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Psychedelic experiences becoming spotaneous?The awakening within many people, they talk like they ju

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posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 01:07 AM
reply to post by Theonlywoody

No, never tried it, it looks intense though.

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 01:10 AM

Originally posted by Drala
reply to post by ballsdeep

I have to add, tryptamines if you look at the EEG of the brain doesnt lead to balanced syncronization of the two hemispheres...they are more visual. GABA receptors need to be targeted for the balancing hemisperes. Or auditory entrainment...just be careful popping over with drugs....they have power but without balance can hurt a person...

Mate if I'm an expert on anything in the whole world, it's using entheogens constructively, responsibly and making the experience navigable. I've invested a lot of time and money into working with and learning about these medicines, and trust me the risks are negligible (essentially non-existent given the right conditions).
edit on 18-2-2011 by ballsdeep because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 01:10 AM
reply to post by walltofloor

Again I'm not trying to get anyone to do drugs.... Actually it's still legal for now...

But yes it's unlike any other it truly is amazing

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 01:16 AM

Originally posted by chr0naut
reply to post by Drala

Sorry to Drala,

It's just that drugs are such a crude way to get there. Who knows really what other effects may be attendant.

You are right, you were not advocating drugs but i think you have to be careful with words unless you are misunderstood (as I misunderstood you).

How can you claim that 'drugs' are a 'crude' way to get there? Do you have any experience with the 'drugs'? Where are we 'getting' exactly?

Not only does the tryptamine family consist almost exclusively of natural plant matter that existed a long time before (and were almost certainly utilized) anyone even thought about meditating, but the most enlightening of these medicines (N,N '___' and 5-methoxy-dmt) both exist endogenously in almost every. living. organism. on. the. planet.

Do you have any evidence that suggests meditation (or anything else, for that matter) is a more effective spiritual aid than entheogens?
edit on 18-2-2011 by ballsdeep because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 09:06 AM
The only ethenogen ive ever used was Cannabis. I have had some really amazing experiences as far a chakra go while its effects were felt, i have since been meditating sometimes with, and most without the aid of cannibis. Largely due to its legality here in florida. Are there any suggestions for other ethenogens i could possibly try in order to escape the legal issue of Cannibis? I have heard of Diviners Sage before but always hear it called Salvia. I believe this has been made illegal as well...

Actually there was a supplement (even tho i was wary of it) that was a cannibinoid pseudo. Jw-something or another that they were spraying on potpourri. Tried it a couple times while it was legal and not sure I was comfortable with it, always made me not able to concentrate on motor or verbal functions (or actually anything for that matter)

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 01:19 PM
For those who wish to understand the entheogenic experience, at least in part, without taking it (it's next to impossible to access anyway, especially the 5MEO molecule) - I'd highly recommend the book Tryptamine Palace by James Oroc.


posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 07:14 PM

Originally posted by NewAgeMan
For those who wish to understand the entheogenic experience, at least in part, without taking it (it's next to impossible to access anyway, especially the 5MEO molecule) - I'd highly recommend the book Tryptamine Palace by James Oroc.


Tryptamine Palace is good, as is Being Human by Martin Ball.

@ The guy from Florida, your options are fairly limited legally I'm afraid; and even if salvia's legal there it's not a good place to start and could ruin psychedelics for you altogether.

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 08:03 PM
So maybe the psychadelic experience is just a vision of another reality; the dial has been tuned to a different channel so to speak. Each of us is a little piece of the Collective Consciousness that is the Creator. Each of us has been sent forth to experience our own Creation as part of that Creation. Eventually we remember who we really are and hopefully we merge back into the collective. But it's really not like a Collective because it is ONE. Physics, sciences try to measure the collective, default reality agreed upon by the greater mass of the combined consciousness. These measurements change and so does the default reality as the desires of the participants change. Physicists try to inact finite laws regarding a potentially infinately changing phenomena. The laws of physics are whatever the collective agrees they are. Truth is whatever the collective agrees that it is. This is all changing. Perhaps we have previously agreed on a specified time of change? A time of change When this game will end or we move up a level inside the game? Hopefully when we remember who we really are, we can merge back into the ONE. As the ONE, perhaps we experience every experience throughout the multiverse and it's trillions of dimensions simultaneously and in real time. But there really is no such thing as time is there? So past,present and future would be experienced at once. AND all probably just the tip of the iceberg. Go with the flow and just enjoy the ride. Fear nothing, why would you? You are a divine being, a tiny piece of the Creator! Namaste

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 06:28 PM
reply to post by ballsdeep

Do you have any experience with the 'drugs'?
Yes, I lived through the sixties & I'm still alive. Several of my friends and close aquaintances are now dead, directly attributable to drugs. Like just about every adult now living, I have tried a pharamcopia of substances. In over half a century of life, I have never heard of one single person improving spiritually, physically or emotionally through the use of drugs.

Where are we 'getting' exactly?
We are growing, learning and evolving, I hope. If at times it seems a little slow, it may be due to the non-participants.

Do you have any evidence that suggests meditation (or anything else, for that matter) is a more effective spiritual aid than entheogens?
Yes. Almost everything is. People who are drugged are simply drugged, not spiritually advanced.

.. and regarding the naturalness of certain drugs. Nature is full of poisons, a wise person avoids them.

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 08:18 PM

Originally posted by chr0naut
reply to post by ballsdeep

Do you have any experience with the 'drugs'?
Yes, I lived through the sixties & I'm still alive. Several of my friends and close aquaintances are now dead, directly attributable to drugs. Like just about every adult now living, I have tried a pharamcopia of substances. In over half a century of life, I have never heard of one single person improving spiritually, physically or emotionally through the use of drugs.

Where are we 'getting' exactly?
We are growing, learning and evolving, I hope. If at times it seems a little slow, it may be due to the non-participants.

Do you have any evidence that suggests meditation (or anything else, for that matter) is a more effective spiritual aid than entheogens?
Yes. Almost everything is. People who are drugged are simply drugged, not spiritually advanced.

.. and regarding the naturalness of certain drugs. Nature is full of poisons, a wise person avoids them.

Ok, for starters you are wrong; my evidence is subjective but your statements go against the experiential beliefs of millions of people over the course of history, including mine.

Do you have any experience with entheogens? Specifically '___', psilocybin, '___' or 5-meo-'___'? If so; when? What was the dose? What happened?

All you've done is disregard my existential beliefs and experiences with nothing but your idiotic 'war on drugs' propaganda. You've provided absolutely no evidence to support your claims in regards to the validity of my spirituality.
This: "Yes. Almost everything is. People who are drugged are simply drugged, not spiritually advanced."
is not evidence, this is your opinion, I asked for evidence. What drugs did you use in the 60s?

Edit - I too have lost many a friend to drug abuse, none to psychedelics as they ARE NOT PHYSICALLY TOXIC (your main players anyway), if you tell me one of your friends went nuts and killed themselves while on psychedelics well then shame on you guys for not treating these medicines with the respect they deserve, and for not using them with the required amount of responsibility.
edit on 21-2-2011 by ballsdeep because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 08:46 PM
reply to post by Drala

This may not be an enlightening thought, but it's something I saw while meditating and while I don't believe it's going to happen for a second, I'll go ahead and put it here anyway. I was meditating about a week ago and saw a map of the U.S. with everything basically west of the Mississippi covered in red lines, like it had been wiped off the face of the Earth. East of the Mississippi was fine.

Like I said, I don't believe this is going to happen. It's just something I saw in a "flash" while meditating. I'm sure we all see flashes of things we can't explain or things that just don't make sense, and this was one of mine.

Sorry to kind of go off topic because looking over the thread, I see that you are mainly speaking of things that happened while on psychedelics. The only thing I was ever on was DXM and that was a teenage experiment... or experiments, lol. It's not to be laughed at just because it's legal though. Had some crazy experiences.
edit on 2/21/2011 by gemineye because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 09:24 PM
In regards to to anyone promoting the view of '___' being damaging to the psyche and or/physically harmful & not providing spiritual enlightenment -

It's produced naturally in your own brain when you dream, when you die & for the first couple of weeks of life as a baby. If it's at all bad for us, why did nature bid us to produce it? My personal experiences on it have varied wildly from frightening to joyful to obliterating. After smoking a full party cone of crystal and exhaling, three white spirits with black rings around their eyes rushed up to my face and told me to kill myself. I screamed 'I love you' & they vanished. My experience was over. The fear only lasted a few minutes, then grew to understanding. After smoking a small dose of crystal once I saw the end of the world, i won't describe this as it's almost unfathomable. But once again, the fear was momentary then it grew to understanding. I've seen three huge stick figures tower over me protecting me once when i smoked it with salvia. I was filled with joy & courage.

So i challenge you skeptics - did i create these 'hallucinations' somewhere in the recesses of my mind? Were my experiences damaging, or did i gain a deeper understanding into the mechanics of eternity?

My personal belief is that '___' is a direct portal to dimensions we cannot perceive without the use of certain entheogens or possibly decades of meditation. (Krishna describes places not disimiliar to what i've seen under the influence of tryptamines)

love & light, i'd like to hear a well structured argument against my view point regarding the two questions i mentioned.

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 11:53 PM
1. i've personally experimented with several substances ....the effects come and go.

2. But I've also investigated religions(esoteric) and spirituality and the effects are permanent.

I'll take number 2 any day of the week.

posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 12:26 AM
In regards to religion, a fair few of them used to involve the use of entheogens before christianity overpowered. One such example is paganism; a religion that's followers would partake in eating magic mushrooms in mass (Note: Psilocybin is 4-ho-'___') & have sex amongst other things. The Christian movement stole their day of worship, the 25th of December, & claimed it was the birth date of their saviour Jesus Christ. They then proceeded to label pagans along with many other followers of alternative spiritual beliefs witches & burnt them at the stake.

Personally i'd rather explore the astral realms myself than take ANYONE'S word for what exists there. I've surely never seen a heaven as described in any religion. Although i have had experiences with in which i could almost see Ganesh, an Indian god...

posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 07:32 AM
reply to post by dominicus

You can do the same with entheogens; it takes a lot of hard work like everything else.

posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 07:42 AM
Call it what you will.

The experiences are personal.

People are certainly tripping out all over the place.

It's hard wired into us to have these experiences at certain psychosocial breaking points.

Some are activated more easily than others... the rest.... well they're far behind, but coming along sure enough.

I hope we realize that the bulk of these people are spiritual babies, and there will be a ton of pandemonium dealing with the processing of these experiences.

It's just not all #s and giggles tripping out, but it seems this is quite necessary for our species at this point in time.

I'm letting the babies flip out all they want, and focusing my energies on projects which will likely harness the emerging potentials in the toddlers.

Someone's gotta parent this bunch, but that's not my role. I'm just here to even the playing field and give humanity a shot.

To each their own!

posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 10:44 AM
Something about "hallucinations" (to someone who has no insight):

New (visual) stuff doesn't just appear.. it's more like distortions/alterations of the already present reality. It's many times like the substance is trying to tell you something ("plant teachers"). Or it IS telling you something. They're bending stuff a little here and there, simply to show you that the "normal" reality is just subjective. They can show you the ultimate, raw realism of life or the most fantasy-like aspects of this world. Audible hallucinations.. well, that's a diffrent story, but mostly they're just heavily altered environmental sounds.

The experience is many times exhausting and you're completely knackered afterwards. Tired, but happy.

I've never heard anyone seeing pink elephants or little green men (
) because of psychedelics. It just doesn't work that way. I think that the rational consciousness can't (at this stage) take actual "hallucinations", it would shock the mind too much.

posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 03:41 PM
reply to post by Tryptych

What? Things can and do appear that aren't there; you just have to take enough, or take '___'.. That said you're right the visual distortions themselves aren't really a major focus, the experience is about just that - the whole thing.

I think the cognitive effects of psychedelics are the most transcendent (except for dmt).

posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 04:20 PM
reply to post by ballsdeep

Ok, I can see where you are coming from, and I know that I won't change your beliefs but it will remain that I do not believe that drugs (and specifically halucinogens) provide an evolutionary advantage, or a physical improvement, or enhanced spirituality.

They can alter perception, providing an alternate view of the world.

But the action of drugs is to bind chemically to particular receptors on nerves within our central nervous system and to change their responses (either timing or intensity wise). You usually cannot apply a drug to single and specific nerves to achieve particular ends, it hits all nerves in the CNS. Because all nerve cells are similar, drugs that you take do not "target" particular cells either, their action is fairly global. That is why I referred to the action of drugs as being "crude".

Similarly, it could be argued that the action of drugs does not give a "new" outlook but merely intensifies alternate neural pathways that already exist and are already a part of normal neural processing. Neural processing is not digital like computers. Each nerve aggregates thousands of signals and then either "forwards" its contribution to the cacophany or doesn't. So it is highly likely that all alternate pathways are already in use but just not important enough to exceed threshold.

posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 06:26 PM
reply to post by Tryptych

In regards to pink elephants, i've seen a giant elephant made of static on a hill whilst on a good dose of liquid lsd. With enough practice you can create anything you want your minds eye to see, but i've only managed to do it on a few occasions & momentarily..

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