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*BREAKING* - Massacre in Bahrain; Hospitals full; Docotor urges world to help...

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posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 11:13 PM
Kent State - frightened, untrained National Guardsmen.

Ruby Ridge? BATF and FBI


Not one of these happened with the US military.

One might note that folks in the US are very edgy around federal assaults nowadays.

And by the way. The fastest way to keep someone from shooting at you, is to drop him with a more accurate shot.

Accurate fire also seems disconcerting and throws off their aim even further.

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 11:26 PM

Originally posted by FarArcher
Kent State - frightened, untrained National Guardsmen.

Ruby Ridge? BATF and FBI


Not one of these happened with the US military.

One might note that folks in the US are very edgy around federal assaults nowadays.

And by the way. The fastest way to keep someone from shooting at you, is to drop him with a more accurate shot.

Accurate fire also seems disconcerting and throws off their aim even further.

What is the difference between the military and the FBI BATF other than the name? Do they both not have the same fire power?

No real worries though my friend. In America, the strategy is pacification. You have football, you have beer, you have fast food, no worries.

When is the last time Americans rallied for anything? Glen Becks rally for insanity?

When is the last time Americans actually protested anything worthwhile and sacrificed to accomplish their objectives?

We have the highest prison population in the world, the longest prison sentences per offence, everything we do in life is taxed, our work hours are longer, the stress levels are higher, and our sense of humanity is all but lost. We train our children to fight at an early age through video games, we then send them off to fight foreign wars so that we can continue to drive our gas guzzling super mobiles, one for each member of the family, and snooze away our lives on our cell phones, internet, and tv. While the rest of the world is revolting because they are starving, we are dying from obesity!

Yeah, I do not think the Gov is really worried too much about its citizenry revolting. We are thoroughly indoctrinated, pacified, and enslaved.

With Love,

Your Brother

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 11:36 PM
reply to post by IAMIAM

Big difference between federal agencies and the US military.

Gangbangers have the same weapons as well, and yet I would never use that as a basis to lump them in the same group as the BATF or FBI.

The last time Americans got together and protested? The 2010 elections for one.

We're coming apart at the seams here in the US, so if things aren't squared away in the 2012 elections, I fear to see what will happen then.

Too many pissed off, law-abiding Americans - who won't be law-abiding much longer.

And when things get sideways here in the US, a lot of old scores will be settled, and some troublesome groups will be firmly addressed.

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 11:49 PM
One of my Liberal friends was posting on his Facebook page yesterday about how "Oh couldn't the people of Iraq done the same thing the Egyptians did and then we wouldn't have these horrible wars and no US soldiers being killed and all the money spent etc etc...." and I pointed out to him that if the Iraqi people had tried to do this under Sadaam he would have slaughtered them in the streets by the hundreds and not batted an eye...
Same thing happening in Bahrain unfortunately...

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 11:53 PM

Originally posted by Skippy1138
One of my Liberal friends was posting on his Facebook page yesterday about how "Oh couldn't the people of Iraq done the same thing the Egyptians did and then we wouldn't have these horrible wars and no US soldiers being killed and all the money spent etc etc...." and I pointed out to him that if the Iraqi people had tried to do this under Sadaam he would have slaughtered them in the streets by the hundreds and not batted an eye...
Same thing happening in Bahrain unfortunately...

Seems like just doing a General Strike is alot easier than all of this. Governments get all screwed up when people just quit working.

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 11:57 PM

Originally posted by FarArcher
Big difference between federal agencies and the US military.

I do not think the lives lost in waco or Riby Ridge could tell the difference between the two. You might want to elaborate.

Originally posted by FarArcher
Gangbangers have the same weapons as well, and yet I would never use that as a basis to lump them in the same group as the BATF or FBI.

Gangbangers are not employed by the government. They are merely a product of governmental policy. They are the ones already revolting.

Originally posted by FarArcher
The last time Americans got together and protested? The 2010 elections for one.

What was accomplished?

Originally posted by FarArcher
We're coming apart at the seams here in the US, so if things aren't squared away in the 2012 elections, I fear to see what will happen then.

What do you think will be the fix in 2012? Do you think the rest of the world is going to sit back and watch as America continues to rape them for their natural resources and leave their people starving while we live a life of comparative decadence and die from obesity? Do you think a new political regime is going to go in and tell you the truth, that we have over stepped our bounds and the world is pissed? Do you think the politicians will EVER turn on the insanely wealthy criminal cartel bankers and demand that the wealth be returned to the people of the world?

These things are not going to happen. America and her allies will suffer the greatest because they have the most to lose. America is the new Babylon. It's sins around the world are legion. The complacency of the American people are the cause.

Originally posted by FarArcher
Too many pissed off, law-abiding Americans - who won't be law-abiding much longer.

Americans are pissed because their once decadent lifestyle is starting to mirror the rest of the world. When we stop seeing borders and start seeing mankind as one common family, then Americans will have a moral justification to be angry, not at what has been done to them, but because of what has been done to our whole family. The world need to revolt as one. The days of being lead are well in the past. This revolution cannot be one of violence, but of peace.

Originally posted by FarArcher
And when things get sideways here in the US, a lot of old scores will be settled, and some troublesome groups will be firmly addressed.

Who might these groups be? What has vengence to do with anything? He who plots revenge should dig two graves.

With Love,

Your Brother

P.S. Have you seen the Plan at the bottom of my posts? You might want to check it out.

posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 12:22 AM
reply to post by IAMIAM

Yeah. Well. Gandhi never tried his routine against Pol Pot. Or Adolph Hitler. Or Saddam Hussein. Or the warlords of Somalia.

Ghandi's approach worked against a civilized, yet tired world power who had already made a deal. A deal to help in WWII in exchange for independence.

There's two kinds of people. Those who understand the use of ruthless force to meet ruthless force, and those who haven't actually faced ruthless force yet.

posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 12:36 AM

Originally posted by FarArcher
reply to post by IAMIAM

Yeah. Well. Gandhi never tried his routine against Pol Pot. Or Adolph Hitler. Or Saddam Hussein. Or the warlords of Somalia.

Ghandi's approach worked against a civilized, yet tired world power who had already made a deal. A deal to help in WWII in exchange for independence.

There's two kinds of people. Those who understand the use of ruthless force to meet ruthless force, and those who haven't actually faced ruthless force yet.

Anyone can fire a gun and take a life my friend. They teach 10 year olds to do it in Afghanistan. Where true courage, true valor, comes in is when one is willing to die for peace. Anyone can fight for peace. A peace fought for through violence never was, and never will be, peace. It is merely one tyrant overthrowing another.

I served 14 years in the United States Marine Corps from 1992 to 2006. I am well versed in the use of force. I can assure you that regardless how confident you feel in your ability to meet violence against the government from your suburban citadel, what ever fire power you do have, is only enough to give a headline to your obituary. The technology and tactics in play have you defeated before you ever get started.

When I left the Marine Corps I stock piled weapons and explosives for just such a scenario. I plotted and planned around every tactic used in the military today. In the end, I had to face the harsh reality that the civilian population simply does not stand a chance through force of arms. Your ego may tell you otherwise, it may sound good around the gun club, it might seem macho on an internet forum, the bitter truth is you do not stand a chance, and every gun totting redneck knows it.

Look at Katrina as a lesson to you. When the SHTF, the national guard goes in and confiscates weapons. Who resisted? NO ONE. Every single person handed their weapons over on a door to door round up.

Don't take my word for it though. I do not know what I am talking about. I wish you the best of luck in your endeavors, and may God see you to victory.

With Love,

Your Brother

posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 12:45 AM
I am so sorry for this and could feel so strongly his pain and emotion. So much hardship and suffering, and to fire on unarmed citizens.

posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 12:49 AM
reply to post by IAMIAM

Americans are pissed because their once decadent lifestyle is starting to mirror the rest of the world. When we stop seeing borders and start seeing mankind as one common family, then Americans will have a moral justification to be angry, not at what has been done to them, but because of what has been done to our whole family. The world need to revolt as one. The days of being lead are well in the past. This revolution cannot be one of violence, but of peace.

Well said. i couldn't agree with you more, except that most aren't decadent in that kidn of way, most are the dwindling middle class, and there are many working who don't have much left over for food after paying rent in the land of the plenty which only seems like that for the majority not the working poor or middle class.

But overall I agree, we need to take this as a world wide effort to free everyone from this massive poverty/war/slave pyramid system.

posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 01:33 AM
reply to post by IAMIAM

Well, I can't say I served in the Marines.

I served in Special Forces, carried four MOS's and have my "V" devices on ribbons from combat. Statistically, we enjoyed a 100:1 - 150:1 kill ratio.

I was not taught to fight from my fixed position. In fact, while the regular Army/Marines kill ratio was 4:1, those uneducated, illiterate natives WE taught had a 33:1 kill ratio.

Don't assume anything, friend. That can often enough be a fatal mistake in bad situations.

Hell, anyone can die. Dying's easy.

Living's hard. Fighting's hard.

Fighting for others to preserve their lives is the hardest of all.

You and yours can die all you want to.

I may go down, but it won't be cheap.

posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 01:42 AM
quote]Look at Katrina as a lesson to you. When the SHTF, the national guard goes in and confiscates weapons. Who resisted? NO ONE. Every single person handed their weapons over on a door to door round up.

Don't take my word for it though. I do not know what I am talking about. I wish you the best of luck in your endeavors, and may God see you to victory.

Not accurate at all....I have to disagree with what you think you know and throw some facts out there for you. I was in the eyewall of Katrina and afterwards NO ONE touched my guns nor tried to. No one touched anyone on our streets guns either. Maybe in New Orleans in some instances, it was too out of control, they had no overwhemling power over us inland though in Mississippi.

We were basically forgotten for more than 25 days without power and running water. I have no idea where you got that from though, if that was the case our whole city would have been arrested. I even talked to alot of them and police with my gun on my shoulder how we would shoot looters.

posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 01:44 AM

Originally posted by FarArcher
Well, I can't say I served in the Marines.

I served in Special Forces, carried four MOS's and have my "V" devices on ribbons from combat. Statistically, we enjoyed a 100:1 - 150:1 kill ratio.

I was not taught to fight from my fixed position. In fact, while the regular Army/Marines kill ratio was 4:1, those uneducated, illiterate natives WE taught had a 33:1 kill ratio.

Don't assume anything, friend. That can often enough be a fatal mistake in bad situations.

Hell, anyone can die. Dying's easy.

Living's hard. Fighting's hard.

Fighting for others to preserve their lives is the hardest of all.

You and yours can die all you want to.

I may go down, but it won't be cheap.

I was fortunate enough to have never been in a position where I had to take a life. My kill count is 0:0 and I am blessed for it. Anyway, we all go down in the end. Take yours as you want it.

With Love,

Your Brother

posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 01:48 AM
I am wondering why they haven't used live fire before now. It will make the people be submissive, and stop protesting. If they know that they are going to be shot for protesting, everything would go back to being normal. Not saying it's right to shoot people. However, if a government wants to stay in power, that's all they have to do, and the people will never protest. And I think we will start seeing a lot more of this, because it works. The governments have too much to lose, to let the public kick them out. It's not a democracy over there.

posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 01:52 AM

Originally posted by JAGx1981
Not accurate at all....I have to disagree with what you think you know and throw some facts out there for you. I was in the eyewall of Katrina and afterwards NO ONE touched my guns nor tried to. No one touched anyone on our streets guns either. Maybe in New Orleans in some instances, it was too out of control, they had no overwhemling power over us inland though in Mississippi.

We were basically forgotten for more than 25 days without power and running water. I have no idea where you got that from though, if that was the case our whole city would have been arrested. I even talked to alot of them and police with my gun on my shoulder how we would shoot looters.

Gun returns post katrina

NRA article post katrina gun confiscation
edit on 19-2-2011 by IAMIAM because: (no reason given)

edit on 19-2-2011 by IAMIAM because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 02:02 AM

Originally posted by IAMIAM
In the end, I had to face the harsh reality that the civilian population simply does not stand a chance through force of arms. Your ego may tell you otherwise, it may sound good around the gun club, it might seem macho on an internet forum, the bitter truth is you do not stand a chance, and every gun totting redneck knows it

are you kidding me?

haven't Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam etc taught you anything?

granted they are culturally very different, but still you make it sound like the US Army can't lose

edit on 19-2-2011 by DeadpoolPete because: (no reason given)

edit on 19-2-2011 by DeadpoolPete because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 02:07 AM
Yeah as I said, '' New Orleans in some instances ''. They had no choice being trapped in a bowl in that small of an area with an already top 3 murder rate before Katrina.

Not here though and they came by, in spades. If they went door to door everywhere and collected guns we would have never got no food or water for months, luckily me and family comes from a long line of military ourselves so it really didn't effect us as it did others.

posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 02:16 AM

Thank God the Egyptian army would not fire on its own citizens. If the time comes in America, I think our citizen - soldiers won't either.

There are reports from human right groups on the ground in Egypt that miltary police did shoot, they also arrested and beat many Egyptian citizens including foregin journalists

posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 02:21 AM
people get ready for the worst

posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 02:21 AM

And for the person who suggested that this firing on civilians may possibly happen here in the US, it won't happen but once.

anti war rallies, anti bush rallies, anti G20 rallies, anti WTO rallies, riot police used force to dislodge those protesters

I recall the army being called in many times in the USA in various states in the 60s and 70s, tear gas, rubber bullets

Remember the hippie peace movements? civil right movements? equality for women movements?

edit on 19-2-2011 by Ellen15 because: (no reason given)

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