posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 02:41 PM
Very interesting, I am sure there are more 'revelations' to come from the shakeup in the Status Quo in the Middle East.
We seem to be living in 'revelation' based times, with Wiki-leaks, first releasing a motherload of sensitive diplomatic intriques, to be followed
quickly on the heels of of a number questionable revolutions and popular uprisings.
Events seem to in part drive one another, yet with no honest annalysis or editorial through the mainstream media, many people, have time connecting
the dots from one event to the next.
I have no doubt that in time, the truth of 9-11 will be revealed too, all as part of that seemingly randomly happening, yet inter-connected campaign
of revelations to drive world events.
There of course is just one problem, in that we are being 'spoon fed' the information, in an attempt to drive events.
Yet to what end? I still contend it is a well crafted plan to drive events to themselves mirror the biblical book of revelations, right into a one
world corporate government.
While no doubt much of what is being revealed and is going to be revealed is closer to the truth, I still think it wise to beware the messenger and
the hour which he calls, as it would seem what ever the media and the shadow government decide to tell us, always tends to lead to things working out
quite well for them.
If I am right, in that the Powers that Be are trying to mimic biblical prophecy to drive the world towards a one world government, then yes, there is
going to be a day, when we are all made to despise Israel with a passion.
Nothing would accomplish that quite as well as definitive proof the Israeli Government and or Zionist Criminal Elements were involved and responsible.
There is a reason why we aren't really allowed to discuss that or question that in any area or strata of society, but that's only for as long as it
serves the Powers that Be.
Ultimately it's going to serve them well to do away with Israel and when that time comes, I think they will release as close to the unvarnished truth
of 9-11 as we are ever going to see.