posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 04:36 AM
i am a stupid american. yes these videos are hilarious. yes it is sad. yes we could do more ourselves to prevent this kind of "stupidity." the fact
is, however, these people are not necessarily stupid, dont get me wrong some of the people in these videos probably are, but the majority of people
are simply ignorant. most americans like to ignore the rest of the world because it is depressing (according to the news). who wants to be depressed?
can we blame them? perhaps, on some level at least, it is their fault they seem so dumb. i had a discussion today with a colleague of mine about the
education system and it fallacies in todays society. our old way of teaching is becoming obsolete and our old way of reporting the news likewise is
becoming obsolete. we continue to hear the same terrible things and we drill the same terrible cliches into our childrens heads. the same old cliches
arent going to apply so much to our youth mainly because events such as 9/11 have occured. wwi and wwii were mentioned briefly in this thread and i
believe it is safe to say that those wars were spawned through ignorance. i believe it is safe to apply a similar "ignorance framework" to many
nations, not just the US (and i don't say this solely on me trying to defend my nation). am i trying to ignore the terrible ignorance that exsists?
maybe, but i have a desire to fix it. after serving many seemingly pointless ends at many pointless jobs i have decided it is time to stop wandering
aimlessly through my life and find a purpose. my intention is to pursue education indefintely and ultimately become a professor of something.
professor of what you might ask? no idea... but if i have learned anything from growing up in america it is that anything is possible (just ask one of
the people in these videos).