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Mother of 3 Arrested for Taking Pictures of Tourist Attraction at Airport!

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posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 04:30 PM
Ok I don't know how much of this is true, but it sounded pretty bad in my opinion. She is taking pictures in a PUBLIC area outside of the airport from what I understand. Why do I keep reading things like this online? Are we really going into police state? Seems like the 4th Amendment doesn't exist the more I read these articles from around the country.

This case is a frightening example of what can happen when a photographer encounters ignorant bullies with badges. According to the complaint filed in Federal Court, Nancy Genovese, a mother of three, was driving home on County Road 31 past Gabreski Airport in Suffolk County. Gabreski Airport displays a decorative helicopter shell by the roadway to the public, which is visible to all who pass by. Nancy Genovese stopped her car on the side of the road across the street from the airport in an area that is open and accessible to the public, and crossed over the road to the airport entryway that is also open and accessible to the public to take a picture of the helicopter display. While still in her car, she took a picture of the decorative helicopter shell with the intention of posting it on her personal "Support Our Troops" web page. As Nancy Genovese was preparing to drive away, she was stopped and approached by Robert Iberger, a lieutenant with the Southampton Town Police. Lieutenant Iberger demanded to know why she was taking photographs. Nancy showed the lieutenant her camera, but Lieutenant Iberger grabbed her camera and handled it "without care". In an attempt to prevent the lieutenant from damaging the camera, Nancy removed her memory card, which Lieutenant Iberger confiscated. To date, Nancy's memory card still has not been returned to her. Lieutenant Iberger demanded that Nancy remain where she is, and he refused to allow her to leave. At this time, Lieutenant Iberger notified the Suffolk County Sheriff's Office and the authorities at Gabreski Airport of Nancy's presence outside the airport, and falsely and wrongfully informed them that she posed a terrorist threat. Suffolk County Deputy Sheriff Robert Carlock responded to the scene, along with various members of the Suffolk County Sheriff's Office. When Deputy Carlock arrived, he placed cameras on the roof of his vehicle, aimed at Nancy Genovese and her 18 and 20 year old sons who had come to the scene at this point to help their mother. Deputy Carlock ordered all three of them to stand directly in front of the cameras, and not to move. Officials from the airport, as well as other local and federal law enforcement agencies also responded, including, without limitation, the Southampton Police Department, the Westhampton Police Department, the FBI, and the Department of Homeland Security. Nancy was questioned on the side of the road for approximately five to six hours, from about 6pm until midnight, denied food or water, and denied the opportunity to use a restroom, all without having received any warnings as to her rights.

Continued here...


Of course I can't find this on any news sites, so I thought I would share.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 04:42 PM
Unbelievable, hope she wins her lawsuit, now I have one question, where is Suffolk County and what State is it in? Sounds like it's in the North Eastern part of the United States.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 04:44 PM
Sounds like a real piece of work, that cop. If she was taking pictures of the building, the terminals, or some other sort of pertinent detail, then I could see the cause for caution, but not an all out hostile act of stupidity. She was taking pictures of an empty shell of an aircraft that I am sure is checked every shift for the odd bag or whatnot that could be holding a bomb. Her lawyer needs to demand ALL security video and prove that she's just another harmless civilian, an American, who just had an idea to take a pic. That ding-dong that caused such a fuss needs help, methinks.
edit on 17-2-2011 by volafox because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 05:04 PM


There is also some wonderful '40s lore, a mysterious set of plans for secret underground Army Air Corp hangars at the aerodrome, detailed in Michael Dorman's fascinating 17 May 1998 account, A Wing and a Plan, now only available in the Newsday Archives.


As America entered the war in 1942, a Civil Air Patrol squadron was established on a newly-built military aerodrome on the Riverhead Plains adjacent Westhampton Beach.

Demobilized in 1946, it was reactivated in 1950 where it was the home of an Air Force fighter/interceptor squadron to protect the Eastern Seaboard against enemy aerial attack. After being leased by the U.S. Air Force for an Air Defense Command Base in 1960, it was deactivated in 1969 and released back to Suffolk County the following year.

Today, Suffolk County's Francis S. Gabreski Airport is a general aviation facility with two fixed based operators and a 9,000 foot runway (one of the New York area's longest after JFK International, nee Idlewild) to accommodate aircraft of any size. The airport en toto encompasses 88 acres and contains 34 buildings amounting to approximately 311,000 square feet.

Francis S. Gabreski Airport - Village of Westhampton Beach, Suffolk County, New York. It is a little confusing,is this an Air Force Base or a local airport.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 05:04 PM
I live in San Jose California, which for those that don't know is in The San Francisco/Oakland Bay Area.. Things like this are commonplace here without a doubt stereotyping, racial profiling, consumer profiling, Police Abuse is so common here the county's set aside huge amounts of money to pay out the people that bring law suits against them but after they pay these people out they forbid them to talk about it by law..Majority of people that reside in and around this area understand and have come to terms with this is the proving ground of what the system can get away with..if it works here other states shortly after will follow the corrupt systems lead. she's just lucky it wasn't here or here kids mighta been going to her funeral instead of her aid...OSCAR GRANT and many many many others have been wrongly murdered/beaten/or held without cause in this county and I'm sure elsewhere we just never hear about it. The worst mistake TPTB ever made was allowing the internet to be public because now thier dirty laundry can aired out to the world for review.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 05:10 PM
reply to post by ArieZ

Interesting, I lived in Berkeley from 1988 to 2000 and never heard anything like what you are talking about or knew of anyone who was profiled..San Jose is not that close to Berkeley and has a different demographic from what I understand.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 05:32 PM
This article completely pissed me off. What in the hell is America turning into? I can't believe that people are letting stuff like this happen. I'm so sick of reading about the Police State and Gestapo State that this country is becoming. When will we as a People ever stand up and put a stop to this abuse? I'm ready, but I cant do it by myself.

This is not the America that I grew up loving and admiring. This kind of stuff makes me hang my head in shame and disbelief. These cops need to be fired and brought up on charges immediately. But we all know that will never happen.

I guess the Patriot Act gives these cops the right to act like this since it is obvious she didnt have any kind of rights afforded to her by the Constitution. She is suing for 60 million. IMO, she should own the whole friggin state!!

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 05:35 PM
reply to post by Aquarius1

Wow thanks for the pics and the cool information on the base! I was searching where this was located and found that Suffolk County is in Long Island. Also the Southampton Police Department were dispatched, and they are from Massachusetts. I thought that was kinda weird. But they are really close so maybe that is the reason? Here is a map.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 05:39 PM
reply to post by bronwyn82

You're very welcome, don't you just love what it says on the first picture "fly neighborly", sure doesn't sound like a very neighborly place to me.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 06:11 PM
There are usually 2 (or more) sides to every story. Sometimes the truth can be a difficult little bugger to ferret out.

I did a little digging to see if I could find more details. In the article in the OP she clearly seems the innocent victim who was doing nothing wrong.

I found this article that adds..
Woman says trespassing arrest at Air National Guard base was misunderstanding

Nancy Genovese, 49, was arrested on Thursday, July 30, by the Suffolk County sheriff’s office after ANG officials said they observed her taking photographs near the entrance to the base, though she had been previously warned not to do so. At the time of her arrest, authorities said Ms. Genovese had an XM-15 assault rifle and a shotgun—both registered and unloaded—in her car, and an estimated 500 rounds of ammunition in her trunk.
Authorities and ANG representatives said this week that Ms. Genovese had been explicitly warned in mid-July to stay away from the base. They also said she was arrested last week after she drove her car just outside the fence, near the entrance to the base.

“She was basically notified that if she didn’t have official business, she was not allowed on our grounds,” said Major Scott Williams, the wing executive officer and media contact for the Air National Guard’s 106th Rescue Wing.

So there had been incidents with her at the base before.

Of course, the Daily Kos blames it all on Glenn Beck..

Glenn Beck Fan, Highly Armed, Busted For Casing National Guard Base, Thinking It Was A "FEMA Camp"

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 06:23 PM
reply to post by Frogs

Thanks. I hate it when they blame people like Glenn Beck. Come on!
I mean really, it isn't like he tells people to do these things. Sheesh.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 08:33 PM

Originally posted by Aquarius1
reply to post by ArieZ

Interesting, I lived in Berkeley from 1988 to 2000 and never heard anything like what you are talking about or knew of anyone who was profiled..San Jose is not that close to Berkeley and has a different demographic from what I understand.

Yeah I'm about a hour from Berkeley. (I Love Berkeley) It wasn't terribly bad back then and still isn't as bad as surrounding citys But there is a huge difference in the way the countys treat thier residents! There is soooooo many rights violated here and in Oakland daily!! I've witnessed friends and family being beaten severly without provocation by police. I myself have been victim to it and constant profiling/harrasment. A few years back my ex-girlfriends friend was shot and killed at starbucks for not putting out his cigarette which you can google the news. Oscar Grant was shot in the back of the head at a BART station last year by police while he was laying facedown handcuffed..Another Man was shot 2 weeks ago when he wouldnt turn around to adress a officer that was telling him to stop..there is endless amounts of injustice here... This is a true Story about 4 years ago I was leaving my Friends Michelle and Jeremias house and was walking home about 9 pm when a Officer turns his lights on and pulls up on the curb next to where I'm walking and tells me get against the wall..So I do what he says and searches me immediatly because he doesn't believe I'm not on probation which is illegal but whatever..So needless to say I'm not on Probation I have nothing illegal on me and I'm Sober and he continues to detain me asking me where I'm coming from and where I'm going all the usual stuff. But when I tell the Officer I'm coming from the address my friends live at he says he knows that house an asks if jeremia was there which I answered no I was there with Michelle and he instantly assumes I'm sleeping with her under Jeremias nose and I just wanna go home so I let him keep stereotyping the situation. So he thinks that I don't like Jeremia and proceeds ta tell me he hates Him and has had numerous dealings with him where he never got the pleasure of arresting him (his words not mine) so he says if I ever wanna fight him do it Thursday through Sunday because thats his area and days he works. He I swear to God told me if I fight him on those days he'll take the call and will let me go and I'll have a Pass with him in the future. So I agreed just so he'd shut up and I can go home. So I tell my friends so he was aware what the cops thought of a month goes by and Jeremia and Michelle have a argument and the cops arrive and it's that same cop and I wasn't there but according to jeremia and Michelle he Blatanly asked Jeremia if he knew that She was cheating on him with me by name.... lol he knew nothing was going on so didn't cause any problems between us but isn't that totally wrong for a Officer to do??Potentially Making situations Violent on purpose??

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 02:08 AM
Another domestic terrorist nabbed! Can't be too careful around those grannies, babies and mommies! Book 'em Dano!

Our government is sick.

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 02:42 AM

Terrorism by the sheriff's department, plain and simple.

Those pigs belong in guantanamo.

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 03:03 AM
Their is only one way to stop institutionalized thuggery likes this. Appealing to the system that sanctions it to stop it will do nothing.

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 04:02 AM
reply to post by bronwyn82

When she got the injections, I wonder if they were
to insert RFID tracking chips into her???

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 04:34 AM
All these law enforcement entities receive "anti-terrorism" training funds, it's become big business these days and they need to show they are using the anti-terrorism laws and training to good effect in order to qualify for more.
I have worked in the private security sector (corporate) for many years and noticed this change immediately after 11/9 (I'm British, I put the day and month in the proper order
I sometimes attend the ASIS (formerly American Society for Industrial Security) expo and conference each year in the US and noticed how very quickly, the seminars and conferences shifted away from corporate and industrial security to law enforcement / military and anti-terrorism. In fact, 2 years ago when I looked at the expo seminar list for the event, over 50% of the seminars / speeches were anti-terrorism related. It's where the big bucks are!
Now, the likelihood of the vast majority of the membership of the organisation ever suffering from terrorism related events is miniscule, and most are concerned with the day to day protection of private or corporate assets, but many members I have met get all puffed up and seem to think they have to do their part to assist the government machine in weedling out terrorism. Personally, I find it all rather pathetic, but at the same time a little disturbing.

So, it's the same with the police. They have all had their training and the department gets the extra budget and the whole things beomes a beast that must be fed. They have to make anti-terrorism arrests, compile files on protest groups and their leaders and hire "expert" consultants and speakers to assist with their programmes, to qualify for the money. The arrests prove that they are doing the job, whether the people profiled, monitored or groups infiltrated are involved in any sort of terrorism or not. New laws are enacted to circumvent peoples rights and the industry side of things gets big budgets to invent new ways to torture people. monitor and combat dissent. It's all a facade, taking a supposedly vital and well meaning position and twisting it into all out paranoia and police statism.

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 04:45 PM
reply to post by Frogs

So? Doesn't matter if she was there before and told not to do so. At the time of the arrest she was on public property. She was arrested for the crime of photography in public. It doesn't matter if she has strong political matters. It doesn't matter if her hobby is spending time at the shooting range. She will win the lawsuit.

Watch the town council squirm on this youtube vid.
PINAC also has an article on this.

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 07:46 PM
reply to post by PsykoOps

Good it looks like the town dropped the ball and are going to get nailed for the 70 mil! And the biatch town supervisor had the nerve to say the law suite was frivolous. I hope they fry everyone of those cops too!

edit on 18-2-2011 by hawkiye because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 03:05 PM
reply to post by hawkiye

Whoa! Bwahaha. That video was fantastic! Thanks! For those of you that want to fast forward though this, it gets good around 6-7 minutes in. I can't believe they dropped the ball on a 70 million dollar law suit. Stupid.
They must have been too scared to answer, or THIS IS ALL TRUE!!!

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