posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 03:25 AM
Originally posted by hounddoghowlie
well if they want to impress me,
let them come from behind their computer screens.
and let the world see their face. the chickens@#3 little sob.
if your not willing to show your face for a cause you believe in
what flippin good are you.
they can kindof do that... It is unwise to underestimate what internet people can find out about folks and what they'll do with the info once they
have it. The things hackers can do to and with websites is also pretty chilling. People hack into websites, they can hijack all kinds of important
info and disrupt finances, seed viruses. And so many website owners are total dimwits about security. Let's say, for example, anon discovers fifty
gay loveletters sent from Phelps's email and maybe drops the whole lot online for everyone to read... Or hits the jackpot and ferrets out a company
credit card number, perhaps accidentally telling it to a guy who plans on wiring about a gajillion bucks to an offshore account. Our society has put
a high price on our personal data. It's would be horrifically easy for anon to inflict severe real world damage on target groups if they felt like
it, without leaving the comfort of their own computers. Internets is serious business.
I guess if Phelps & Co. knew that, they would be marvelling at the pile of bricks that just dropped from their collective fat, purulent buns. They'd
probably also be hoping that maybe god didn't actually hate
them by now after all they'd done, and might throw a miracle their way, or at
least some dog curtains.
In my humblest of opinions, go Anonymous. /b/ makes me shake my head, but they do produce at least some good lulz and also sometimes things I wish I
could do to villainous scumbags. Sometimes they do something awful to someone who doesn't deserve it, but they're trolls, basically... I wouldn't
expect anything less out of something as chaotic neutral as anon is in every way.
I'm for the first amendment. I'm also for ensuring accountability for nefarious actions...justice, if you will. If the gubment shouldn't do it, why
not anon? I truly hope they smash the bejeezus out of those horrible WBC swine.