posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 12:30 AM
I have had an idea for years that I have told several people about and it seems to be pretty well received so I figured I'd finally share it with ATS
members, readers, etc....
I have heard for years that criminals have in essence given up certain rights by becoming fugitives and/or criminals....this being said I could be
mistaken but if it could be deemed Constitutional I believe all violent and/or unrehabiltatable criminals should be inducted into a special
Sub-Category of the military kept separate from society of course and then as we are pulling out our normal troop line dropping these fellas off in
the middle of nowhere over in the countries we are currently entrenched in and they should in essence be told well "either fight or die" if you do
everything you are told you can stay over here in the temporary bases that have been built and survive just fine, if you don't do everything you are
told you will most likely be captured and killed as infidels, good luck..........I mean it worked for Australia, just drop the criminals off somewhere
else and eventually they will be okay...not a totally foolproof plan and borderline cruel and unusual, however you would be essentially giving them a
chance at a life outside of a concrete cell so which is more cruel and unusual? Living outside with a mission and orders, or sitting on your butt
staring at a wall for the rest of your life taking up space and tax dollars?