posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 10:27 PM
A beige color post would be disappointing, if not frustrating, me thinks.
I've come here at the advice that these forums are more constructive than others. I can see by the above guidelines that the impression isn't simple
happenstance. I think I'm usually wordy and concise (I know), so I shouldn't have a problem with the guidelines.
Also, I deplore shorthand and love to respect people while arguing not only my case, but everyone elses at well. That last bit may be sarcasm. Time
will tell.
A piece of me says I should review other introductions to see how others do, but another piece of me says getting advice from other newbies isn't
necessarily helpful. Another piece of me says some intros may be made by veterans. Yet another piece says be done with it. If they want more, they'll
force it out of you.
I hope that was at least entertaining.