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Nervous system manipulation by electromagnetic fields from monitors (US Patent 6506148)

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posted on Feb, 28 2011 @ 11:00 PM
As I noted in the now defunct thread on this. This technology could be used as an enhancement to what is already there, but probably not as a primary source for manipulation. Flicker rate, rapidly flashing scenes, layered subliminals, silent subliminals, NLP, monaural beats, and isochronic tones to name a few are the mainstays. Beats, tones, and subs need to be heard to work, so they are usually under music, noise, or voice, etc.

TV is especially effective at getting past our analytical mind by dropping the brainwave frequencies from beta into upper and mid alpha. Making what is seen and heard more likely to flood our subconscious without being censored by our critical faculties. Let alone the fact that we have a natural tendency to suspend our disbelief while watching TV anyway.

edit on 28-2-2011 by Klassified because: (no reason given)

edit on 28-2-2011 by Klassified because: (no reason given)

edit on 28-2-2011 by Klassified because: Corrections

posted on Feb, 28 2011 @ 11:12 PM
I'll definitely be using this information...

Can anyone direct me to the patents/news stories about compact fluorescent (cfl) light bulbs' capabilities to not just affect the nervous system, but also to send messages to computers?

I've heard at least three people mention it in the past month or so, but can't find anything beyond emf pollution...

posted on Feb, 28 2011 @ 11:19 PM
reply to post by TV_Nation

I've been off TV for years now, whenever I see on at a friend, resturaunt, etc... I am constantly struck by all the flashes. It makes me feel sick. I know understand what it going on. This patent was filed in 2001. I am sure it's been well integrated by now.

Yes TV bypasses the conscious mind and speaks to the subliminal in many ways.

warning graphic content, animated sexual images:
(mods I'm not aware of the T&C on this, feel free to remove vid if it is to much, but it shows how sexual content is hidden in disney cartoons):

This one shows many more disney videos, but has bias against masons which I do not share, and misrepresents Disney as responsible for the faun in Narnia... which was written by C.S. Lewis as a story of Jesus vs. Satan (Aslan = Jesus if you were unaware). Lewis is responsible for the faun Tumnnis, not disney. I only use it because it has more examples than any other I could find.


posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 07:48 AM

Originally posted by alaskan
Can anyone direct me to the patents/news stories about compact fluorescent (cfl) light bulbs' capabilities to not just affect the nervous system, but also to send messages to computers?
I don't think that's true.
If possible, how would the light bulbs know what to send and how would the computers receive the information?

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 07:50 AM

Originally posted by pianopraze
warning graphic content, animated sexual images:
(mods I'm not aware of the T&C on this, feel free to remove vid if it is to much, but it shows how sexual content is hidden in disney cartoons):

Not really, it shows mostly people's perceptions of some drawings, and in the case of the first video it's made on purpose to give people that idea.

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 05:19 PM
reply to post by ArMaP

This is a well documented part of advertising not a conspiracy. I hesitate to post more because it is slightly off topic from the OP. But there are hundreds of examples and college classes talk about it. They do it.

Subliminals page 1

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 06:06 PM
reply to post by pianopraze

I know it's a well documented subject (and not one for this thread), but I also know that many, if not most, of the examples usually presented are more the result of the viewers interpretation than anything else.

To try to bring it a little back on topic, the same thing applies to the manipulation that is the topic of this thread: at what point are we being manipulated by what is presented to us as a evidence of manipulation? Are those people pointing to those "subliminal messages" (did you noticed that the images are almost always the same?) trying to "help" us or are they manipulating us themselves?

On topic, are patents like this made to really register a patent or to make people afraid of a possible use of the inventions?

posted on Mar, 4 2011 @ 08:14 AM
reply to post by ArMaP

In think, in regards to the patent posted by the OP, it's safe to say that the television monitor does exactly what the patent says. We've ALL seen it, AND been there. Staring at the television, proclaiming how much we hate the particular show we're glued to, yet not turning our heads or changing the channel.
Dribbles of drool running down our chins.
I myself believe this patent is active.

posted on Mar, 4 2011 @ 09:06 AM
reply to post by Scorpitarius

Try to monitor programs on TV which are at least 10 years old (it speeds understanding, being less sophisticated) As you become familiar with the format of nearly any show you can think of, a steady revulsion should reveal itself, forcing you to choose a fork, essentially, in your perceptions. It all leads to the same path. I can tell tempts me to start a thread on the metaphysics undermining 'Entourage'. It is simply frightening once you SEE it. It matters not what you look upon, after that~the meaning remains consistent in wisdom and understanding.

I'm suggesting that there are plenty of rough edges within the producer's intents. Catch them while you can.

I note a pronounced low hum on the newer digital receiver telescreens. I stick to analog sets. Pretty sure the hum is not innocuous.

posted on Mar, 4 2011 @ 03:58 PM

Originally posted by Scorpitarius
We've ALL seen it, AND been there. Staring at the television, proclaiming how much we hate the particular show we're glued to, yet not turning our heads or changing the channel.
That never happened to me, but it could be because I do not live in the US.

That reminds me of something, the different frequencies used in the US and in Europe, maybe that helps that effect. Or maybe not.

posted on Mar, 8 2011 @ 10:35 AM
reply to post by starless and bible black

It's funny you mention that, because I've been re-watching a lot of old shows I used to watch as a child in an attempt to find any potential areas of mind programming that I myself have been victim too. I've been watching shows from the late 70's and the 80's. The most common theme I have recognized is sex...and I'm talking 95% kids shows I'm watching here. (Yeah....I am 35 and watching cartoons, heh heh heh.)
I don't watch TV, a decision I made when I was 18, just didn't like it anymore.
I'd be grateful if you did start a thread, as I am trying to further understand this programming and I'd love another person's ideas about it. It's funny, but even showing people this patent does not seem to have ANY effect on people, at least in my area of our beautiful planet. So please do start a thread (notify me when you do, if you don't mind.).
My whole life I have noticed a very high pitched hum...if it can be called that...that other have not heard (and some who have.) A friend of mine told me that it was just a sound at a higher frequency that some people could hear. Apparently some people CAN hear a dog whistle. And yeah, I'd bet money on the fact that newer monitors have much more potent technologies.
One scary realization I came to the other day, because the patent only mentions TV and computer monitors, is that this patent is probably used in ALL monitors everywhere. Cell phones, portable games, there are even video advertisements in stores and on the streets....all are monitors. Since you only have to be within a radius of the monitor for it to effect you....why not carry a cell phone in your pocket....and put it to your head?
Peace and One Love
edit on 8-3-2011 by Scorpitarius because: Personal

posted on Mar, 8 2011 @ 10:39 AM
reply to post by ArMaP

I believe you are 100% correct...frequencies have a HUGE play in all of this. every atom in our bodies exist on a frequency.
Research Haarp and binaural beats, if you have the interest.
You may also visit my personal website...
where I don't talk about binaural beats or Haarp, but I do talk about frequencies. I have a few articles on my site and I think ALL touch on frequency and frequency manipulation.
Peace and One love.

posted on Mar, 8 2011 @ 10:41 AM
No DVD's, no cable box or satellite, no controlled feed.

Problem solved.

I catch the waves shortly after they're rolled out via torrents. No commercials or need to pay for services outside of the ISP.

Have been unplugged for about 6 years now, and it's awesome.

edit on 8-3-2011 by unityemissions because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 8 2011 @ 11:41 AM
Years ago I read an article by Dick Sutphen called "Battlel for Your MInd".
His site now has a much more expanded version.

Summary of Contents:

The Birth of Conversion/Brainwashing in Christian Revivalism in 1735.
The Pavlovian explanation of the three brain phases.
Born-Again preachers: Step-by-step, how they conduct a revival and the expected physiological results.
The "voice roll" technique used by preachers, lawyers and hypnotists. New trance-inducing churches.
The six steps to conversion.
The decognition process. Thought-stopping techniques.
The "sell it by zealot" technique.
True believers and mass movements.
Persuasion techniques: "Yes set", "Imbedded Commands", "Shock and Confusion", and the "Interspersal Techniques."
Vibrato and ELF waves. Inducing trance with vibrational sound. Even professional observers will be "possessed" at charismatic gatherings. The "only hope" technique to attend and not be converted.
Non-detectable Neurophone programming through the skin.
The medium for mass take-over.

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