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Attention citizens! You will enforce this no-smoking law!

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posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 01:41 PM
reply to post by traditionaldrummer

The problem with cigarettes is that it can (I'm an not 100% sure of the science behind this) affect others beyond the control of the user. Second hand smoke.

That, by US Consitution is already infringing upon the rights of others.

So using the "this is my right" holds no real water with this arguement.

And this is coming from me...a smoker.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 01:45 PM
reply to post by ~Lucidity

I hope it's not made illegal. Mean that's silly.

We already pay sin tax. Sheesh, give us a break for once.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 02:21 PM
reply to post by ~Lucidity

In the freedom loving UK,the sick Labour government gave us some badass no smoking laws-don't get me wrong,I am all in favur of common sense laws like not being allowed to smoke in a car/room with kids in,but in the UK you can now get busted for smoking a cig in your own vehicle,even on your own(if you are self employed),and you can get busted if you work from your own home and smoke there...Its happened to folks.

Seems a bit OTT if you ask me.
Add to that the damage its done to the pubs/bars industry,and then heap on the general degradation in mood of the public for
A:having to constantly go out in the rain to smoke if they do so,and
B:having to walk through crowds of smokers on the streets if they don't smoke.

Surely better ventilation sytems and indoor smoking areas would be better IMO.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 02:27 PM
reply to post by peck420

The vehicle emissions from cars affect the health of others, the emissions from wood burning fireplaces decrease air quality for blocks around the particular house, the emissions from the burning of candles in restaurants affect the health of others....

So how about this - we all quit pretending that we believe the zealots when they say that being within 50 feet of a smoker for more than 30 seconds will cause a heart attack....

And we do what has been done to protect the health of workers (and any innocent bystanders) in mine shafts where any gas build-up would cause death, in garages where auto exhaust would cause death, in toll booths where auto exhaust would cause death. We set standards for indoor air quality and then install ventilation!!!

Smokers DO have the right to smoke. They get that right when the government sells them a product that the purchaser has every right to assume he will be allowed to consume.

Smokers also have the right to peaceful assembly and that includes not just the right to gather in a specific place but also the right to gather in a public place for a mutual agreed activity (smoking for the purposes of enhancing socialization or even smoking while discussing how to put fraudful zealots in jail)

It is not smokers who are impolite and thoughtless - it is those who believe that the rule the world and have the right to intrude in the private lives of others.


posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 04:13 PM
reply to post by TiredofControlFreaks

Good point TCF,
maybe we should ban breathing out as well,all that nasty C02 ain't helping things,except the plants of course..
And what about breaking wind-maybe that African country was on the right track after all trying to make it illegal to fart,I mean we all know how deadly methane is for the planet.

To top that-did you know oxygen is the crimminal responsible for the ageing process in all biolocical life on earth?
Its true,we should ban oxygen as well,maybe by nuking the atmosphere to death,that would work...

But first,lets totally demonise smokers of tobacco-we have to get our priorites straight.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 06:54 PM

Originally posted by traditionaldrummer

Originally posted by ~Lucidity
reply to post by traditionaldrummer

No right. Exactly. Yet it happens.

I don't really follow your contention here. I spoke against the dangers of mob-rule democracy: the whims of the majority imposing a lack of freedom on the minority. I don't necessarily see the existence of the minority "mob" imposing lack of freedoms on a majority. The role of our republic is (or should be) to preserve freedoms, not bend to wishes of the majority.

Your concerns about Democracy are valid, but entirely off topic. It's amazing though that you can't see evidence of the minority imposing and limiting freedoms of the majority. I was almost certain your location read USA. America is one of the greatest examples in the world of a plutocracy. Rule by the wealthy. And yes, these people limit freedoms, it's in their interests to do so. Last I checked America is losing freedoms everyday, and you've never seen Democracy.

Moving back onto the actual topic; how can smoking possibly be banned in open-area parks, yet millions a day are afforded the ability to poison the city, and arguebly the world, with their lazyness(use of cars)

Not that cars should be banned, but Jesus some people need to pull the other one.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 07:16 PM

Originally posted by peck420
reply to post by traditionaldrummer

The problem with cigarettes is that it can (I'm an not 100% sure of the science behind this) affect others beyond the control of the user. Second hand smoke.

That, by US Consitution is already infringing upon the rights of others.

So using the "this is my right" holds no real water with this arguement.

And this is coming from me...a smoker.

We are talking about the outdoors here. Your argument holds not even a drop of water. Smoke rises when it's blown out. Now unless you are right up in someones face, then there is no chance of second hand smoke outdoors.

Does anybody here realize that without tobacco there would be no America? America was funded in the very beginning by growing and exporting tobacco.

And to the ladies here, stop spraying yourselves with so much perfume. It's worse than smoke. And btw, stop puttting on your makeup WHILE DRIVING! You should be ticketed for doing that also.

Coffee is bad for you, McDonalds is bad for you, even the air in New York City is bad for you. So by your logic I should be able to enforce my own rules upon you. Your coffee cups and mcD's trash is a danger to me and others. Therefore it is my right to belittle you and make an example of you.

Nobody here seems to have a problem with dipping tobacco, even though every bit of it gets spit onto the ground and you continually walk through it. It causes cancer, smells bad when near it, and the empty can gets tossed onto the ground time for a smoke.
edit on 2/17/2011 by CastleMadeOfSand because: (no reason given)

......btw...the words New York and Civility don't go together. They never have and never will.
edit on 2/17/2011 by CastleMadeOfSand because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 07:33 PM
It does not work, because government has general welfare powers to enact legislation affecting people’s health.” So the bottom line, he said, is that making the ban work would indeed be a matter of civility.

The gubment says"Cigs bad,,,Chemtrails, GOOD" We will protect you....

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 07:41 PM
Thatd go over like a lead balloon here in asia.. Yet another reason for me to never go back stateside. Been smoking since the 60s when was in the army - they used to put a packet in the C's back then.. Also found that it helps to keep me settled when my P.T.S.D acts up(and without the side-effects of medication) a packet (12 per pack on the ones I get here) lasts me a couple weeks .. Though when go downriver on my annual trip a packet lasts me a day as cant stand being around crowds... Can still run 2 miles in 11:43 and am 67 now so doubt many of the claims made by anti-smokers. Many japanese smoke and we outlive everyone on the planet.. Sounds more like people there just being busybodies and blaming their poor health on anything and everything...

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 08:03 PM
Really, citizens policing citizens. Rediculous at best. Just a couple months ago, a lady pulled out of a sidestreet without looking left, and damn near killed me. If it wasn't 11pm, when the roads are mostly empty, I would have had a serious accident because the only choice I had was to swerve into oncomming traffic.

I called the police, thinking there is no way someone can pull a manuever like that without having a BAC twice the legal limit, and followed her to her house while giving directions to the dispatch. The police came, and it turned out the lady was not under the influence.

They then proceeded to give me a hard time, told me I shouldn't be following people home, and to not take the law into my own hands, and let them do their job. I told them I thought I was doing my civil duty by reporting a suspected drunk driver, as well as giving the location, which they wouldn't have been able to figure out on they're own. They said because she wasn't under the influence, I was wasting my time, their time, as well as that womans time, never mind the fact she almost killed my with her reckless driving.

My point in all this. Where is the consistency? I've been pulled over for far less then what this woman did, when I was 16-24 years old. In NY they want people reporting and confronting smokers in parks, but where I am they give you attitude and a hard time for reporting a suspected drunk driver? When in NY, where I used to live, I've seen cops smoking in numerous public places while on duty. Can I go up to one of them next time and give them a hard time without them retaliating in some way? Doubtful.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 09:18 PM

Originally posted by peck420
I am a moderate smoker, and I love smoking...

But, you know what? I love democracy much more, and if the people around me democratically elect an official that bans smoking in public, I will comply.


We are a representative republic. WE are NOT a freakin DEMOCRACY!

my god the west is doomed if this is what we have produced from our schools!

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 09:47 PM
I myself don't smoke but strongly object to BIG BROTHER BANS on those who do. Just as long as they don't smoke around kids or in restraunts and they're outside with all the traffic that coughs up a lot more fumes then that's ok with me.

I've watched this ban happen in many countrys - HEY we know it's bad for you! But that's up to you to decide - all they should do is provide the information - not dictate how you run your life.

The other thing is when they refuse to treat smokers for medical conditions - UMMM smokers have paid more taxes than most other citizens and if anything they should be given extra care not less.

Just my opinion!

Smoke all you want/drink all you want/eat all you want - just as long as it's kept in your own bounderies and keep it away from your kids.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 09:48 PM
i am a native american and as far as i'm concerned. the white mans oil rigs, cars, pollution, etc have destroyed this side of the world. i laughed when i flicked my cigarette on the parking lot and some old bag came up to me and told me to pick it up because it was littering. i pulled out my status card and he stopped complaining and walked away.

i'd like to see someone try to stop me at the beach from having a puff on a cigarette. i'd flick it in their face. then light another one up. people are truly stupid to think cars are any healthier to be around on a busy rush hour but i forgot cars are a Convenience.

it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure cigarettes but i find it quite odd how my dad is a doctor and he has patients well into their 90's who are still puffing away. then the mysterious people who lived a happy healthy life just drop dead. it's an ats mystery.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 10:18 PM
This is ridiculous but what do you expect from a mayor like bloomberg.

And 2nd line:

This WILL get people killed or hurt. You tell me to put out my cigarette OUTSIDE I'll put it out alright..... IN YOUR EYE!!

And I know I'm not alone here I've had enough I've stepped back and stepped back and all it gets me is more Nanny state BS you don't like my cigarette? GOOD! I probably don't like you so I'm probably happy i'm offending you.

Now all this I am saying with the caveat that WITHOUT ANY LAWS BEING PASSED I won't smoke within 50 feet of children outdoors. If a family is passing me while walking on the sidewalk I cup my smoke and hold it to the side of my body furthest away from them! I also pinch the coal out of my cig and pocket the butt until I can find a trash can.


posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 10:21 PM

Originally posted by roguetechie
This is ridiculous but what do you expect from a mayor like bloomberg.

And 2nd line:

This WILL get people killed or hurt. You tell me to put out my cigarette OUTSIDE I'll put it out alright..... IN YOUR EYE!!

And I know I'm not alone here I've had enough I've stepped back and stepped back and all it gets me is more Nanny state BS you don't like my cigarette? GOOD! I probably don't like you so I'm probably happy i'm offending you.

Now all this I am saying with the caveat that WITHOUT ANY LAWS BEING PASSED I won't smoke within 50 feet of children outdoors. If a family is passing me while walking on the sidewalk I cup my smoke and hold it to the side of my body furthest away from them! I also pinch the coal out of my cig and pocket the butt until I can find a trash can.



Your post makes me want a cigarette.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 10:22 PM

Originally posted by eNumbra

Regardless the public drinking laws are just as hypocritical and stupid. You can get drunk at a baseball or football game, but not on a beach? This is the kind of thing we need to be taking legislators to task for.
edit on 2/17/2011 by eNumbra because: (no reason given)

Not on a beach. Do you even know exactly what your saying? When people drink and decide to go swimming on the beach they are more susceptible to drowning. Plus people are too complacent in society these days that the beach therefore would be littered with bottles and most likely broken glass. You can only speak for yourself if you say you would clean up but you can't speak for the majority who would not give a damn about litter.

As for the people who smoke, you really are still a bunch of sheep who are still being sucked in by the corporations. No matter if you smoke normal ciggarettes or tobacco. Addiction..
I whole heartedly agree that there should be banning of cigarettes in public places. There is in my country. Smokers do have places to smoke at places such as pubs but not in the vicinity where non smokers need to smell them.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 10:29 PM
I'm smoking while I type this....but I think we as citizens should careful of so easily giving up our personal rights. I used to be a non smoker,so I understand the irritation of smokers when you dont smoke. But more government regulation in our lives is not a good thing. Its easy to give it up when its something you dont care about, but you are setting a precident of letting the government decide how you will live your life. You will wake up one day to find out they decide who can have alcohol, eat fast food, have a job. Then you will suddenly care.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 10:30 PM
reply to post by ~Lucidity

That is pretty ludicrous. Citizens should not be wholly expected to enforce one part of the law.

As for all these bannings on smoking in the USA, land of the free: I'm enjoying reading this while in a McDonalds in Moscow using it's WiFi, about to light up a cigarette. (Ironic, isn't it ;-)

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 10:33 PM

Originally posted by Teknikal
The Nazis done something similar with smoking I believe in Germany I know that brings up the whole Godwins law thing but it is actually true. I find it strange smokers are singled out to such a degree lately we all know smoking is a bad choice but ultimately in public they are only harming themselves.

I bet one car puts out more pollution in a week than a smoker would in their lifetime.

Just for the record I'm not a smoker but I don't look down on smokers either everyone has their own vices.

love you bro!

how bout a public bus? lol, we can't smoke in bus stations any more or idling taxi stands!

was just in tokyo and they don't let you smoke on the streets or walking!!! but restaurants are ok.

you should see the people stopping for a quick smoke on the way home. stupid idea in my opinion.

if they had decent facilities for smokers everything would be cool. plenty ashtrays! i smoked in MacD's!

frikin hotel had a airport style smoke room. i could make a fortune designing a smoking room and i have no idea why this crap goes on.

i carry an ashtray. a sealed container for my butts when there is nowhere to dispose of them.

people cover their mouths at a crossing when i light up, lol, i KNOW it not because of the busses!!

give me a break!

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 10:36 PM
reply to post by RustyShakleford92

ya! same in japan!

ignorant is what i say!

but in a sense it will bring in business. i am for that.

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