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Option to prevent disagreers from replying to certain threads.

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posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 04:14 AM
Heres an idea. Make the OP have the ability to delete other people's posts within the thread. If he deletes a post it would remove its place that it once was in the recent posts based on the last posts remaining. So it would hurt the OP posts rank but if someone posted an irrelevant comment it could be removed at the cost of OP rank.

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 04:33 AM
reply to post by balon0
Every thread I have started have ended with me crying and feeling like a fool for even trying to be on ATS.
I found this thread, because I was going to see if there was anyway to just take the threads down that I have posted. It is not right. I can see why members that have been on here for years have great conversation wish all these new people would get off. I had 2 New people today that just posted a thread the same time I did, jump on my thread and try to derail it. And did a good job of it. And I hate these little faces on here,No love there.

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 04:47 AM

Originally posted by balon0
Wouldn't it be neat to have an OPTION for the OP to prevent people who disagrees with the thread topic from replying?

I think they call those threads 'blogs'.

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 04:58 AM
reply to post by balon0

I disagree, pun intended.

Seriously though, it takes more than one view on any subject to debate and discuss all the possibilities and facts of said subject.

That being said, there are a lot of those who come on here and do not debate or discuss, they only argue and sling mud, some people start threads and reject any facts or discussion from others.

The key is to deny ignorance.

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 05:51 AM
reply to post by balon0

I believe that you have missed the point of Above Top Secret. My opinion of this site is to discuss multiple opinions. and or facts, on a subject and possibly out of the discussion, to deny ignorance.

Others on this thread have given you options to have a chat/discussion just including those who agree with you.

If a troll is trying to derail the topic, you can just ignore his/her posts.


posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 07:33 AM

Originally posted by Chadwickus
.......even those who disagree and brought facts to the table are considered trolls.

Quite right, so often I read comments where someone is automatically called a "troll" just because someone doesn't agree with them and has nothing positive to say to counteract the opinions they don't like.

Really bad idea and not well thought through OP...sorry, but thanks for sharing.

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 07:43 AM
Self moderation of ones own thread , are you insane?

i know i'll just delete all the posts i dont agree with in my thread.... or call someone a troll because i dont like his/hers point of view.

your system is open to like 3 million types of abuse and in my opinion is a very bad idea....

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 07:43 AM
reply to post by balon0

Because that will make for a good thread

Having people disagree is part of discussing a topic. Sorry OP but this is probably one of the worst suggestions. How about ignoring those people who disagree?

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 07:45 AM

Originally posted by balon0
Wouldn't it be neat to have an OPTION for the OP to prevent people who disagrees with the thread topic from replying?

Threads such as the ones about Nibiru, chem trails, 2012 etc. are often attacked by disagreers. Their replies contribute nothing what so ever to the thread. They can be one liners that attack the OP with insults or jokes. Or huge long passages quoted from somewhere else. These are all useless spam that take up space on the thread. Popular threads can go up to 20 pages and HALF of them are just spam from disagreers.

If there was a option that tells disagreers to stay away, hence no more bitterness and bickering with each other in the thread.

Imagine talking with a friend about unicorns. Then some guy runs up between you two and starts flapping their arms and jumping up and down screaming about how unicorns do no exist. Pretty annoying isn't it?

No because people are different no matter what your opinion someone else will always have a different opinion and that is what makes forums especially this one popular because its in our DNA to reason with things and to debate.

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 07:46 AM
reply to post by balon0

I have to disagree with you. This website should, at all times, be an open forum so we can find the truth. How many threads have been started concerning UFO sightings that, after a few posts, are shown to be hoaxes or even re-hoaxes. We can't hide in a fantasy land where everyone agrees 100% with our ideas. It's an impossibility.

I've found that I learn more when I'm wrong and shown the truth than if I live my life oblivious to the fact that I am wrong in my thought process. If you are afraid of being wrong or fear debunkers, I'm sorry, that's life. That's how we grow.

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 07:50 AM
reply to post by balon0

I would prefer an option that would allow the OP to spend a few points to 'buy' a few layers of epidermis for themselves.
If you can't take disagreement, you need ask yourself why. Because it's part of life.

In a public forum that contains members from ALL over the world, there are going to be differing opinions on just about every subject. To jump in and start a thread is to invite ALL to contribute to the topic. As someone said, if you don't want people to disagree, don't start a thread. Get a blog, write a book or have a private discussion through Skype, the chatroom or PMs.

As an aside, it saddens and amazes me that people actually support the idea of shutting up those who disagree with them. Can you not deal with disagreement? Is your ego that fragile? Can you not resist taking the bait? And where did people get the idea that those with whom they disagree are "trolls"? I don't think people know what that word means anymore. Toughen up!
And if you think you spot a real troll, alert the mods. Let them check it out and handle it. Otherwise, ignore it.

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 07:52 AM
I agree.

We should supress free speech and ban anyone who dares provide evidence suggesting that my opinion on any matter whatsoever might be wrong.

(I take it this is a spoof thread?

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 10:57 AM
The following is my opinion as a member participating in this discussion.

reply to post by balon0

We had something like that here in Portugal for 48 years, it was called dictatorship, but we stopped it 37 years ago.

All options to remove or even ignore other people's opinions are, to me, bad ideas, I never used the old "ignore" function because of that. Even if someone is a known troll it doesn't mean that they cannot have a good post once in a while, and that post may be exactly the answer you're looking for.

As an ATS Staff Member, I will not moderate in threads such as this where I have participated as a member.

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 11:01 AM
I understand the argument foi having this, but I think just ignoring them is the way to go. If you totally ignore them then they will become bored and wont bother.

Recently I ended up in a back and forth argument about how my spelling wasn't very good and how because when I dont bother with my spelling whilst on these forums that it was laughable that I was doing a degree.

Its really annoying to not be able to discuss the actual issue at hand because of people getting annoyed over stupid things like this. However I dont agree with this as a solution because then members with constructive criticisms will end up being barred from the post just so the OP doesn't have to deal with them.

If someone really is just insulting or making pointless posts then the best thing is to just ignore them totally. I for one didnt do this before, but it would have been a lot easier to just ignore the person instead of getting sucke into a silly argument.

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 11:05 AM
What an incredibly stupid idea.
Sorry I am just stunned that someone would think of this, spend time thinking of it further while typing it up and then giving it one last thought still bring themselves to hit the post button.

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 11:13 AM
Or, as an alternative....

People cold post well researched OP's so that they would be prepared to handle objections and disagreement with sourceable facts instead of the common "I just feel that it's right" or "it seems real to me" defenses that tend to get torn to shreds during debate?!?!

In regard to the unicorn example provided. If you and your friend wish to discuss unicorns in a mythological sense. Well there's a forum for that. One that such a conversation could be engaged in without much dispute. But if that conversation is put into a breaking news or general conspiracy forum, and is titled "!!!!ZOMG UNICORNS IN MY BATHTUB!!!! DEBUNK THIS, I DARE YOU!!!!!!"... Well, people probably will do exactly that.


posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 11:21 AM

Originally posted by balon0
Wouldn't it be neat to have an OPTION for the OP to prevent people who disagrees with the thread topic from replying?

Stalin, Pol Pot, Hitler and a hundred other dictators certainly thought it was a good idea. They didn't just stop at censorship of ideas, though. They went whole hog and killed millions who disagreed with them. Works good for a while, but the whole whack-a-mole thing gets impossible over time.

Threads such as the ones about Nibiru, chem trails, 2012 etc. are often attacked by disagreers. Their replies contribute nothing what so ever to the thread. They can be one liners that attack the OP with insults or jokes. Or huge long passages quoted from somewhere else. These are all useless spam that take up space on the thread. Popular threads can go up to 20 pages and HALF of them are just spam from disagreers.

One liners, insults and mocking jokes should get alerted. Let them thar mods look after that and never answer the trolls yourself. Most of the crap happens because people respond to the trolls and trolls just love that. Makes their day.

If there was a option that tells disagreers to stay away, hence no more bitterness and bickering with each other in the thread.

So... if I thought the tooth fairy was real, then no-one should be able to say they disagee?

Imagine talking with a friend about unicorns. Then some guy runs up between you two and starts flapping their arms and jumping up and down screaming about how unicorns do no exist. Pretty annoying isn't it?

I have to ask. Do you think unicorns are real or not?

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 11:36 AM
ATS would be BORING if everyone agree with everyone else all the time.

'nuff said.

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 11:39 AM
What a great idea!

Then we can all just sit around agreeing with each other in a pleasant manner. How very comfortable and cozy. What a totally civilized and agreeable atmosphere. Did I ever tell you my facinating tale about the day I blancoed my gymshoes? Or my really interesting trip to the Library?

Oh dear, I think I feel a coma coming on

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 11:42 AM
Might be better to put chemtrails, no planers and the nibru into their own religous section. Just saying it's all about the same ammount factual base

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