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Orgone Blasters?

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posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 06:22 AM
reply to post by Frater210

G'day mate.

I made a number of those a couple of years ago. I had read a bit of Reich's work and thought he was brilliant. I saw an instruction video for these on yootoob and thought I'd have a go. I got the resin from a model builders shop. Got all different kinds of metal shavings from my bro's factory. Stuck clear crystals and amethysts in them as the instruction video said that these were good for increasing strength or whatever (cost me loads). They looked really bloody pretty. Like sparkly little pyramids. I used these gay little cocktail glasses as moulds.

I then gave one to my mother, who has numerous ailments. One to my father who has MS. One to my brother who has terrible back pain from a road accident. Gave one to a workmate that complains of insomnia. And kept one for myself just because I thought it looked well cool. especially with a light source behind it. I told them nothing of Reich or that they were meant to help with health and well being. I just said they were ornaments.

I checked in a couple of weeks later and slipped their health problems into the conversations. "Any better lately", I asked. None of them replied in the positive. No change. I, myself felt nothing from the one that I kept in my bedroom. No weird dreams. Normal sleep pattern. No decreased/increased libido or strength of orgasm. Absolutely nothing. I was gutted. I actually felt a bit embarrassed that I'd believed in the vid on yootoob. Maybe I did something wrong when I made them. I certainly wasn't a skeptic at the time. I just reckon they don't work.

Anyone that can tell me what I did wrong, I'm all ears. Honestly. I still rate Reich. Top bloke. His son's book was wicked too. And I have no idea about whether the cloud busters or accumulators work. I just know that the things I built did nothing for myself or the four people that I gave them to.


PS. Anyone read a book of dreams? Twas right lovely innit.....
edit on 17-2-2011 by lazernation because: PS edit

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 07:01 AM

Originally posted by subject x
Self delusion seems pretty popular these days...

The idea that these do anything, let alone affect anything as far away as contrails, is absolutely laughable.

But feel free to blast away. My disbelief certainly won't have any impact on it's operation...

Let me ask, have you built and tested one of these? The self delusion is assuming it doesn't work without even building or testing it.

Here is an page from panacea, for some additional information.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 07:03 AM
reply to post by lazernation

A cursory glance of the idea of orgone would give most people the idea that its just the made up stuff of a schizophrenic. I contend that there is more to it. I do not think Reich started to "lose it" a bit until his lifes work was destroyed and he was thrown in prison, quite understandable considering the circumstances. I really have no idea if there is anything to orgone accumulators or not and it is ridiculous to think that some crystals, metal shavings, and epoxy is going to be a panacea. Here are some more links for those interested in the man and his

"I would like to plead for my right to investigate natural phenomena without having guns pointed at me. I also ask for the right to be wrong without being hanged for it." — Wilhelm Reich, November 1947

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 08:59 AM

Originally posted by lazernation
reply to post by Frater210

G'day mate.

I made a number of those a couple of years ago. [...]

Anyone that can tell me what I did wrong, I'm all ears. Honestly. I still rate Reich. Top bloke. His son's book was wicked too. And I have no idea about whether the cloud busters or accumulators work. I just know that the things I built did nothing for myself or the four people that I gave them to.

I know that orientation is frequently an important factor, as well as close proximity. If your "subjects" put the "ornament" on a shelf, or other place that was not oriented correctly or too far to be particularly effective, this may explain the issues. (It also may be that there were issues in construction, but it sounds as if you had some detailed instructions to work with.)

Perhaps if you mention to one or more that the "ornament" is said to have "good vibrations" or something (not to gum up the blind aspect of the experiment too much) and would they be willing to, say, sit with it in their lap and point it at their heart or whatever area is at issue, for 15 minutes every day for a week, you might obtain some interesting data.

If you do that, please come back and report. And U2U me to let me know when and where. I would love to hear the results.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 09:04 AM

Originally posted by Amaterasu
Oh, good grief. I did an experiment, offered you the results, and you pounce on my conclusion with an oblique adhom. Never mind the data I collected. Attack the fact that I concluded something without explaining WHY you feel that way. Poor form, at best.

Ok, where's the data? All I have is your say so that you even did this, let alone that you got the results you did. I don't know you or your friends, why should I believe any of you? Your "data" is anecdotal at best and proves nothing. They could have been feeling a static charge, the air disturbance from you moving it in thier direction, some kind of "tell" you weren't even aware you were doing.

As for "why" I feel this way, I spent over a decade living with a Wiccan who was constantly making me "feel the tingle" coming from all kinds of crap. She could always feel it, even though I couldn't. She also felt it coming from a plastic army man I swapped for a crystal one time. I never saw her produce a result, either. Not to mention that the orgone blaster is a device designed to counter the effects of something that doesn't even exist.

In refernce to the "ad hom" attack, it may be ad hom, but it's also true. "You're just not sensitive" is the standard BS line from believers in foolishness like this. Can't feel the tingle? You're not sensitive. Can't hear the ghost? You're not sensitive. Can't sense the aliens in the room? You're not sensitive. Talk about ad hom! Anyone who doesn't agree just isn't as sensitive as you? What's the basis for this? You don't know me any more than I know you, so how can you have any clue as to my sensitivity levels? Or is that that info supplied by your sensitivity?

No, the orgone blaster is just more new age drivel produced by charlatans and distributed to the gullible. However, if it makes you happy to believe it works, who am I to "harsh your mellow", as it were? Use it. Enjoy it. Point it at your friends (with or without the "pew,pew,pew" noises). If nothing else, it sounds like a fun little party game. We'll both be happy living in our respective realities, you blasting orgones and me laughing.

Sounds like a win-win to me.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 09:08 AM
reply to post by Freezer

No, I haven't made one. Nor will I. I have much better ways to waste my time, thank you.
I don't believe I can leap from a bridge and fly to the moon, yet I haven't tried that one, either.

Although I might yet if things keep going like they are...

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 09:12 AM
reply to post by subject x

Gosh, you seem to be going out of your way to rubbish this whole idea??
Why don't you just move on if it's not your cup of tea and leave it to those of more constructive input?

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 09:20 AM
reply to post by Mythkiller

Mostly because I feel it's bad form to leave a response unanswered. That's the same as just ignoring someone who's talking to me, and I consider that rude.

Partly, though, it has to do with being overloaded with idiocy lately around here. I'm seeing so much utter tripe being produced and believed that I just can't sit and let it go by any more.

Thanks for asking, though.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 09:33 AM
reply to post by subject x

You might yet make one? Cool. Keep us posted. The more I think about it the more the idea seems like the perfect placebo effect test. I dont know though. I am not a physicist and do not know much about energy and its many manifestations. I do know that there is much to be learned and much to be discovered, particularly in the electromagnetic spectrum, in this world and that just because you have not experienced something does not mean it does not exist. You cannot touch, taste, smell, see, or hear microwaves, but we know they exist and have instruments to play with them. Imagine being a man in the 1400s and someone trying to describe to you how a radio works. With orgone blasters we are dealing with a new way of manipulating energy in the human body for positive or negative effects. Is it all in the minds of the believers? I do not know. Kind of a zen question......I feel like listening to alan watts now

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 09:39 AM

Originally posted by nitro67
reply to post by lazernation

A cursory glance of the idea of orgone would give most people the idea that its just the made up stuff of a schizophrenic. I contend that there is more to it. [...]

As do I. I have felt it, experimented with it, and attest that there is more than we're told to Reich's work. In fact, right here I suspect efforts to spread disinfo.

Here is a much better source, I think, than Wikipedia. Granted, there's still some possibility of "crazed fanatics" (
), the degree to which that site presents information, well documented in large part, suggests a probability of that being the case of about... Well, I give it less than one percent.

"I would like to plead for my right to investigate natural phenomena without having guns pointed at me. I also ask for the right to be wrong without being hanged for it." — Wilhelm Reich, November 1947

These are rights we should not have to ask for in a free society. Only in fascist, totalitarian, controlled societies would one feel the need to ask. And asking, itself is absurd, because these are RIGHTS. Plead? Ah, my dear Wilhelm. Demand unwaveringly.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 09:39 AM

Originally posted by nitro67
reply to post by subject x

You might yet make one? Cool. Keep us posted.

Actually, I meant I might yet leap off a bridge.

I'm sure there are some who would wish me luck in that endeavor.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 09:46 AM
reply to post by subject x

Nah dont try least not without sitting in a room full of orgone blasters and wearing a neurophone while listening to the schumann resonance frequency first. You may be persuaded to not jump...or just open your eyes to this amazing and diverse world we live in and be thankful for the time you get to spend on it.
edit on 17-2-2011 by nitro67 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 10:03 AM
reply to post by Amaterasu

Since you seem to have a bug up your....about Wikipedia (don't know is a very handy source, and fully vetted, constantly. Incorrect and/or fallacious attempts at editing are ferreted out and corrected, by many, many eagle-eyed contributors and editors).

Just happens to come up easily, on web searches....and is well laid-out. But, here....MORE that confirm Wilhem was a nutter:

Now, as I thought was obvious (but, misunderstood apparently) the claims of government "harassment" were over-stated. That film that zorgon 'helpfully'(??) provided was skewed, and made it appear that the FDA agents carted Reich away JUST because of his silly "rain-making" device. That Is the false impression his supporters wish to convey. They further ice that cake of deception with the "burning of 'all' his books and materials" claim. Rubbish.

The criminal charge was levied because Reich refused to obey an injunction against selling quack medical devices such as the Orgone Accumulator and orgone "shooters," devices which allegedly could collect and distribute orgone energy, thereby making possible the cure for just about any medical disorder except, perhaps, megalomania and self-delusion.

The Food and Drug Administration not only declared that there is no such thing as orgone energy, they had some of Reich's books burned—a sure-fire way to ignite interest in somebody.

Despite having little status in the scientific community, Reich's ideas have been passed on by a number of devoted followers led by Elsworth F. Baker, M.D., founder of The American College of Orgonomy, and Dr. James DeMeo of The Orgone Biophysical Research Laboratory, Inc., located in Ashland, Oregon. Baker's successors (he died in 1985) and DeMeo continue to defend both Reich the scientist and orgonomy. Reich saw himself as a persecuted genius and considered the critics who ridiculed him to be ignorant fools.

So, you see.....although Reich was imprisoned for violating laws of quackery (and he isn't the only one, from that era) there were more delusional crackpots to follow in his footsteps.

(The "American College of Ogonomy"! LOL!!!)

Quackwatch article.


It ocurred to me that Wilhelm Reich was just another in a long line of quacks and charlatans ("charlatan" may seem too is probable that he actually believed all the nonsense he sold to, "self-deluded' and naive, perhaps).

I am reminded of the founder of Kellog's cereal and the Battle Creek Sanatarium.

(A very funny movie was made about it, with Anthony Hopkins, Mathew Broderick...."The Road to Wellville"

Kellogg was a bit of a kook, too. LOTS of kooks flourished in the late 19th/early 20th centuries. (Think of the "seance" fad....).

Kellogg's ideas of nutrition, diet and exercise were sound in principle....but, he went WAY overboard. I mean, frequent enemas?? LOL!!

edit on 17 February 2011 by weedwhacker because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 10:05 AM
reply to post by nitro67

But if I don't try it, how will I ever know whether or not I can fly to the moon?
I must leap to deny ignorance...

You're right, it is an amazing world with so much cool stuff in it.
Maybe I'll take a walk to the beach and play with my yo-yo. Although there is a bridge between here and the beach...

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 10:05 AM

Originally posted by weedwhacker
reply to post by DerepentLEstranger

Wilhelm Reich was a crackpot, sorry:

Look out, someone mentioned 'Chemtrail' and look what appeared. There is no plane talk here, go back to bed.

"Wilhem Reich was a crackpot?" No, Wheedwhacker is ignorant (or a well paid loyal public servant).

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 10:09 AM
reply to post by weedwhacker

Laugh all you want. At least they are thinking out of the box. I know that not all of his books were burned, but many were. I am wondering if he had a chance to even substantiate his claims or if "TPTB" were so threatened by his discoveries and ideas about life that they just destroyed his work out of fear. And again if there was NOTHING to his work do you really think people would still be reading his book and making blasters and creating institutes dedicated to his ideas? I am sure people come up with scams every day to get money and power over people, Reich seemed like he genuinely cared about people and wanted to help. I am reading the book "The Murder of Christ" right now and it contains many fascinating ideas that I am sure would offend some christians, but so be it, this is America and we are allowed to voice our opinions about whatever we want.

edit on 17-2-2011 by nitro67 because: (no reason given)
Does anyone have a copy of contact with space? I know it is rare but I would love to have a copy or a pdf file of it.
edit on 17-2-2011 by nitro67 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 10:09 AM

Originally posted by Unity_99
I think what I was the most worried about with regards to this was not so much if it worked with chemtrails, though I believe it may based on what I've read, and perhaps protectioin from some kind of manipulation and mind control, but what concerned me was the possibility that this could harm an entity or being, good or bad, I don't have favorites, for everyone is your family, everyone is Family/family, and those who are dimmed consciousness, without love, miscreants, have a lot of wounds too, but they are in need of retrievals and unconditional love. We are to renounce, denounce harm to others but never a soul.

I would rather be harmed by chemtrails than harm anything. So, what does this do, because I have read its able to disperse negative entities. I am not allowed in this life to harm anyone, not to shield in meditation, only to send love.
edit on 16-2-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

chembusters and orgone devices basically convert negative orgone into positive orgone

some creatures/people/beings seem to thrive on negative orgone so being blasted would not be a joyous experience IMO

also, [and this is for Tigahawk too] while building these things may attract black helicopters they also atract Sylphs, who do most of the CT clean up once the levels of Negative orgone go down [DOR]

so no worries about harming

though i have to disagree with your "oh let's not fight ,let's just lay down and die"- kinda comment.
edit on 17-2-2011 by DerepentLEstranger because: added edit & additional comment

edit on 17-2-2011 by DerepentLEstranger because: edit

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 10:09 AM
reply to post by Seagle

The main reason for an orgone cloud buster is chemtrails. OOPS what does that word do, send out an alert beacon to all the black ops so they can zero in on the threat/thread with seek out and destroy posts.

As someone who is very aware, I ignore most of their posts anyway. Unless I feel like an attempting to wake them up more, which I've tried.

Who cares if those people promoting left brained, materialistic matter realism, in boxes try to bully anyone who steps out of the lines?
edit on 17-2-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 10:18 AM
reply to post by DerepentLEstranger

Thank you for this, really good info. That was the only reason I didnt commit to building. I have some quartz, and amethyst as well. Quite a large one for the cloud buster and smaller for the pendants. I think it might be fun to get my older boys involved..

Concern over harming something or someone was the only thing holding me back.

I don't doubt for one minute that black choppers would show up. They do other kinds of activities as well.

I dont bleieve in any form of harming. However, the way of the hopi sacred warrior which was purely defense is something people will have to think on themselves. But remember, every single person in this world, including entities in this cosmos, are our Family/family. Different grades of consciousness, and even different forms of intelligences are in existence, infinitely. We are infinite intelligence.

This school is very hard. Everyone sooner or later becomes sickened by the dead feeling within and the harm they both are giving and recieving and they reach rock bottom, we all come in with bungee cords and like a salmon returning back to their creek of origin, fighting against the currents, we ALL eventually do this. If necessary, retrievals are made.

When I reached itno my expanded self, IS/Infinite Self, everyone here is a child to me, or akin to that, they are my family. And the bullies or negatives would be like a preschooler chasing his brother with a pair of scissors a danger to himself and others. I pray for the strength and love to never harm a younger sibling or child, not even in "self"defense, aside from which, love protects love. The negative truly have no power over positive souls. This is a highly interactive school and its by our thoughts ,behaviors, actions/inactions that we change channels or give permissions for negatives to affect us, or turn our lights down, dim our consciousness, or conversely to have the help and intervention we need, and grow our awareness.

So, if we're having negatives in our lives we need to look at our lives more closely. Pray for insight and healign of our thoughts and for direction. To discover our weaknesses and turn them into strengths. To give unconditional love.

When I was monitored by something negative, and it alarmed me, showed me an image of himself, like a deomonic type being, or a gargoyle. He was very muscled too, and probably about 8 feet tall. He didn't make a move, but it felt like the calm before the storm, and my Higher Self, knew I was in danger. I was in the kitchen, I think doing dishes, because more psi moments happen in connection to water.

In a flash, I was in a vision, in my expanded self, beyond the limitations of my form, and this world was created within me, akin to a garden by a creek, with a deep still pool, like a mirror. He went to the pool and looked at his reflection and there was a beautiful dark blond or light brown haired woman, long hair, in an old fashioned gown. I knew this was the original soul who had come into the school and the metaphorical dark side was macho and male oriented. I knew she had forgotten who she was.

In a flash, a man reached out his hand for hers. He had long blond hair, and was wearing a blue uniform and looked very much like some of my experiences. He was obviously asking her to remember him and come home.

I woke up, in the kitchen, not knowing for sure what had happened, but praying for and hoping she would never forget and make that U-Turn.

And didn't have anything fearful or negative that evening either.

I do attempt retrievals!

edit on 17-2-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 10:19 AM
reply to post by subject x

This video should make you happy... or make you lose all faith in humanity...hopefully happy though(hopefully you have not seen it yet)

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