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Video: Egyptian General says "Enemy Agents in The White House and Israel Carried out 911"

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posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 11:11 PM
reply to post by bhornbuckle75

Here you go

There are 3 glaring anomalies of 911 within the context of the conspiracy theories that make me draw the conclusion that there was an inside job within the inside job.

One is building 7 going down 8 hours after the main events.

This happening in the context of the black op shouldn’t have happened. Of all the oddities of those days’ events, 7 going down the way it did and when it did have brought more people to believe in the conspiracy than anything. WHY DID THE CONSPIRATORS DO THAT? WHY DRAW ATTENTION TO THEMSELVES?

The idea that they did that to eradicate evidence that they guided the op there at building 7 on the 23rd floor makes little sense since they controlled everything there in the first place, therefore they could have easily controlled that building and whatever went on there.

The next anomaly is FLIGHT 93: What happened to flight 93? Why did the conspirators take down that flight or why did they allow it to not reach its destination like the other three planes?

This flights experiences that day are very different from the others. For instance, it was the last plane to take off and most people believe it was shot down. [If so why did the conspirators shoot it down?] There were numerous contacts from people on that plane, unlike the other planes, that indicates this one wasn’t under the control of the conspirators. And if this IS a part of the conspiracy why shoot it down?

My theory is that this plane was not a part of the conspirators plan and also building 7 going down wasn’t a part of the conspiracy either.

That day around the time before flight 93 was announced missing the extra security on Bush, considering the nation was under attack, was light to non existent. The secret service, even when everyone knew we were being attacked didn’t put extra protection around Bush UNTIL ABOUT AFTER 10:00 am or so that day after he left the book reading. Flight 93 was around that time reported missing and then Bush spoke to Cheney.

73) 9:23 a.m.: Bush talks privately with Cheney, his National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice, the head of the FBI, Robert Mueller and Governor George Pataki of New York. Why does Bush wait from 9:05 (when Andrew Card tells him of United Airlines Flight 175 hitting the WTC) till 9:23 to finally call? He still does not give the authority to the fighters to shoot down any hostile airliners. What is he waiting for?

89) 9:35 a.m.: United Airlines Flight 93 goes off course near Cleveland, Ohio where it makes a 135 degree turn, and is now headed to the southeast. United Airlines Flight 93 is 375 miles from Newark, New Jersey and 280 miles from where it was now headed, Washington D.C.

Also reported about United Airlines Flight 93: ABC News has learned that shortly before the plane changed directions, someone in the cockpit radioed in and asked the FAA for a new flight plan, with a final destination of Washington. This should have been a big red flag, a problem aircraft usually diverts to the nearest field. Did the Pilot do this to signal Air Traffic Control?

93) 9:38 a.m.: United Airlines Flight 93 completes its 135 degree turn and is headed directly towards Washington D.C.


94 131) 10:32 a.m.: Cheney called Bush on Air Force One, on its way from Florida to Washington, to say the White House had just received a threat against the plane. The caller had used its code word, "Angel," suggesting terrorists had inside information. Card was told it would t ake between 40 minutes and 90 minutes to get a protective fighter escort up to Air Force One. Bush told an aide that Air Force One "is next." He was in an angry mood. "We're going to find out who did this," he said to Cheney, "and we're going to kick their asses."

132) 10:35 a.m.: Washington D.C. Police are reportedly alerted about a bomb in a car outside the State Department. Later reports claim that nothing happened at the State Department.

133) 10:41 a.m.: Air Force One was still en route to Washington when Cheney called again. This time, he urged Bush not to return. "There's still a threat to Washington." Rice agreed, and had told Bush the same thing.

134) 10:43 a.m.: Air Force One banks suddenly and sharply to the left, its course now westerly toward Barksdale Air Force Base in Louisiana. It was within easy range, and once there food and fuel could be loaded and the president could have access to its more sophisticated communications systems.

135) 10:45 a.m.: All federal office buildings in Washington D. C. are evacuated.

117) 10:06:05 a.m.: According to seismic data, United Airlines Flight 93 crashes near Shanksville, Pennsylvania, in Somerset county, about 80 miles southeast of Pittsburgh. This is also 124 miles or 15 minutes away at 500 MPH from Washington D.C. An eyewitness reports seeing a white plane resembling a fighter jet circling the site just after the crash.




Cheney at one point likely told Bush, within the context of the conspiracy, that flight 93 missing wasn’t planned!
Then the secret service began to put extra protection on him and then strangely he started to ride around the southern US all the way up until around about the time building 7 went down at 5:20 pm.
At that time Bush was headed back to Washington on Air force one from his trips out west. He arrived in Washington after 6 pm.

There you go another theory . . . . It is a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma

edit on 20-2-2011 by inforeal because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 11:45 PM

Originally posted by mayabong

Originally posted by Hessdalen
"He called him and even the president, whose code name was "Angel 1"... The American president was amazed that he was using the secret communications system which is saved for wartime. Cheney talked to him and said: "This is an inside job in the White House. There are (enemy) agents in the White House." He said these things. The American president slammed the phone down and said: "Air Force One is next", and gave the order to land. He was told there is a conspiracy. These things were published, but have not been repeated since.

where? link pls...
edit on 20-2-2011 by Hessdalen because: blablabla

Here's an interesting video with the pilot of airforce 1 talking about that day on 911. I haven't watched it in a while but I think it can answer some of your questions.

Thank you mayabong for a video I will never forget.

I, as many, am positive that 9/11 did not go down how it is officially portrayed.
I have no way of knowing what exactly transponded, how or why.
With all the different theories and ideas, this can be an overwhelmingly confusing process to try and understand what did actually take place, and how and why.

This video with Mark Tillman makes me almost certain that President George W. Bush is not one of the bad guys. I do believe it is possible and even plausible that he, our former president, has been manipulated, but by who and why I can not be certain.

The op is very informative and the Israeli connection does seem quite plausible given the facts of the Mossad agents who filmed the aftermath, rejoiced and were then arrested.
I always said that Building 7 is key as no aircraft hit this building, and it too fell at freefall speed. The twin towers and building 7, in my opinion, were brought down by explosives in a controlled demolition as is obvious to the viewer and both corroborated and substantiated by thousands of engineers, architects, scientists and others who have the most knowledge on these subjects.

I don`t know if we will ever truly know 100% all of the details. But I urge anyone believing that G.W.Bush is some sort of evil guy, to watch this video with Col. Mark Tillman, the pilot of Airforce 1. It speaks a lot about the events of that day and the actions of our former president. I don`t think G.W.Bush is a bad guy at all. He may have made some poor decisions based upon negligent intelligence, but he is only a man. I think the op and the Israeli connection may be where the true conspiracy lies.

I also want to point out that if this scenario is correct with the major players of those tragic events, we need NOT blanket coat ALL Israelis, Jewish people or even Israeli government officials with the label of that which is only deserved by who I think would only be a few very high level conspirators. Just as we also should NOT view ALL Arabs, Middle Easterners, or Muslims as the bad guy. Whoever took part in these heinous actions do not represent a large percentage of any group of peoples. The conspirators are few, however manipulate many.

We must continue to focus on facts, keep level heads about us and not allow the divisions that constantly destroy any forward movement and progress. That is how anyone is able to continue to do harm, by manipulating and focusing attention elsewhere allowing them to never be caught.

We may have made Osama, but I think he is definitely one of the bad guys. I also think he had help (possibly Mossad) without actually knowing it.

Society moves forward when we all move forward together.
God bless the United States of America and every good and decent person on this Earth.

Thanks for the thread op, a well deserved s+f.

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 11:48 PM
reply to post by inforeal

I without a doubt suspect that a faction within the US government was involved in the attacks.
Whether they let them play out, were directly involved in the planning, or both...this is my belief.

I have also wondered just how much Bush knew. I wondered if he was warned that this would happen, and he said no....that when they were being deployed (the plans), if he was in shock just as we were...but for different reasons, of course.

Anyway...nice theory.

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 11:58 PM

Originally posted by csulli456

This video with Mark Tillman makes me almost certain that President George W. Bush is not one of the bad guys. I do believe it is possible and even plausible that he, our former president, has been manipulated, but by who and why I can not be certain.

But I urge anyone believing that G.W.Bush is some sort of evil guy, to watch this video with Col. Mark Tillman, the pilot of Airforce 1. It speaks a lot about the events of that day and the actions of our former president. I don`t think G.W.Bush is a bad guy at all. He may have made some poor decisions based upon negligent intelligence, but he is only a man. I think the op and the Israeli connection may be where the true conspiracy lies.

Even based of your theory, I wouldn't go that far as to say that GWB is not a bad guy.
In the aftermath of the event that unfolded that day, there is no doubt he became aware of what really went down.
For him to hide it, like would have had to do....according even to your theory...would label him as an evil evil man.
Along with others who were involved. Every single one of them who had anything to do with the attack, the cover-up, the lies, the profiteering, the labeling, the torturing and illegal detaining...everything.

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 12:30 AM
reply to post by DIDtm

I respect that.

But I don`t think it`s a definitive to say, he was made completely aware of exactly what had happened on that day.
If intelligence is manipulated and you believe what is untrue to be true, your further actions are only the result of what you think you are reponding to. I think it`s possible that he believes everything he did was the right thing to do.
I`m not saying he is a perfect man or that he hasn`t made any other selfish decisions throughout the process but I am leaning towards him being used as a tool more then being a player in an elaborate conspiracy to murder thousands of Americans and untold amounts of people in far away lands as well.

I think he did what he thought in his heart was right based on what he "knew".

The only thing in my unsure thoughts, is whether or not he had prior information of the attacks. But again, all the speculation in the world doesn`t prove anything, so I think it`s imperative to focus on what facts we know of.

The video with Col. Mark Tillman, in my opinion, says a lot about the character of G.W. Bush, and that is why it is my conclusion that I don`t believe him to be complacent in the terrible attacks that took place nor the aftermath based on his decisions based on what he knew to be correct.

Cheney on the other hand..............he may be the one to be looking real hard at, but that`s just my opinion.

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 12:47 AM
reply to post by csulli456

We definitely agree on the Cheney thing. I'm pretty sure that if he not Satan himself, he sold his soul many years (decades) ago.
Again, I respect your feelings on the possibilities of Bush being in the dark, so to speak...and the lack of intelligence/complete wrong intelligence being given to him.
I can even agree with that being a a point.

Then I look at Bush, himself. The way it appears (notice I said 'appears'- because I could be being deceived by this) he is a pretentious, self absorbed, manipulative, power seeking junkie of a man. One who relishes power and will stop at nothing to absorb as much of it as he can....and use it in any way he deems appropriate. The way he presents himself makes me think that when he found out he was being deceived (only the truest of idiots wouldn't realize this) that he would put forth every effort afforded to him to find out as much of the truth that money and power would dictate.

Again, I realize that this is all under the pretense that we are correct in our original theories.

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 12:47 AM
reply to post by DimensionalDetective

I tried to add things like this in on ATS only to find that my posts were removed. I have not replied in ages on here and now I see that everything now more scrutinized. Shorthand, big-quotes, 1-liners, respect, my case? 911 was an inside job.

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 01:07 AM
reply to post by DimensionalDetective

Everyone who thinks knows that it was an inside job. What we don't know is what to do about it. It is my belief that anyone capable of prosecuting this business has been silence with threats. I really do believe that. In the end God will sort it all out. I believe that too.

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 01:15 AM
reply to post by DIDtm

It is definitely very overwhelming to say the least, when it comes to trying to put everything together and make a logical and rational conclusion based upon all the evidence.
The problem is, we have so very little evidence, based upon the fact of manipulations and not knowing exactly who might be perpetrating these manipulations.
Your points are very valid and until we know the exact truth we must continue to speculate somewhat.
It is important however, that we don`t become so overcome with emotion and our own perspectives that we fail to find the truths we seek.
I appreciate your points and this direct dialect among concerned people that we are.
So long as we continue to focus on the facts we know of, and allow our gut instincts to play a role without getting in the way of our rational thinking, then we as a people may one day finally be able to solve this conundrum of tragedies.
By the way, I agree, I think Cheney sold his soul a long time ago. This is also how I can see Bush as being so overwhelmingly manipulated by him to a point where he may have had the wool pulled over his eyes on many occasions.
Too many links with Cheney to not keep the focus on him. The man has no pulse, I find that quite ironic.

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 01:16 AM
reply to post by trailertrash

I agree with all of your points as well.
Very well put.

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 02:07 AM
If people want to read in one place about how 911 was and inside job...just read my post...and take it from there.... 911 who done it

heck he may have even read some things from my

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 02:29 AM

Originally posted by haveblue
I stopped watching the video when this peanut said "once an aircrafts transponder is turned off the pilot has no way of setting the aircraft's course" WHAT? Wrong!! Transponders have nothing to do with setting the aircraft's course...nothing at all. Also transponders are in no way whatsoever linked to satellites. Credibility = zero. End of line......

Yeah, but its not like that will matter. As long as people hear what they want, it doesnt matter how wrong the rest of it is..

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 02:59 AM
It doesn't matter one iota if all the vidence in the world were to be presented on TV for 24 hours a day for a week quite simply and frustratingly to me, people do not want to know and to be honest people do not care, this is the messed up world we are living in.

"It was years back, get over it and get on with your life"I hear people say nowadays.
"Oh here you go again 9/11 was an inside job yeah we have heard it all before" I hear them say.

The fact of the matter is people are selfish and do not care about anyone apart from themselves, I suppose its human nature to 'survive' it may be completely disgusting to me and you but the majority of people feel like this. Its much easier to live in a box with your eyes shut than it is to open them and see the truth.

You have to be completely ignorant and just damn right naive to not see that 9/11 was an inside job, the evidence is overwhelming and, yes, it is frightening and yes it is worrying and disturbing but the truth is, american elites slaughtered thousands of innocent civillians in order to fulfil an agenda. The agenda to eventually rule the world.

God bless the innocent people that died that day and may their blood not have been spilled in vain, one day those responsible will be brought to justice.

edit on 21-2-2011 by franspeakfree because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 07:53 AM

Originally posted by franspeakfree

You have to be completely ignorant and just damn right naive to not see that 9/11 was an inside job

I think the red herring here is that the towers need not to collapse to show a conspiracy. The conspiracy begun before the planes took off. As for it being an 'inside' job, the evidence shows it was done by Israelis who pretended they were middle eastern terrorists who opposed israel. SO not really an inside job.

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 09:21 AM
reply to post by Shadow Herder

I think the red herring here is that the towers need not to collapse to show a conspiracy. The conspiracy begun before the planes took off. As for it being an 'inside' job, the evidence shows it was done by Israelis who pretended they were middle eastern terrorists who opposed israel. SO not really an inside job.

So since you have apparently solved this puzzle - Israel did 9/11 - I am assuming you have some next step in mind? Publication? Mass rally? Media blitz?

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 05:50 PM
reply to post by hooper

Classic defeat response...... "what now... take it to the streets?" .....

In time brother, lets wait till everyone knows so the hatred and anger rises to an appropriate level to ensure prosecution and and retribution is achieved adequately.

edit on 21-2-2011 by Shadow Herder because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 05:51 PM

Originally posted by hooper
reply to post by Shadow Herder

I think the red herring here is that the towers need not to collapse to show a conspiracy. The conspiracy begun before the planes took off. As for it being an 'inside' job, the evidence shows it was done by Israelis who pretended they were middle eastern terrorists who opposed israel. SO not really an inside job.

Israel did 9/11 -......... next step in mind? Publication? Mass rally? Media blitz?

Sure.... ;Let's Roll!

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 07:47 PM
reply to post by inforeal

Interesting Idea...things are rarely as clear cut as they seem. I liked that you are thinking out of the box, and not just looking at it as a black and white...this or that....sort of thing. I do think that I disagree slightly with one of your points. I don't see Bush on Air Force One being all that suspicious. In fact if Bush had NOT gotten on Air Force One then I imagine that it would have thrown up many, many more red flags. Therefore, assuming he was in on it, it would seem logical to me that he would go through the acting so to order to make it look as if there was a genuine concern even if there was not one.

posted on Feb, 23 2011 @ 11:48 AM

Originally posted by Shadow Herder

Originally posted by franspeakfree

You have to be completely ignorant and just damn right naive to not see that 9/11 was an inside job

I think the red herring here is that the towers need not to collapse to show a conspiracy. The conspiracy begun before the planes took off. As for it being an 'inside' job, the evidence shows it was done by Israelis who pretended they were middle eastern terrorists who opposed israel. SO not really an inside job.

The Towers HAD to come down. The Port Authority could not receive permission to have them demolished because of all the asbestos. Think peoples!

So Silverstein buys them-- crumbling old buildings that had no tenants from the opening (1973?) until 1992-3---and insures them as he did?

The only way to take them down was this pre-planned event, 9-11! and look who made the $$$$ and we've heard/seen all the rest. WAR!

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