posted on Nov, 12 2016 @ 06:43 PM
The Liberal Media and DNC are having a nervous breakdown. You want to talk about hate and Trump? Well I believe places like CNN, MSNBC, NYTimes,
WashPost to site a few examples are exploiting and are contributing to the violence we are seeing. Remember, this type of outrage has been happening
for years under the Obama Admin. and this is still under HIS watch with HIS Justice Dept. and as of this post for the next 69 days. Where are our
Leaders coming out and decrying this type of behavior??
What is happening in the streets, the violence, shootings, fires, beatings, etc. is interestingly being kept quite by our DNC friends and the Obama
Admin. All sponsored by George Soros and his minions.
What you are seeing is a self righteous group of bratty, pampered, entitlement driven, immature and intellectually challenged people who didn't get
their way, which they had come accustomed to for the last 8 years, and do not know how to graciously accept defeat, and put their hatred away, and
root for America. That's how I see it!!