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What's So Bad About American Idol?

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posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 07:48 AM

Originally posted by Illusionsaregrander
Its not the show itself. Its that it is pure entertainment, and that everyone gossips about it, and bothers themself with who is going to win, and that is a problem in America right now. We need to be paying attention to less entertaining things.

But some of us have enough attention to share between real issues and some less important ones.
Putting all of one's energy into one thing seems lopsided and unbalanced. I like my life to be more balanced with serious issues and fluff.
Fluff isn't bad unless that's all you got.

But this is like putting your fingers in your ears and singing "la la la Im not listening."

I think an assumption is being made that people who watch AI are 'zombies' who are somehow hypnotized by it and don't have the brain, interest or means to think about and put energy into more serious matters. It's indicative of what I see in the world today, the idea that if you watch AI, then you're stupid. That's a divisive and incorrect assumption, don't you agree?

Originally posted by SpartanKingLeonidas
American Idol, as well as television shows like "Big Brother", and Survivor feed the ignorant masses.

So AI and other shows are food for the ignorant. But the non-ignorant also eat this food. So, is it the food that is the problem? Or is it the people? The love of ignorance? The willful ignorance that's so rampant in our society? Then lets talk about it in terms of ignorance not in terms of the food they eat. Because non-ignorant people eat that food, too.

reply to post by ThisIsMyName


posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 07:56 AM
I have never liked American Idol. I don't like the process of how it is done and I don't like how they pick their so called "idols."

I find the show to be quite silly. So they have all these contestants come and audition then they take a few mins to decide if they move on to Hollywood! I have seen people get denied just because they didn't have the look which is the main reason I dont like this show. It's all about image not talent, it's about whether they can market your look. They can make you sound good with computers so it's ok if you are average but if you have the typical pop look that is all over the place then you seem to be in. I also dont like how they make the contestants sing songs or genres that aren't fit to their voice or style. Jennifer Lopez isn't that great of a singer and should be one to talk when it comes to tone and pitch and live singing. She can't sing beyond a certain range so why make others do what you never had to do? I just find the whole process unfair and completely rigged.

The one "idol" who was a total joke was Fantasia. Yeah cause she is some idol I want my kids to look up to.

The show has become a joke and they seem to care more about the auditions and screw ups than actual talent. Oh also it seems if you have some "tragic" life then you are more than likely a go for idol. It should be about the voice and nothing else. It's all about ratings once again.

posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 08:09 AM
reply to post by mblahnikluver

I understand that you don't like the show and that's totally understandable. It's one thing to not like the show, but another to see it is everything that's wrong with society. My real question was why is it used as the standard for ignorance in our society. I mean, there are 50 other shows that would fit the bill better, IMO.

posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 08:25 AM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
reply to post by mblahnikluver

I understand that you don't like the show and that's totally understandable. It's one thing to not like the show, but another to see it is everything that's wrong with society. My real question was why is it used as the standard for ignorance in our society. I mean, there are 50 other shows that would fit the bill better, IMO.

Oh there are plenty of shows that show what is wrong with society lol but this one is the most popular on tv so it will get the most attention.

Shows like "Engaged and Underage" or "16 and Pregnant" or "Teen Mom" and lets not forget "Bad Girls Club," "Jersey Shore," or "Real Housewives" series. Those are are horrible shows that make people look like idiots and well society loves it, which for me is disturbing. It's ok to be a trashy girl with no education who just likes to get drunk and start fights. There is so much wrong with TV now a days, I barely watch it because all I do is get annoyed at what is actually being shown. I want kids but damn Im scared to raise them in this society. I dont want my kids growing up to be like these kids. I would be considered the strict parent yet back when I was younger my mom was considered strict but cool. Now a days it is so different.

posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 08:33 AM
I blame them for this:

And somebody has to pay... they must pay.

posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 09:22 AM
reply to post by Hefficide

Hey! Clay Aiken brought the gay to American Idol!
He was gay way before it was cool and nasty to be gay like Adam Lambert.

Also, he's loved by many fans (not me). He's a singer, songwriter, actor, producer and author! He's not my cup of tea, but he's very successful and many LOVE him. How can you bash the Claymates?

Aiken was voted the Favorite Reality Star of 2003 by TV Guide readers and “the most-loved reality star of all time” in a TV Guide poll conducted in the summer of 2005.[104] In February 2006, People magazine readers voted Aiken their "Favorite American Idol"
"Claysians" (Asian fans), "Claynadians" (Canadian fans), "Clayropeans" (European fans) and "Claydawgs" (male fans). She then teased him about having his own "Clay Nation".


posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 09:33 AM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
So AI and other shows are food for the ignorant. But the non-ignorant also eat this food. So, is it the food that is the problem? Or is it the people? The love of ignorance? The willful ignorance that's so rampant in our society? Then lets talk about it in terms of ignorance not in terms of the food they eat. Because non-ignorant people eat that food, too.

I have no issue with ignorant people "eating food" for their lack of "intellectual stimulation."

Well, that is not totally true, I do have a problem with Jim Jones feeding people poison Kool-Aid.

The thing is, was people like Jim Jones feed "poison food", prior to the Kool-Aid.

With the lies that bind those people inside of their power of oppression.

Television shows like American Idol are nothing more than corporatized Jim Jones operations.

In this society where everyone seeks out others to lead them instead of leading themselves beware those they idolize, because those they idolize become how they see society, and it shapes society in that image, it is not just the "food" but those who dine upon the ignorance and gestate more of it to propagate more of it through shared interests and word of mouth.

Willful ignorance or rampant ignorance, decidely it is as complicated as the chicken or the egg, as first.

Does this willful ignorance only replicate and erode society or does society simply erode upon itself?

I say it is a mixture of both only made to happen by those manipulating behind the scenes to cause the erosion.

Basically said, it comes down to a complete lack of priorities, denying themselves knowledge of the power within themselves, for false power through clicking buttons on a phone to vote for a fleeting leader, instead of becoming one of the leaders of society themselves.

Wielding a phone is no power such as that of wielding the sword and knowing not only when to use it.

But when not to use it.

And how to lead not just one's self but leading others who seek you out as a leader.

Again, idolizing those people who have no leadership, makes our leaders just as ignorant as those following them.

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 07:46 PM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic

I think an assumption is being made that people who watch AI are 'zombies' who are somehow hypnotized by it and don't have the brain, interest or means to think about and put energy into more serious matters. It's indicative of what I see in the world today, the idea that if you watch AI, then you're stupid. That's a divisive and incorrect assumption, don't you agree?

No, I dont really agree. I think the show itself is just textbook media distraction. I am thinking right now, and I cant think of a better example of mindless, (requires NO intellect, at all) feel good programming. Its used because it is the best of its type.

I dont think people who watch it are stupid. My best friend from junior high broke the IQ test. IQ over 160. Watches American Idol. Its not a stupid thing. Its a "I just want to feel good" thing. Some of us just think that if we want to feel good we should fix whats wrong in our nation. Not sit in front of the glowy box soaking up an artificial dose of happy. And too many Americans are soaking up the artificial happy from the glowy box. And because of them our nation is in really quite grave danger.

I believe in balance. I dont think that everyone who watches TV responsibly is letting our nations go to hell. Why feel bad about the fact that you watch it, if you know you are not one of the people who are drugging themselves into oblivion with feel good mindless TV?

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 08:20 PM

Originally posted by Illusionsaregrander
No, I dont really agree. I think the show itself is just textbook media distraction. I am thinking right now, and I cant think of a better example of mindless, (requires NO intellect, at all) feel good programming. Its used because it is the best of its type.

Is ATS, itself, not a media distraction? Seriously, there is more truth vs. conjecture presented in the falsified MSM, than there is on ATS. Comparatively, American Idol is a sanctuary for truth.

posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 02:05 PM
Why is it that people feel they can make accurate blanket statements about those who watch a particular show?

Is everyone who watches NASCAR a redneck?
Does everyone watching NOVA have a PhD?

Total generalization, and a logical fallacy.

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 11:01 AM
The reason why I personally don't like American Idol is that I don't think any hard work is involved. The people on it can sing proficiently, but that's not really work. They might have had voice lessons or some such, but they're already building on a natural talent. They go on the show and through a mixture of luck, ability to appeal to the masses and some talent they progress and maybe win. That's not hard work. Hard work is spending years honing your act, writing your own stuff and becoming better over time. There's nothing hard about being on American Idol, aside from pressure or anxiety, but there's none of the crap that comes with doing bad venues, like uninterested crowds. These are all pretty young people too, so they haven't really struggled to become a singer. It boils down to, "Hey, a lot of people sent us text messages and now you get a record contract."

Also, the only talent represented is singing other people's song. Singing's a great talent, I can't do it and it's great they can, but there's other parts of being a performer. Can they write their own songs? Can they play an instrument? Those aren't taken into account, but things that don't matter are, such as appearance.

In the end, it's not about finding who's the best. It's about finding who the most marketable is. The whole voting thing is basically market research.

American Idol isn't the worst show out there, there are a ton of other shows that are disgusting and have no redeeming value. American Idol, for me, is annoying because it doesn't really add anything to the music scene, which I think is pretty bad as it is. I'd like a show that tries to find something different to put out.

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 01:41 PM
reply to post by SaulGoodman

I'd have to disagree...Kelly Clarkson, Carrie Underwood haven't added anything to the music scene? I'm sure their fans would beg to differ. Plus, performing IS hard work, if you've never done it in a professional venue. Granted, they're only on for minutes at a time, but performing a two-hour concert or show can be downright exhausting. (and they do a TON of rehearsing for those few minutes...not to mention learning all the lyrics to a song before going on).

As for Survivor, I know it's a guilty pleasure most don't admit to, but personally, this is my favorite reality show. It has more villainy than any drama and more redemption than the sappiest Hallmark movie.

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 05:10 PM
reply to post by Gazrok

I should've been more clear. You're right and I know that performing and preparation for a performance is hard and exhausting. When I said American Idol didn't involve hard work what I meant was that almost all the bands or performing artists out there had to struggle for years to get noticed and to get into the industry. They'd have big setbacks and they'd be working to get better. Granted, they might still be awful, but they worked to get where they are. American Idol is like cutting in line. Sure, they're working hard on the show, but compared to what other people go through to make it, it's almost nothing.

As for Kelly Clarkson and Carrie Underwood, another thing I should have said is that I don't care for pop music. I know a lot of people like Kelly Clarkson and Carrie Underwood, but to me it sounds like more of the same light pop with maybe a little bit of a country thrown in. They don't shake anything up.

So, what I should have said is that I don't like American Idol because of how it trivializes long-term effort, is basically a tool of the recording industry and doesn't add much of anything new to the pop scene, but mostly because it's not for me. It's not my kind of music.
edit on 2/25/2011 by SaulGoodman because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 05:18 PM

Originally posted by Gazrok
reply to post by SaulGoodman

As for Survivor, I know it's a guilty pleasure most don't admit to, but personally, this is my favorite reality show. It has more villainy than any drama and more redemption than the sappiest Hallmark movie.

Ever noticed the irony of labeling a "reality show" as reality.

There is nothing real about Survivor in the least.

It is made up just to create drama and television ratings.

Sorry, I think drama is stupid, I deal with enough of it with co-workers and customers on a daily basis.

I live within the confines of a literal soap opera with stupid people making stupid decisions.

Personally, I prefer to be entertained, American Idol, Survivor, and Big Brother are not entertaining.

Sure, a few good musicians came out of American Idol, very few in fact.

The entire rest of the show is about how much of an ass Simon Cowell can be to people.

Intentional drama, intentional jackassery, intentional stressors upon people.

That is supposed to be entertainment?


Give me science fiction, history, comedy, and or read a good book any day and I'm entertained.

Especially something which assists me in making myself more intelligent and or adds to higher learning.

Oh, and give me a bully or two, before breakfast, so I can level them entirely and teach their victims how to take down bullies without becoming one themselves.

I give those bullies one opportunity to show me they can lead others.

Without being a jackass.

As well as teaching Boy Scout Merit Badges, and leadership, those are entertaining things.

Not to mention gathering open-source intelligence and turning it into actionable intelligence.

I can tell we're going to agree to disagree Gazrok.

That's fine.

There is just more than enough villainy in Washington D.C. and the United Nations.

I do not need to see it as a jackass screams or harrangues some less than stellar performer.

How about critiquing them, so they have an ability to come back later instead of being highly critical and destroying their entire perception of self?

I guess that's too much like real work for Simon Cowell.

He only cares about his show and making his money.

Build people up do not tear them down completely.

I have more respect for Drill Sergeants than I do Cowell.

At least they're berating people to help them get over mommy and daddy issues.

And build them back up with military training and important lifeskills.

Even if it's to turn them into killing machines it's more productive than American Idol.

Because soldiers can choose to not kill and train for more skills.

And become actual leaders of their community later if they don't end up with P.T.S.D.

1 out of 20 singers make it on American Idol and they're a vacuous popstar.

Becoming a false leader of society.

Simon Cowell is only a bully and only knows how to bully not lead people.

If anyone ever treated me like Simon Cowell does they would be lucky to be alive.

I do not tolerate disrespect nor do I watch shows which teach that aberrant behavior.

Negative behavior teaches negative behavior and becomes learned behaviors.

Too many teenagers watch that show and learn that form of negative leadership.

I guess the fact that his show centers around his mistreatment of people really irks my bones about how bullies used to deal with me, before I became a bully-buster, and before I decided to never tolerate their behavior ever again, something which has only added to my life as far as leadership skills and decision making skills.

Never, ever tolerate a bully, their behavior is less than acceptable and should be shunned.

The one and only reason I ever watch American Idol is visiting one friends house.

And she understands my dislike of Simon Cowell and she hates his treatment but loves the show.
edit on 2/25/11 by SpartanKingLeonidas because: Adding Depth and Insight Into the Post.

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 05:22 PM
reply to post by Aggie Man

ATS can absolutely be a "media distraction." No question. It too can be a feel good drug that keeps people from behaving in ways that would actually help pull our nation out of the mess it is in. There is enough range in ATS that you if wanted "be happy" feelings you could only click on topics that made you happy.

But that isnt the sole purpose of ATS, and it certainly isnt the way many people use ATS. Many people use ATS to dialog about issues, debate them, sharpen and refine their thinking. Research goes into posts, and I know I research a ton of claims the authors fail to substantiate.

Its active, not passive. If you use ATS as intended, it is far from mindless. And the topics we tend to focus on are not topics that make you feel particularly good when you think about them.

American Idol is not intended to make you think. Its intended to make you feel. Its intended to make you think that YOU, who ever you are, have a chance to "be someone." That the American dream is alive, and you can have it, if only you try, if only you believe......................................................and happen to be a relatively good looking young person with a very good voice.

At least the British versions are open to the old and unattractive, here, even in our unrealistic feel good rubbish, you have to be youthful and attractive. Or am I the only one who finds it strange that no ugly snaggle toothed people can sing like angels in the US?

posted on Feb, 26 2011 @ 04:18 AM
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

I enjoy watching American Idol its one of the few shows i do watch that's a reality show i enjoy the kids putting there heart into the contest and some of them do have talent and I'm really enjoying the new panel of judges they have this season..And I'm fully aware of whats going on in the world I'm also a news addict if not I'm watching the history channel or TLC i come here to ATS for my daily feeding of news and craziness.. thanks for the thread

posted on Feb, 28 2011 @ 02:47 PM
Simon told it like it is... If the kid can't sing..they can't sing. And he wasn't afraid to tell them so. I think that's why so many liked him on the show. (and why the show will die a quick death...season or two) without him.

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