i emailed them?This is the email i sent them Billy Meier Predicted That Four Heads Of State Would Die Within Seven Days Of> Each Other And This Would Signal The Coming Of World War III This is the reply This is not a prediction but a prophecy by Billy Meier. It can be changed ifthe people in power do the right things to make the changes.
So, i don't want to talk about that rubbish and stick to the photo/footage .
Why did Horn cut the tree out of the footage in the The Silent Revolution Of Truth? Becauae it clearly shows the cut when the ufo vanishes.
can you post that slide photo or send me a link. Oh, and who tested it. Oh, and when was it tested?
Photo please!
Deny what ? They have precisely answered your question, that Billy made a prophecy but not a prediction. They dont answer unasked questions.
To come to a conclusion on a case, one needs to gather all data there is. As clearly it is expressed by you that you are not gonna change your opinion and only stick to opinions on footage and photos and ignore the extensive scientific analysis done on them. It explains your attitude well.
Everyone knows that there is a cut, nobody denies it. At the same time, Billy insists that the beamship vanishes in the same footage. As i already mentioned in my last post, while the filmroll was given to Austrian TV station, the manipulation must have taken place by removing some frames and again copying onto the same roll. I am not asserting that the object in the footage is a big object just from watching it. We have to put it to scientific testing & then follow the evidence.
OK, here are some updates.
First, I'd like to draw attention to some interesting developments around one of the "experts" involved in the Meier case, namely Jim Dilettoso.
A few months ago, Meier debunkers Jeff Ritzmann and David Biedny had a surprize meeting with Jim Dilettoso at a UFO conference.
You can read the full story at his blog [edit= blog now taken offline].
It appears that after having participated in the film "Contact", Jim Dilettoso has hardly been involved with the Meier case.
In fact, these days he is very explicitly rejecting some of his own "expert" opinion he expressed at that time on some of the Meier pictures. He also says to be quite dismayed about how Michael Horn is using some of his work which he considers "out of date".
Most interestingly, when the subject of the pictures of the "Weddingcake-craft" came up, Dilettose immediately made the following comment about them: "Oh, those were clearly models... yeah."
Since David Biedny was at the conference to record interviews for his Paracast radio show, they promptly did an interview with Dilettoso, which can be found at the link. See the broadcast of April 27, 2008.
In the interview, the WC is not discussed any further, and while Dilettoso is clearly trying to wiggle his ass out of the obvious Meier hoax, he also tries to save as much of his reputation as he can, by suggesting that some of the Meier material could still be authentic, blabla blabla, etc...
From the interview, we can learn that Dilettoso was not much of an expert at all, at the time of making "Contact". He was basically involved with a Rock&Roll band, and had some advanced equipment available, which got him involved with the Meier thing.
While he tries by all means to come across as honest and sincere, open to criticise the Meier case, the fact is that he actively participated in one of the most deceptive scenes of the film "Contact" (see previous post), where we see him sitting in front of a computer discussing one of Meier pictures that is colored, in what is said to be an advanced analysis of that picture.
It appears that the whole scene is completely bogus. The computer is not Dilettoso's or of any specialized lab, but was filmed at a computer systems company called De Anza Systems, where the Meier team managed to shoot some footage, while pretending they wanted to buy a computer.
According to Ken Dimwiddie, one of the technicians at De Anza Systems, who was present when Dilettoso appeared in the guise of a prospective customer, it was Dilettoso himself who assigned the colours on the computers read-out screen. In other words, the colours were NOT the result of an actual photo filter or computer calculation, but were introduced manually!
That this is what actually happened, was discovered by Kal Korff, who is so virulently despised by the Meier camp. You can read more about it here.
So notwithstanding Dilettoso's apparent "sincerity", he has clearly been involved in actively deceiving people about the Meier case.
In the article mentioned above, we also learn about William H. Spaulding, who is a true photo-analysis expert (see link), and who used advanced computer analysis to study Meier's pictures, at Ground Saucer Watch (GSW). His verdict on the pictures: "Total hoaxes".
Interestingly, in the interview, Dilettoso emphatically tries to make the point that at some stage, he was given the possibility to use advanced photo-analysis to research the Meier material, at military labs. He mentions this to support the idea that everyone was mighty "impressed" by the Meier pictures.
In fact, I see in it another indication that a secret organization helped to boost this case, in order to spread disinformation about UFOs.
Its in the "Through Space and Time" photo journal. I cannot post copyrighted material and it is not my job to provide everything other demands. It is their responsibility to do their investigation & come to conclusion.
There is a fundamental problem in discussing the Meier movies and that is that no one has ever seen the original films.
Originally posted by Frankinmouse
Also Jay,
regurgitating anything that has come from the mouth of Kal Korff is a waste of time if you want to question this case at all, he is a known lunatic with a grudge against Meier for over 30 years, all of the evidence for hoaxing in his book against Meier was fabricated by Korff, anyone can find the proof of this if they care to do a bit of research.
He is a habitual liar, nothing he says regarding Meir can be trusted. Google Kal Korff is an idiot.
edit on 29-3-2011 by Frankinmouse because: Spelling