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Earthquake Swarm in Arkansas Intensifies. Memphis, Tennessee could be epicenter for the next big one

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posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 01:35 AM

Originally posted by angelwrangler
reply to post by coolottie

I can understand that...born and raised in California.

We hang on Caltech's every word and wait for the tsunami warnings.

And for us, there is not even a glimmer from Washington, no drills or anything.

Look on the bright side, they are buying you all meals.

We buy our own.

We organize on our own.

We have a plan in our neighborhoods and a plan for on foot and for trapped and for stranded without loved ones and for getting to loved ones.

And there will places for you to go.

I researched these hated FEMA camps and realized I had translated in one of them. It is a place to live until you transition to a new home, in case of an emergency. I translated for refugees from other countries who were persecuted. The Red Cross cannot handle this level of commitment.

This is not my pity pot, just a hand across the country...we live on the third rock from the sun. The quality of our life is a choice. Mine is to be here in the City of Angels and if I go down here with the real peoples, I will be in good company.

Make this your day to decide how its going to be...if you are going to go down, what company do you want to be in? Be at peace.

P.S. Little quakes are good, it relieves pressure. It seems it may be the same for you all.
edit on 16-2-2011 by angelwrangler because: Post Script

I'm sorry angelwrangler, but you are incorrect. "Little quakes are good" is a lie that they led us to believe for way too many years. I was born and raised in California... Silicon Valley. I survived the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake. I know what a BIG ONE feels like, and I will NEVER forget that feeling for as long as I live!

I don't know when "science" decided to change their view on that fallacy, but they did.

Q: Can you prevent large earthquakes by making lots of small ones, or by "lubricating" the fault with water or another material?

A: Seismologists have observed that for every magnitude 6 earthquake there are 10 of magnitude 5, 100 of magnitude 4, 1,000 of magnitude 3, and so forth as the events get smaller and smaller. This sounds like a lot of small earthquakes, but there are never enough small ones to eliminate the occasional large event. It would take 32 magnitude 5's, 1000 magnitude 4's, 32,000 magnitude 3's to equal the energy of one magnitude 6 event. So, even though we always record many more small events than large ones, there are never enough to eliminate the need for the occasional large earthquake.

As for "lubricating" faults with water or some other substance, injecting high pressure fluids deep into the ground is known to be able to trigger earthquakes to occur sooner than would have been the case without the injection. However this would be a dangerous pursuit in any populated area, as one might trigger a damaging earthquake.

Straight From The USGS

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 01:37 AM

Originally posted by Red Cloak

Originally posted by coolottie
I have been going on about a New Madrid quake on ATS till no one even reads my posts anymore. My neighbors and I have ploted the roads to higher ground. And got stocked up and ready.

The "educated" members of the site like to debunk any threads that post truth. But they love the threads that have "facts" in them. My advice my friend is to keep a particular note of the names of the posters that push these "scientifically backed" threads.

These threads are full of purposely wrong information.

I don't know what the magnitude of the 1811/12 quakes. No one does. In fact I don't even care exactly. They were big. I wanted to know why they were so destructive. And why they were felt so far away. If you've read this thread you have had read that I am focusing on the sandy soils in the area. This is why Derek who is 40 miles away is feeling tiny earthquakes. The waves travel easily through the area. So if the quake was 8.2 or 7.9, it's besides the point. There was one main shock. It was a series. Multiple earthquakes throught the day. It was one long process of rebounding quakes as the shockwaves ping-pong up and down the river. I believe the geologist in one of the articles I posted said it's like whack a mole. So I see the Madrid earthquakes as a single chain of events in a complex network. And the massive damage was due to sand. Can't forget water. Liquidification.

The whole region shook like a bowl full of jelly. And the fault is a rift. The quakes align with the same ENE trend, just like the New Madrid.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 01:38 AM
reply to post by Red Cloak

In short, they are clueless morons. So just ignore them and their nonsense. Bottom line is, New Madrid produces by far and away the biggest quakes on the planet. There is no other quake anywhere that can compare to it. Where you live, you would feel it for sure

If something hits New Madrid like what did in 1811-12, then the United States will cease to exist because the world economy will be destroyed, starting in the US.

The "educated" members of the site like to debunk any threads that post truth. But they love the threads that have "facts" in them. My advice my friend is to keep a particular note of the names of the posters that push these "scientifically backed" threads.

Because he is an obvious plant. No one should listen to anything he says. He should have been banned long ago already.

So excuse my interruption in your attempt to hi-jack this thread and turn it into your personal attack against Puterman.

Do you think, in between your bashing and very alarmist declarations that you could possibly provide some background to your claims?

It would seem by some of your comments that you are quite knowledgable about this geographic region. If you have anything to back up your claims of a 9.5 quake I would be most interested in reading about it. (seriously) I don't mean to be snotty here, but if you are going to call people morons and 'plants', It's going to take a whole lot more than your word to convince me.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 01:40 AM
reply to post by Red Cloak

Bringing awareness to Earthquakes is a good thing but people who have lived here all their life have been hearing these predictions since way before the internet ever existed.
This is the 200 year anniversary for the Big One.
It is all very interesting to me because Edgar Cayce grew up not far from New Madrid in western kentucky and in 1930 he made a prediction of a pole shift after the year 2000.
New Madrid is the only faultline that is not on a tectonic plate and that is what makes it unique.
There was an ancient ocean in southern part of illinois, into indiana, kentucky and missouri and I think all the major rivers around here are the actual faults. the entire area is rich with oil and coal.
For anyone who has never been to this part of America, I think you should come visit.
Beautiful rock formations and the confluance of 2 Mighty Rivers.
Our beautiful Earth will always be a mystery but nobody can predict an earthquake, although many have tried.
Yall come visit, nice people and lots of cool places to see are here in this neck of the woods.
don't miss Cairo Illinois you will think you have traveled back in time and Memphis is fabulous place too.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 01:40 AM
One more thing to note and I am just jotting it down for future reference in case it becomes of any importance. I wrote this in another thread and can't find it.

A few days before the dead birds fell and fish washed up, we were smelling something in the air. I do not live in the city. My husband left for work one morning and called me and reported that he was smelling something "chemical" in the air. He wanted me to step outside and see if I smelled it too. I was smelling it here, faintly. He continued to smelling it for the greater part of the day and it dissipated.

Later, all through the rest of the week, any time we had to go outside for a long period of time, we felt as if we both were tasting something metallic. The taste wouldn't go away for a couple of days. My husband came down with headaches, I started feeling dizzy and light headed. Then the birds started dropping.

Is it all related? I have no idea.

Now, we're having these little quakes nearly every day. Husband's headache is back, and so is my light headed feelings. We both are young and healthy. No reason for this.

This is going to sound crazy.... and I detest fear mongering, but, what is really going on here. Are we all being poisoned with something and experimented on? Or, is there a gas being released in the air.... naturally.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 01:50 AM
reply to post by Thunder heart woman

So you're feeling the quakes and yet they are showing up on the webicorders. You're obviously just reading the maps. If you feel anymore, write down the time and describe the shaking. Then I suggest you look at the webicorders and check if you can find it there. Keep a record. It's really not that hard if you go slow. On the Yellowstone thread has posted sites that teach you how to read the webicorder. It's back a bunch of pages, but it was fairly recent. I can't say what's going on. If you have a video camera that's handy. If you start to feel one turn it on and at least you can capture the exact time. And maybe if it knocks some things around or shakes your houseplants you can note this as well. It's all about documentation. Keep a log and with a video testimony you can then challenge any offical version. And the more the merrier. Get neighbours to do the same thing and compare notes. They can ignore one "crazy person" complaining about phantoms, but they can't dismiss an entire neighbourhood all with the same evidence.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 01:51 AM
reply to post by Thunder heart woman

If you live south of yellowstone, perhaps there is a fracking well close by? Benzine (chemical used in the process) can cause the symptoms you are describing. The fracking process is suspected to also cause quakes.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 01:57 AM
reply to post by Robin Marks

Great post in a good thread. Conservative folk, geologists- promoting the right idea at the wrong time can get one sacked from their job. I've contributed to other threads like this one & would like to add to this one as well.

Good luck & prayers from me & my scientist friends. I hope all will go well for everyone in the New Madrid area. I have to say that 90% of geology is theory, because we can't get at the evidence! Theories are upgraded & changed constantly as new evidence is discovered. No one as of yet can predict quakes.

Because of the fault connectivity you've described, I'm wondering at some incidents that occurred yesterday that may have a connexion to your area. Friends in Cincinnati, Ohio told of a building there that suddenly lost its front brickwork for no reason; then said that their news station told of an odd collapse of a new parking garage in San Antonio, Texas. Before anyone decides to say that none of these places are near enough to New Madrid, the fact is that geologically these two cities aren't far away at all- connectivity again- & that quakes can cause chain reactions.

The quakes told of by the author of this thread & other posters are nothing to sneeze at- they are for the most part pretty strong ones. Anything over a 5, depending upon its depth & the area it occurs in, can be dangerous- especially if it is part of a rapid series of other quakes. The Richter scale is a logorhythmic scale; the numbers might seem small to some, but each tenth of a degree makes that quake many times stronger than the degree preceding it. I would caution everyone in the area to be ready for anything that might happen, & to have plenty of non-perishable food & bottled water on hand. Another thing is to keep an eye on bodies of water in your vicinity- small lakes & ponds especially; sometimes one or more will disappear into the ground as if it had never been there before a big quake hits. All of the water gets swallowed into the Earth by way of newly-opened small fissures.

Last but not least- a big problem that can aggravate quakes & even set them off is drilling & mining. There has always been plenty of oil & gas drilling in Arkansas as well as in the surrounding states, but some of the New Madrid fault goes south & out to sea in the Gulf of Mexico. There are close to 4000 offshore oil rigs drilling all along the north coast of the Gulf.

Geologic time isn't predictable, either- there is no telling when something might happen. All of you are doing a great job keeping each other informed! This is one of the things I like most about ATS- it can be a great early warning system for some of us.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 01:58 AM
Robin & Westcoast

I personally do not own a camera I could just set up to record in case one happens. They are pretty quick, except for the odd one where it was a jolt, then the rocking sensation. I'm going to start writing the time and the date on these when they happen. I probably should have been doing that to begin with but I've been busy. I know I'm not the only one feeling them, since my neighbors down the road and my mom in law has noticed them. We have some family down near Salmon Idaho who reported feeling an intense jolt. I know that quakes happen often in the region but it seems they are intense enough lately to actually be noticed if this makes sense.

When I lived on the west coast, the quakes were not exactly like this and I never felt sick living there.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 02:01 AM
I finally got around to counting all the quakes on the webicorder. As of this moment, I count nearly eighty quakes since this lastest flurry started. I knew there was something brewing when I saw the first few, but I honestly didn't think it's last this long at this intense rate.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 02:03 AM
reply to post by coolottie

Do you mean this thread New Madrid *Alert* Strange Rainbow...Birds Fleeing that is Fragile Earth? If it were moved, you would have received an automatically generated U2U that let's you know exactly who moved the thread and where it was moved.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 02:16 AM
Here is an image I found while doing a bit of research for another thread here on the forums.

It is a 3D rendering of the underlying bedrock beneath all of the sand and sediment that has filled the Mississippi since the time at which it was a bay rather than a river valley.

My thoughts and prayers go out to every one within the area that could be affected by this system. I fear that, living as close to the Gulf of Mexico as I do may put us in jeopardy as well, but I do not want to be a monger...

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 02:17 AM

Originally posted by Robin Marks

Originally posted by Red Cloak

Originally posted by coolottie
I have been going on about a New Madrid quake on ATS till no one even reads my posts anymore. My neighbors and I have ploted the roads to higher ground. And got stocked up and ready.

The "educated" members of the site like to debunk any threads that post truth. But they love the threads that have "facts" in them. My advice my friend is to keep a particular note of the names of the posters that push these "scientifically backed" threads.

These threads are full of purposely wrong information.

I don't know what the magnitude of the 1811/12 quakes. No one does. In fact I don't even care exactly. They were big. I wanted to know why they were so destructive. And why they were felt so far away. If you've read this thread you have had read that I am focusing on the sandy soils in the area. This is why Derek who is 40 miles away is feeling tiny earthquakes. The waves travel easily through the area. So if the quake was 8.2 or 7.9, it's besides the point. There was one main shock. It was a series. Multiple earthquakes throught the day. It was one long process of rebounding quakes as the shockwaves ping-pong up and down the river. I believe the geologist in one of the articles I posted said it's like whack a mole. So I see the Madrid earthquakes as a single chain of events in a complex network. And the massive damage was due to sand. Can't forget water. Liquidification.

The whole region shook like a bowl full of jelly. And the fault is a rift. The quakes align with the same ENE trend, just like the New Madrid.

The magnitude is very easy to calculate. The 2-7-1812 quake was more powerful than the 1964 Alaskan quake, the 2004 Indonesian quake, and the 1960 Chilean quake in every single barometer. You don't need to explain anything to me about New Madrid. I have been studying it for years. I spent 10 years working in the fault zone. I had not studied it for a long time, but with all the recent activity I have been going over my research data from years back recently.

And you need to grasp that the info the USGS and all those colleges and such sources give about New Madrid is pure fantasy and fiction. They have been lying to the public about it for years.

The reality is that the 1960 Valdivia quake was like a Sunday park picnic compared to the New Madrid quakes. And the 1811-12 ones were smaller than previous ones in the region. The 1450 A.D. cluster was stronger and the 900 A.D. cluster was much stronger. The last big quakes were actually small by the fault's standards.

It amazes me how people can actually think that a 7 or 8 quake could actually reverse the Mississippi River and do all the other things that happened. The 1960 Chilean quake was 1/3 as damaging at the epicenter. The 1964 Alaskan quake released 1/3 the energy.

Of course, puterman will come in here with all sorts of nonsense and fake "government data", "proving" that is all wrong. Just to let you know, in recent years there has been a great effort made by the USGS to downgrade the power of the fault. This is because as more research has been done, the reality of how insanely huge the quakes are has become more and more apparent.

We are talking about 30 feet of movement near the epicenter and 10 feet even as far away as Indiana. Indiana is not moving due to liquefaction either. At Indiana, the power was equal to what happened at the epicenter of the 1960 Chilean quake.
edit on 17-2-2011 by Red Cloak because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 02:26 AM
reply to post by Red Cloak

Can you give more detailed info on your years of studying? Because people need to know the actual data from actual committed independent on-site researcher. Thanks

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 02:26 AM
reply to post by Thunder heart woman

The dizziness, strange smells/taste after being outside and the headaches
are also happening here on the west coast - and are no fun at all.
Keep looking for answers - someone knows the truth and just hasn't shared it yet.
edit on 17-2-2011 by spinkyboo because: puctuation

edit on 17-2-2011 by spinkyboo because: time for bed

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 02:28 AM
reply to post by Red Cloak

It really does sound as if you have a lot of information to share. Have you considered starting your own thread where you can perhaps include some of the studies you are referring to? (personal or otherwise)

I know that not everyone shares the same views or tactics, but the insults make it hard for some to see the info underneath. I mean this is in a constructive way.

Right now may be an important time to get all the info out there.

Robin; keep it comin. You have been on the mark before and I am following this closely. Too many things are adding up, if you know what I mean!

The quakes do not seem to be slowing down any: Webicorder

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 02:59 AM
Robin, thanks for the webicorder links ... looking over them the last few days appears as though a giant is awakening ... almost as if to say Fe Fi Fo Fum, get ready cause here i come

ugh, it has motivated me to look at other contributors and now i wonder if anyone is considering the volcanic activity near Murfreesboro, AR?
It is the only public diamond mine in the country.
It is clear evidence of volcanic activity (growing grounds) ... kimberlite pipes and all.

There is currently only one active diamond mine in the United States. This is at Crater of Diamonds State Park near Murfreesboro, Pike County, Arkansas

There is good potential for commercial diamond production in the United States. Multiple diamond discoveries in Canada have prospectors looking at comparable areas in Alaska and Minnesota. More importantly, the Wyoming Geological Survey believes that a $1 billion diamond industry could develop in that state. Wyoming has comparable conditions to the Canadian deposits and hundreds of kimberlite pipes are believed to exist. Twenty diamondiferous pipes have been discovered so far but assessment results have not been released to the public.

or this snipit from wiki ...

Both the location and origin of kimberlitic magmas are areas of contention. Their extreme enrichment and geochemistry has led to a large amount of speculation about their origin, with models placing their source within the sub-continental lithospheric mantle (SCLM) or even as deep as the transition zone. The mechanism of enrichment has also been the topic of interest with models including partial melting, assimilation of subducted sediment or derivation from a primary magma source.

as i believe we are all connected on this big blue marble ... i can't help but consider the close proximity to the swarm, the indication of current volcanism evidenced by the presence of kimberlite, (or it wouldn't exist) and all the fracking going on, is it possible that we are misreading the signs before our very eyes?

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 03:06 AM
reply to post by lasertaglover

Check this odd looking hole in the ground less than a mile east of the swarm:

Google Map of Hole in Ground

I don't know if its a dried up lake, or the water is super low or what, but it does look like a hole in the ground.
In, and around the area of 'ground zero' of the swarm are eroded cracks in the earth... You can clearly see them. Some of the straight lines are man made though.

I'd like to know if they placed high resolution GPS sensors to measure ground movement horizontally and vertically. Anyone know? I'd place a few in ground zero and a circle of sensors a mile away as well as a few in between.. Very interesting stuff. In 1987-88 Louisville's Newspaper 'The Courier Journal' said with in 50 years, New Madrid is due for a major quake.. I worry for Louisville, here... all the brick buildings ALL over--and the Midwest as well.. Nashville even more so. They are basically sitting on a bomb... Nashville could actually sink into the ground if we have a bad one.. (a ton of land dropped 20 feet or more, and the Mississippi river created a lake as a result!)

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 03:57 AM

Originally posted by Robin Marks
Let me start by saying the I am a writer first. Which means I am unable to post cool graphics. The best I can do is give you links. I hope the folks from QuakeWatch and Yellowstone follow me here and give me a hand.

I am warning the people of the Mississipii River Valley that a big one may be near. Earthquake activity in Arkansas is gone past the realm of curiousity and is now a real concern. I'll just start with some links to show you the history of quakes in the area over the last year. I've been talking about this on the QuakeWatch thread so I will be directing you there for more research.

As I write, the quakes are ongoing and there seems to be no end to the lastest flurry. In my next post I'll provide links. I must now go look at the new quakes and try to examine them.

Please take this seriously. I am. I've been focused on Arkansas over the last few months and this is not a knee-jerk reaction. I wouldn't be sticking this out there if I thought I was just being an alarmist without a clause.

It's real. Have a look for yourself.

Here's the current webicorder.

Here's yesterday's.

Here's the list of posted quakes. There's lots of little ones not yet posted.

look at one of the maps relating to the new madrid fault its supposed to go from btwn texas and florida straight up through kentucky and tenesse so it makes sense

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 04:27 AM
A lot of great information located in this thread. Obviously there are quite a few members on ATS who are very knowledgeable in earthquakes. But what good does all this gloom and doom predictions do if these members ignore another members request for information concerning the danger to him and his family. Numerous pages I gave my location is Southern Illinois and asked members to provide me with a opinion as to whether me and my family might be in danger. Not one member has bothered to answer my post.

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